• Herzlich Willkommen!

    Nach der Schließung von inDiablo.de wurden die Inhalte und eure Accounts in dieses Forum konvertiert. Ihr könnt euch hier mit eurem alten Account weiterhin einloggen, müsst euch dafür allerdings über die "Passwort vergessen" Funktion ein neues Passwort setzen lassen.

    Solltet ihr keinen Zugriff mehr auf die mit eurem Account verknüpfte Emailadresse haben, so könnt ihr euch unter Angabe eures Accountnamens, eurer alten Emailadresse sowie eurer gewünschten neuen Emailadresse an einen Administrator wenden.

Drei Fragen zum "Baalbot"


ja, wie schon im topic steht hab ich 3 fragen zum sb, den ich als baalbot verwende.

der baalbot löscht all diejenigen, die als runner geaddet sind, aus der fl, wenn sie ein spiel ohne "baal" joinen. in anderen channels löscht er sie jedoch gar nicht, dafür müssen sie aber sich ein loggen, wenn sie baals machen wollen. ist das ein plugin und wenn ja wie heißt es? oder mir würde es schon reichen, wenn er nicht jedes mal die leute aus seiner liste löscht :)

mein bot hat die ganzen runs resettet.. wieso? niemand hat ihm das befohlen oder sonstiges. kann man die runs irgendwie zurückholen? schaut wieder so leer aus :)

so, die dritte frage fiel mir endlich wieder ein :)
wie kann ich es machen, dass auch diarun gezählz+angezeigt werden vom bot? der script sollte für baal und "chaos" runs geeignet sein, geht aber weder "dia, noch "chaos"..

und eventuell noch eine kleine frage hinterher: bei meinem bot im profil steht Clan xNLG . hab schon alles versucht um das zu ändern, kann da wer helfen?

hab schon wegen manchen sachen gegooglet (besonders wegen dem 1. punkt) aber nichts dazu gefunden :(
hoffe ihr könnt mir hier weiterhelfen!

Wie zu 99,89 % solltest du immer so viele informationen posten wie es geht

Z.b. Bot version Baal scipt usw.

ich habe ähnliche probleme mit dem BaalBot bei Sb da er mir zwar die runners nicht löscht aber wenn ich .Baal schreibe schreibt er jegliche games hin von allen usern die bei Sb in der frend list sind *gg also auch muli games usw daher habe ich das mal wieder aus gemacht :D

Zu den baalbot channels:

mich wundert es auch was die für ein Scipt haben mit Login ect. ect. Run counter (was bei mir net funzt) ein name wäre schon cool aber jeder will ja Sein channel haben und daher auch Sein eigenes scipt

Greet :hy:

Poste mal dein Scipt pls
also, bin ein ziemlicher script noob, aber das sollte es sein :)

'&Acc Baal Script:ConnectioN_Lost
'&This section is old, please refer to the script's command list. :)
'&Last updated 8/2/07 :)

'║ vi[r]us >>> Thats me, I hope you enjoyed the time I put into this. ║
'║ Alls I ask is for you to not spam me for help. ║
'║ heavenly_love >>> Helped me a lot in fixing and testing the Overflow error. ║
'║ s.t.a.s.h >>> Suggested I remove xfire messages. :)
'║ fagju >>> Reworked the top players function, works better and faster! ║
'║ UnitedSouls >>> Helped me test the "multi-sensative-game" word checking system. ║
'║ Steve & his buds @ Clan Chx >>> Helped test multi-language support! ║

'// Supported Languages (active as of v1.78):
' English
' French
' Spanish - Thanks xHerr_Totenx for translating :)

' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // ChangeLog
' // Key:
' // * = new commands
' // # = bug fixes
' // ^ = new features/bot stuff
' // @ = other
' // () = may not be in this version
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //

'// 1.78
' ^ 1. Added multi-language support.
'// .One
' ^ 1. Added spanish support.
' @ 2. Cleaned up phelp, added post number and last update time.
' @ 3. Fixed a typo by the translation area, also added a "don't leech" note to it.

' // 1.77
' ^ 1. You can have more than one detection word in your gamechecking list. Seperate with |
' ^ 2. Fixed 2 typos.
' ^ 3. (b)List saves and opens again when the profile does.

' // 1.76 (Bug Fixes)
' # 1. Fixed the "you went over time" spam.
' @ 2. Changes the "xfire me" messages.
' # 3. Fixed the absUpdate Error Message
' # 4. Fixed the dreaded OVERFLOW message. -- Thanks heavenly!
' ^ 5. Added and changed the bot to work with fagju's rework of my gettopusers function. That helps a lot. Thanks

' // 1.75B
' ^ 1. Gave commands access.

