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Reign of Shadow Ladder Reset / relaunch


Sieger Ladderrace HcL L4
23 Juni 2007
Punkte Reaktionen
Loyal heroes of sancturio! Clear your schedule, recruit your friends!
ROS 0.90 is finally here.
We will reset the ladder in roughly 3 weeks (exact date will be announced soon) and put a halt to the troops from the deepest hells.
All your single player characters will be kept as a complete wipe is not neccessary unlike before.
We wish for a big number of brave fighters to enjoy the game with us. We are very proud to have come this far!

And we won't stop there!

With the mod having been worked on for more than 12 years with 3 modders messing with the code, our current modder Spike. has decided to make a full relaunch in the near future aiming for summer 2019.
He and his team will start fresh and build it up again from the start with revised content, more CE and a even better diablo experience. Brace yourselfs for a tremendous increase of end game content, a complete rework of the item pool and upcoming server events.
Alongside a new website and forum will be launched with a worked over and updated database and explanations to compliment a complete gaming experience.
We will soon move to our own server to be more independent gratefully leaving the Snej server behind (thanks again!).
The support in German will be given up since it drastically decreases the work load and we hope that our German fanbase will show understanding.
With the current happenings and developments in the Diablo universe we are proud to tell you - we will continue to work on our passion to make Diablo great again. It will be huge! xD
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The ladder will reset on Saturday 22.12.18 and we will start a all fresh new season tomorrow! The time the server is ready for your new character is 20:00 German time.
Still looking for a Christmas gift for your beloved lady? How about a timeless griffon? The diadem will show her that she is as unique as the item itself!
We are looking forward to meet you on the realm!
Merry Christmas