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Blitzsorc help please

itachi 15

hi diablo-fans,
I'm new and I've been playing diablo for two month. I've already a Blizzardsorc(but not good equipment) :flopp: and a Hammerdin who is okay. I will skill my blitzsorc like the guide from kamikaze1464. But I don't find good equipments and I can play only one hour a day
Dont laugh now but I want to make dol um ber ist and ko vex pul thul. My best runes are um. I've three. How can I find very good runes like vex or ber? Where must I search and how long does it take?? Please answer to my questions because I'm a beginner and don't have much experience .:confused: I'm grateful for every answer.
At least I had an occu and viper. But I wasn't careful and the next day I didn't find them in my inventar. I think somebody has stolen them. Can anybody offer me that things, please.
Please write. I say already thank you for your answers.
To make runeruns or something imo always ends up with frustration because if you search them you will not find them... a place where you can try it is the schinder jungel ? dont know what it is called in english or the area around the summoner or the cow lvl...

a really good but long way to get higher runes is to try hellforge-rushing.

so long

itachi 15 schrieb:
I can play only one hour a day :cry:
Dont laugh now but I want to make dol um ber ist and ko vex pul thul. My best runes are um. I've three. How can I find very good runes like vex or ber? Where must I search and how long does it take??
There's no specific place to find high runes, either you get lucky and they drop (which can happen pretty much anywhere in hell mode) or they don't. You could, however, try rushing characters to hell in order to get their runequest rewards (act 4 quest 2), then cube the Guls (and possibly Ists) you get there.
Getting the runes for heart of the oak this way is quite feasible, I'd say, but be aware that in oder to cube a Ber rune you'd have to rush about 350 (~230 if cubing Ists) mules. This does take quite a bit of patience and time.

I'd probably just stick with a viper - it's a great choice for an armor, anyways.

But I wasn't careful and the next day I didn't find them in my inventar. I think somebody has stolen them.
Quite unlikely, you probably just forget where you put them. ;)
Either that, or you've given your password to someone and they took it.
Or, as a last possibility, you're using third party progs that log your password :rolleyes:

Can anybody offer me that things, please.
Try the trade forums, asking for items isn't allowed here.