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Diablo 3 es ist angekündigt!

<+jonnyk> BIG NEWS NOW
<@Flux> PORN!
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> 12:15 -- Announcement.....!! Guy playing Diablo music on an acoustic guitar.
* blueblue_ (~blue@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* garisdacar (~ryan_fren@63-231-25-180.tukw.qwest.net) has joined #Dii.net
* blueblue (~blue@ has joined #Dii.net
<+jonnyk> Beautiful, guitar has stopped.
<+jonnyk> It is my pleasure to present to you, blizzards newest game
* faz- (faz@1103ds1-hdi.0.fullrate.dk) Quit (Ping timeout)
<+jonnyk> ""
<+jonnyk> Fire on a stick
* makay (mkayaba@p5B287F01.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #Dii.net
* murg (~murg@ has joined #Dii.net
* carrotderek (~carrotder@S0106001195073b51.cg.shawcable.net) has joined #Dii.net
* kubub (~sinner@kubabuba.toya.net.pl) has joined #Dii.net
<+jonnyk> candle lit
<@Flux> someone message if the splash screen gets replaced, please.
<+jonnyk> it has been said
* gois (~gois@0x55537a88.adsl.cybercity.dk) Quit (Ping timeout)
* tek_ (~chatzilla@c-67-180-159-195.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #Dii.net
<+jonnyk> that in the end of all things.
* fullclip91 (~fullclip9@ has joined #Dii.net
<+jonnyk> act 2 stylke muysic
<+jonnyk> that we would find a new beginning
<@Flux> new splahs screen up.
<+jonnyk> wow
<@Flux> d3 trailer!!!
* gl5 (~gl5@S0106000129f56742.vf.shawcable.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
<+jonnyk> woman speaking this
<+jonnyk> d3 trailer
<@Flux> blizzard.com
<+jonnyk> Tyrael in to the worldstone chamber
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> New splash with Diablo 3 up
* Odix (~Qu@78-22-100-61.access.telenet.be) has joined #Dii.net
<+jonnyk> Maybe not diablo.....
<+jonnyk> not sure.
* nullpuppy (~dustin@c-67-160-3-135.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #Dii.net
<+jonnyk> OMGGGGG
<+jonnyk> Dibalo III
<+jonnyk> "I don't think it's safe here...."
<+jonnyk> end of cinematic.
<+jonnyk> Everyone is going c razy
* wombatCMS (cms@sponsored.by.sfxgaming.net) has joined #Dii.net
* TTB (18eca483@webchat.mibbit.com) Quit (Signed off)
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> 12:16 -- Lights going red...world premiere of Blizzard's newest game. Fire on the end of a stick, lighting a candle, it's a cinematic. Candle sits on a skull. Blizzard Entertainment logo in a stained glass display. Showing castle in a mountain range.
* kubub (~sinner@kubabuba.toya.net.pl) Quit (Signed off)
* Davbo (~dave@78-86-138-216.zone2.bethere.co.uk) has joined #Dii.net
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> 12:18 -- Footage of large scale battles, comets streaking across the sky, demons, Diablo 3 officially announced.
* BitterGrin (~werecoyot@ip68-226-115-96.ph.ph.cox.net) Quit (Signed off)
<+jonnyk> Jay Wilson, lead designer being announced to stage.
* Gvz-Nwa (Gva-Nwa@85-250-19-32.bb.netvision.net.il) has joined #Dii.net
* Gvz-Nwa (Gva-Nwa@85-250-19-32.bb.netvision.net.il) Quit (Signed off)
<+jonnyk> You will be the first person in the world seeing Diablo 3 in action.
* Gvz-Nwa (Gva-Nwa@85-250-19-32.bb.netvision.net.il) has joined #Dii.net
<+jonnyk> 1-8 potion style bar
<+jonnyk> Health and mana orbs in the middle bottom
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> Thanks for reporting Jonnyk
<+jonnyk> Do not see pots though
<+jonnyk> NP. :D
<+jonnyk> The barbarian is being shown
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> 12:20 -- It's apparently still an action RPG. Same interface -- red health and blue orbs. Skill bar at bottom. 3/4 overhead perspective. Character with 2 axes hacking at demons in what appears to be a foggy cathedral. Has a jumping attack where he smashes the two axes into the ground.
<+jonnyk> Hotbar for skills now.
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> Photo of gameplay: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3197/2618127694_72e6912b01.jpg?v=0
* mooo (~spaceporc@ has left #Dii.net
<+jonnyk> So simple you can use just the mouse.
* RWJ (~rasmus.wu@5634288d.rev.stofanet.dk) Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
* gl5_ (~gl5@S0106000129f56742.vf.shawcable.net) Quit (Signed off)
<+jonnyk> New axes enchanted with ice and electricity to freeze and stun your enemies.
* gl5 (~gl5@S0106000129f56742.vf.shawcable.net) has joined #Dii.net
<@Flux> ooh, worms~!
<+jonnyk> Showing the effects on the enemies.
<+jonnyk> New dropped item.
<+jonnyk> Red Globes.
<@Flux> red globes drop when monsters die.
<+jonnyk> THINK GOD OF WAR
<+jonnyk> No pots.
<@Flux> hgl considered this for a while, during devleopment, btw. ;)
* luka (~croskoc@78-2-127-18.adsl.net.t-com.hr) has joined #Dii.net
* text_tes (kyro@cosmicgate.dk) has left #Dii.net
<+jonnyk> well, idk if no pots, but when they die, orbs drop to fill your health.
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> 12:21 -- The axe guy is the barbarian class. Says improvements have been made, like the hotbar for skills. Using the mouse wheel and tab key you can quickly switch between skills. Whoing inventory. Appears to still have slot limits. Using enchanted axes with frost and lighting ,which stuns and freezes opponents.

