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Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
1) "Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... Killed by a Demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this Butcher and slay him, so that our souls may finally rest..."

2) Black Mushroom

3) sir Garosh

4) Eerie Shrine

5) Blood lord
6) Holy Shield of the Mammal - vom wirt
Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us the down there
to find the lost prince...bastard led us into a trap. Now everyone
is dead---killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find
this Butcher and slay him, so that our souls may finally rest...

2. Emerald Amulet of Zodiac

3. Steelskull the Hunter


5. Advocates auf Hell

6. Holy Shield of the Tiger möglich, dazu muss man Wirt aber sehr oft besuchen und hat im Endeffekt auch nur bis zu 4 AC mehr.
1) Please, listen to me. The ArchBishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this butcher and slay him so that our souls may finally rest...
2)Black Mushroom
3)Sir Gorash
4)Eerie Shrine
6)Holy Shield of the Mammal Kann man nur bei Wirt finden/kaufen wenn man Level 18-21 ist.
1 . "Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us the down there to find the lost prince...bastard led us into a trap. Now everyone is dead---killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this Butcher and slay him, so that our souls may finally rest...

2.Black Mushroom

3. Sir Gorash

4. Eerie Shrines

5. Obsidian Lords

6. Holy Shield of the Mammal
Kann man nur von lvl 18-21 kaufen (von Wirt)
grandios... mit abstand die beste aktion in der man einen eintritt in die beta erlangt...
super fragen..super spannend.. frage 5 und 6 sind aber zu schwer für mich...
der gewinner hat wohl den besten key der ganzen beta.... :)
1. Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us the down there
to find the lost prince...bastard led us into a trap. Now everyone
is dead---killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find
this Butcher and slay him, so that our souls may finally rest...

2. Emerald Amulet of Zodiac

3. Steel Lord

4. Eerie "Knowledge and wisdom at the cost of self" +2 Magic

5. advocates

6. Holy shield oft the mammal
1) Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... Killed by a Demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this Butcher and slay him, so that our souls may finally rest..."

2) Constricting ring
3) Steelskull the Hunter

4) Eerie Shrine

5)Warlord of blood

6)Holy shield of the mammal
Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... Killed by a Demon he called the butcher. Avenge us! Find this butcher and slay him, so that our souls may finally rest...

Constricting Ring

Sir Gorash

Eerie Shrine

Warlord of Blood

Holy Shield of the Mammal
1) Please, listen to me. The ArchBishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this butcher and slay him so that our souls may finally rest

Black Mushroom

3) Lionskull the Bent


Obsidian Lord

Holy Shield of the Mammal
*facepalm* Darf man seine falschen Antworten nicht korrigeren? xD

Antwort 2 müsste "obsidian ring of the zodiac" sein... t_T
1."Please, listen to me. The Archbishop _Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost _Prince. The bastard led us into a Trap_! Now everyone is dead... Killed by a Demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this demon and slay him, so that our souls may finally rest..."
2.black mashroom
3. sir gurash
5.obsisdian lords
6. Holy Shield of the Mammal
Kann man nur von lvl 18-21 kaufen (von Wirt)
Frage 1: Please, listen to me. The ArchBishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this butcher and slay him so that our souls may finally rest...

Frage 2: Ring

Frage 3: Sir Gorash

Frage 4:Enchanted Shrine

Frage 5: Soul Burners und Advocates

Frage 6: Holy Shield of Mammal
Das waren also meine Chancen! Ihr seid doch verrückt^^. Trotzdem ein sehr gelungenes Quiz Taiyo, Glückwunsch an den Gewinner!
Frage 1: Please, listen to me. The ArchBishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this butcher and slay him so that our souls may finally rest...

Frage 2: Constricting Ring

Frage 3: Sir Gorash

Frage 4:Enchanted Shrine

Frage 5: Soul Burners und Advocates

Frage 6: Holy Shield of Mammal
1."Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... Killed by a Demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this this Butcher and slay him, so that our souls may finally rest..."

2. Obsidian Ring of Zodiac

3. Sir Gorash

4. Eerie Shrine

5. Breakspine

6. Holy Shield of the Mammel kaufbar von Writ wenn man 18 bis 21 ist
*facepalm* Darf man seine falschen Antworten nicht korrigeren? xD

Antwort 2 müsste "obsidian ring of the zodiac" sein... t_T

Man darf einfach einen neuen Post machen. Aber sich nicht vor andere Leute schieben und deren Antworten klauen.

Bis jetzt alles sehr gute Antworten, aber keiner hat alle 6 richtig. 5 richtige hab ich schon erspät glaub ich ^^
Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... Killed by a Demon he called the butcher. Avenge us! Find this butcher and slay him, so that our souls may finally rest...

Constricting Ring

Sir Gorash

Eerie Shrine

Warlord of Blood

Holy Shield of the Mammal
kaufbar bei wirt mit charackterlvl 18-21

Benutzerbild von Lachdanana

Registriert seit: Mär 2012
Beiträge: 4

Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us the down there
to find the lost prince...bastard led us into a trap. Now everyone
is dead---killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find
this Butcher and slay him, so that our souls may finally rest...

2. Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac oder Amulet auch

3. Lachdanan, Sir Gorash


5. Advocates auf Hell oder Blood Lords

6. Holy Shield of the Tiger oder Mammal möglich, dazu muss man Wirt aber sehr oft besuchen auf lvl18-21 und hat im Endeffekt auch nur bis zu 4 AC mehr.
1 . "Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us the down there to find the lost prince...bastard led us into a trap. Now everyone is dead---killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find this Butcher and slay him, so that our souls may finally rest...

2. Emerald Amulet of Zodiac

3. Sir Gorash

4. Eerie Shrines

5. Obsidian Lords

6. Holy Shield of the Mammal
Kann man nur von lvl 18-21 kaufen (von Wirt)
1. Please, listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us the down there
to find the lost prince...bastard led us into a trap. Now everyone
is dead---killed by a demon he called the Butcher. Avenge us! Find
this Butcher and slay him, so that our souls may finally rest...

2. Obsidian ring of the zodiac

3. Steel Lord

4. Eerie "Knowledge and wisdom at the cost of self" +2 Magic

5. advocates

6. Holy shield oft the mammal
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.