<+jonnyk> The environment is a big part of diablo 3. You can destroy it.
* Corni (~Corni@p54A1DB65.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* tekknej (~tekknej@ip78-36-38-49.onego.ru) Quit (Signed off)
<+jonnyk> And use it your advantage. But it can be used against you as well. --- shows a trapped chest.
* j`` (~J@ has joined #Dii.net
* Oscarius (~reidar@65.84-49-201.nextgentel.com) has joined #Dii.net
<@Flux> lots of monsters appear from the trap. from different parts of the room.
<@Flux> this looks a hell of a lot like mythos, btw.
* Smirfnov (He-Man@h81172152093.kund.kommunicera.umea.se) Quit (Signed off)
* hubba (~hubbizz@dsl-lprgw5-fec5f900-54.dhcp.inet.fi) has joined #Dii.net
<+jonnyk> All gear is custom designed.
<+jonnyk> Endless stream of items.
<@Flux> a burning mace. want
* Dj_Spy (d***y@ has joined #Dii.net
* B4nd|t (~bandit1@chello084010053148.chello.pl) has joined #Dii.net
* xorandor (~dragsterd@port73.ds1-nsk.adsl.cybercity.dk) has joined #Dii.net
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> 12:24 -- Red orbs that drop from enemies can replenish health without you having to use items. Talking about demon foes he's fighting, they have a summon ability. Barbarian's jumping attack covers quite a distance. Goes flying up staincase. Also appear to have a shockwave type of attack. Still procure items from bookcases. Blizzard touting interactive environment as an inportant feature. Barbarian triggers a trap
* QCSA (~harorara@12-202-4-197.client.mchsi.com) has joined #Dii.net
* Tahnfa (~aaaaa@ Quit (Signed off)
<+jonnyk> Envrionmental killing of multiple enemies.
<+jonnyk> Broke down a wall to kill a bunch of enemies.
<+jonnyk> now showing new skills from barbaian.
* kiral (~kiral@cable23.dyn5.pacific.net.sg) has joined #Dii.net
<+jonnyk> Showing WHIRLWIND.
<@Flux> live stream URL, if anyone needs it.
<@Flux> http://eu.blizzard.com/wwi08/streams.xml
<+jonnyk> Ragdolls on the enemies, full physics it seems on all environment and
<@Flux> try the hq one, it's working for me when the lq would not.
<+jonnyk> Things lighting on fire.
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> http://www.flickr.com/photos/26627171@N03/2618127694/ image of gameplay

<@Flux> deckard cain!
* Dark456 (~cplgamerl@c-67-173-28-165.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #Dii.net
<+jonnyk> Small cinematics for getting quests.
* DjSlayer (~DjWaster@084202006059.customer.alfanett.no) has joined #Dii.net
<@Flux> i'mtaking a bunch of screens w/ fraps. not sure the quality will be worth posting, though.
<@Flux> ooh, WW looked cool.
<@Flux> the presenter just taunted the mercs with their impending deaths.
* mc_0804 (mc_0804@CPE0018392724c5-CM000e5cde50c6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) Quit (Signed off)
<+jonnyk> showing a stun attack on skeletons with shield
<+jonnyk> makes them drop their shields so he can attack and not be blocked.
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> 12:25 -- Each piece of gear is custom designed for each class. Barbarian puts on demonic sort of garb with giant devil horns. Barbarian can hop across gaps on the map. Barbarian dislodged a rock wall and dropped it on zombies, killing them. Demoing moving whirlwind attack.
<+jonnyk> You actually have to work to attack them, not just spam an attack.
* sp-daniel (daniel@KaLinKa.users.quakenet.org) Quit (Signed off)
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> 12:27 -- Deckard Cain is in the game. When talking to NPCs, the game appears to switch to an interface that highlights the character model. Have to rescue Cain from this cathedral.
* Moox (~Moox@24-182-75-002.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com) Quit (Signed off)
* tekknej (~tekknej@ip78-36-38-49.onego.ru) has joined #Dii.net
<@Flux> things blow up real good.
<+jonnyk> Lots of cool events to tell the story and have neat quests.
* octoshape-sucks (I@S01060015f2945769.cg.shawcable.net) Quit (Signed off)
<+jonnyk> crushing through doors looks cool
<+jonnyk> bosss style peron incoming.
<+jonnyk> wow
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> Deckard Cain is running behind the barbarian taking him somewhere. thousand pounder is waiting in the room for them. a massive ogre.
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> who smashing his two axes together with your heqad in btween them both
<+jonnyk> abomination, huge!
<+jonnyk> 2 giant clubs trying to crush the barb
<+jonnyk> looks as though you can dash/dodge
<+jonnyk> and possibly parry
<+jonnyk> the loot just dropped off of him
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> loots system is the same.

<@Wuushu[IncGamer> http://www.flickr.com/photos/26627171@N03/2618139236/
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> Abomination: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26627171@N03/2618139236/
<+jonnyk> Locust swarms to attac.
* ElDuderino (~thedude@062016170074.customer.alfanett.no) Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
<+jonnyk> Swarm takes out an enemy and then seeks out more enemies to devour
* broep (~acde@ANancy-153-1-1-116.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr) Quit (Signed off)
* Dark456 (~cplgamerl@c-67-173-28-165.hsd1.il.comcast.net) Quit (Signed off)
* Rostek (~NNSCRIPT@chello089076058050.chello.pl) Quit (Signed off)
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> Understandable Jonny, good job
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> 12:29 -- Barbarian can use ground stomp attack to get skeleton warriors to drop their shields, making them easy to take out. Cultist enemies must be taken out quickly or they transform into a more destructive force. Saying there's more story and questing type of stuff in the game. Scripted events like walls breaking apart. Cultists cummoning in gigantic, fat demon who's shock waves shatter stone pillars in the env
* Dyna (~daniellas@ Quit (Signed off)
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> 12:31 -- Diablo 3 is first and foremost a co-operative game, says Blizzard. New Witch Doctor class can summon pets, control minds of his enemies, and cast diseases.
<+jonnyk> Steam has been interupted momentarily
<+jonnyk> stream*
* Bertis (Bertis@ has joined #Dii.net
* CorDawg (~CorDawg@d39-156-151.home1.cgocable.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> when mongrel is near death the witch doctor dispatches it. it explodes killing all around it horrify skill causes creaters to run. causes creaters to run slow at long range, Firebomb will annihiliate anything near it's impact location.
<+jonnyk> Corpse Explosion style attack.
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> Runes just dropped
<@Wuushu[IncGamer> He has Wall of Zombies skill

<@Flux> rush is feeding me live coommentary from the wwi. i'll start pasting it in.
* carrotderek (~carrotder@S0106001195073b51.cg.shawcable.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
<@Flux> [03:36] Rush: Siebebreaker Assault Beast
<@Flux> [03:36] Rush: Living ~Siege Engine of Hell
<@Flux> [03:36] Rush: on screen
<@Flux> [03:37] Rush: witch doctor is fighting him
* GoombahMike (GoombahMik@adsl-99-163-181-99.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net) has joined #Dii.net
<@Flux> [03:37] Rush: mASSIVE
<@Flux> [03:37] Rush: Edward scissor hands type thing
<@Flux> [03:37] Rush: picks up his enemy puts his head i n his mouth and rips off his head
* Corni (~Corni@p54A1DB65.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #Dii.net
* x0m (~a2@c-76-27-81-202.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) Quit (Signed off)
* Corni_ (~Corni@p54A1DB65.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<+jonnyk> showing a big boss fight
<@Flux> [03:38] Rush: presentation ended
Wie gehört? Auf der Blizzard Seite kommt doch eindeutig das die Streams erst ab 13oo da sind Oo

ich bin... fertig und glücklich zugleich!
habe haben
sehen sehen :)

zu geil ich habs gewusst ^^

Mein Tag ist gerettet! :D Mal sehen, wanns rauskommt und wie es dann wegen onlinekosten oder so aussieht. Aber sollte es einen guten SP-Modus haben, dann goodbye RealLife.

Videos gehen auch nicht bei mir, ich vermute sie sind noch nicht hochgeladen...
geh doch s.o.

u. es wird kein mmo dingens, weil du kannst die enviroment putten
Endlich isses raus, nachdem man die letzten Tage auch genug gefiebert hat :]
Karensky schrieb:
Mit dem neuen Namen für den Nec kann ich mich gar nicht abfinden. witch Doctor ist ja schon ein Skill aus HG:L...

Ausserdem auch ein Monster im Schinderdungeon, das ich heute noch besuchen muss, auf meinem Weg durch die Quests. Hexendoktor Endugo.
boa man ich freu mich soooo übel.

Ich hatte es schon lange im gefühl, D3 musste kommen :D

happy !
Bleibt nurnoch die große Preisfrage: Wann kommt's raus?
JIEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAA - Diablo 3 und Europameister an einem Weekend :D