' // 1.75 (Next)
' // You can no longer blacklist players with more access then your own.
' ^ 2. The bot tells you when your game goes over-time.
' ^ 3. The bot can /f m login/logout messages now.
' ^ 4. You now have to give a reason when blacklisting a player.
' ^ 5. You can now get information on a rune.
' # 6. Lessened an overflow bug when too many users joined a game. (may still happen when 5+ users join the same game)

' // 1.74 (Latest Official Release) (3/28/07)
' ^ 1. The bot has top runners now. :D
' @ 3. x
' @ -3. x
' @ 4. x
' ^ 5. You can rename files now.
' * 6. Added :top command
' * 7. Added :resetmystats command
' * 8. Bot keeps tabs on who gets logged out and has a delay before they can log in again.
' # 9. The bot now says exactly how long they have left before they can do :baal again.
' @ 10. You no longer have to worry about the thing that has a * for d2. The bot figures it out himself.
' ^ 11. Stopwatch message now shown even when a player is over time.
' * 12. Added /restartlist command
' ^ 13. ()Bot checks for corruption within the list
' ^ 14. Fixed a bug with message display that made your chat lag.

' // 1.73 (3/25/07)
' ^ 1. The bot now runs my runeword script integrated inside.
' ^ 2. The bot has functionality for a blacklist, a list of players who cannot use the bot.
' # 3. Commands adjusted to get names more accurately.
' ^ 4. Bot sends a friends message when restarting.
' ^ 5. Added option to ignore games that took less then 60 seconds.
' ^ 6. You can include a player's baal statstring when making a new game. Use %ss
' # 7. Fixed a bug with :baal that would say games twice and games that were older.
' * 8. You can get your game's duration by typing :mytime, :runtime or time.
' ^ 9. Gives you the option to log a player out if they do not have a certain word in the game-name. (allowing baal only!)
' ^ 10. Colorized messages that appear in bot.
' @ 11. Sorted the declarations list (doesnt effect you)
' * 12. Added :globalmessage (:gm) command.
' ^ 13. You can put a games runtime in the game return. Use %t.
' ^ 14. Will not show games on the return list if they are over the max time a game can go for.
' # 15. Fixed a bug that whispered the wrong player their logout message when someone else exited battle.net.
' @ 16. Forcelogging no longer has confirmations.

' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // List of commands //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //

' /// Format:
' /// Example:
' // Whisper | Whisper | :time | gets your run's time

' /// Styles
' // Public - Returns to the channel
' // Whisper - Returns to the caller
' // Both - Returns whisper or public depending on how it was called
' // Friends - Returns as a friends message

' // ' = ' means whatever you call it with is how it responds

' /// Public Commands (anyone can use unless blacklisted)
' Public | Whisper | :login | logs you in allowing you to join games
' Public | Whisper | :logout | logs you out so the bot won't follow you
' Public | Public | :myinfo | gets your run record
' Public | Public | :getinfo <username> | gets a player's run record
' Public | Public | :top | gets top runners
' Public | Whisper | :resetmystats | resets your record
' Public | Public | :allinfo | gets info bot-wide
' Public | Whisper | :loginreqs | gets login requirements
' Public | Public | :baal | gets the list of *current* games
' Whisper | Whisper | :time **or** :mytime **or** time | gets your game's runtime

' /// Admin (def: 60 access)
' Public | Nothing | :forcelogin <username> | logs someone in without checking requirements
' Public | Nothing | :forcemylogin | logs the caller in without checking requirements
' Public | Nothing | :forcelogout <username> | logs someone out without their permission
' Public | Public | :toggleactive | turns the script on and off
' Public | Friends | :globalmessage <message> | sends a message to everyone logged in
' Public | Friends | :gm <message> | see above
' Both | Public | :updateprofile | updates the bot's profile as if it were on the timer

' /// Runewords
' Both | = | :runeword <rune word name> | gets a runeword by it's name
' Both | = | :wordrune <rune or rune combo> | gets a runeword by it's rune combination (Jah + Ith + Ber returns Enigma)

' /// Blacklist (Admin)
' Public | Whisper | :blacklist <username> <reason> | blacklists a player, they cant join games/use commands
' Public | Whisper | :blackdelete <username> <reason> | removes a player from the blacklist

' /// in-Bot Only
' /blacklist <username> | blacklists a player, they cant join games
' /blackdelete <username> | removes a player from the blacklist
' /showdata | shows data as a forum-code format so you can post it on your forums
' /restartlist | clears all user info and empties the datafile

' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // Settings
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //

'// Script Settings (S)
Const sTimeZone = " EST" '// Your timezone. This is so people know what time to use when getting last run.
Const sShowMessages = True '// Shows messages (in your bot) about what the bot does.
Const sForceNL = True '// Only non-ladder players can login.
Const sNoQuickies = True '// Will not record a game that took less then 60 seconds.

' ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// Public Commands (C)
Const cpAccess = -1 '// Access required to use public commands.

Const cLogin = "login"
Const cLogout = "logout"
Const cList = "baal"
Const cMyInfo = "myinfo"
Const cRequire = "loginreqs"
Const cGetTop = "top"
Const cResetData = "resetmystats"
Const cdGetTime = 8 '// Time beetween the command :mytime can be executed to stop spam.

' ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// Runeword Commands
Const rcGetWord = "runeword"
Const rcGetRune = "wordrune"
Const rcGetRuneInfo = "rune"
Const rcAccess = -1 '// Access to get runewords/runes.

' ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// Admin Commands (AC)
Const acAdminAccess = 60 '// The access level the bot considers 'admin-leveled'.
Const acGetInfo = "getinfo"
Const acGetOver = "allinfo"
Const acToggle = "bcptoggle"
Const acForceLog = "forcelogout"
Const acForceLogin = "forcemylogin"
Const acForceUserLogin = "forcelogin"

'// Blacklist Commands
Const acBlacklist = "blacklist"
Const acBlacklistRemove = "blackdelete"

' ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// Message (MS)
'// %n - Name of the user
'// %g - Game they joined
'//// Logging/Listing
Const msLogin = "You have been logged in, make sure you add me to your friends."
Const msDoubleLog = "You are already logged in."
Const msLogout = "You have logged out."
Const msLogoutFail = "You are not logged in."
Const msLogFail = "I could not log you in; you may not reach the level requirements, try rejoining the channel."
Const msListFail = "There are no games available."
Const msUserInad = "You do not meet the requirements to login."
Const msBusy = "The bot is busy, please wait a moment."
Const msNotFound = "No information was found on that person."
Const msHighPing = "Your ping is too high to host games with."
Const msSGError = "You are not joining a baal game. You have been logged out."
Const msBNetAway = "You are marked as unavailable, I couldn't add you to my friends list or log you in."

'//// Messages with Variables (MS) // Remember, gamereturn needs to be short, keep it less then 12 characters.
Const msGameReturn = "%n -- %t -- %g"
Const msNewRun = "New game: [ %n ] - [ Record: %ss ] - [ %g ]"

'//// Bot logging off message -- Blank disables
Const bloMessage = "The bot is logging off or reloading, your current games will not be recorded."

'//// Misc
Const mDontKnow = "?"

' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// Stopwatch (SW)
Const swStopwatch = True '// Whispers players their time when returning from runs in seconds or minutes.
Const swTimeout = 9 '// If a player's game takes longer then this, the bot ignores their game. (def: 8 min)
Const swMsgs = True '// If a players game goes over-time, it tells them.

' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// Profile Updating (PU)
Const puActive = True '// Whether he updates his profile or not.
Const puDelay = 120 '// Time beetween updates.

'//// Prefetch - THIS GOES DIRECTLY BEFORE THE ENTIRE PROFILE. Set to blank to disable.
Const puPrefetch = "ÿc0-ÿc5Clan xNLGÿc0-"

'//// Colors
'//// Use "rnd" on pcData to make it a random color. :D
Const pcTitle = "ÿc5" '// The color of a title, like "Total users:"
Const pcData = "rnd" '// The color of a data, like "14 minutes"

'// Bracket
' ÿ

'// List of colors (in diablo)
' c0 White
' c1 Red
' c2 Green
' c3 Blue
' c4 Gold
' c5 Gray
' c8 Orange
' c6 Black
' c9 Yellow
' c; Violet
' c+ Cyan/Teal/Bright White

'// List of stuff (in diablo)
' cb Boldface
' ci Italice
' cu Underline

' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// List Cleaning (LC)
Const lcActive = True '// Logs out users who exit battle.net.
Const lcAvoid = 90 '// Will not remove if access is more then this.

' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// List Returns (LR) // Compressed is suggested, but hey, whatever floats your boat. :P
Const lrIsWhispered = False '// Game list returns whispered to whoever called the command.
Const lrDelay = 12 '// Time in seconds before the getlist command can be executed again, per bot.
Const lrCompress = True '// The list returns 1 line instead of seperately. May split into other lines depending on size.
Const lrSplitter = ", " '// Devides games if compressed.

' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// File System (FS)
Const fsName = "playerinfo.dat"
Const fsBlack = "blacklist.txt"
Const fsRunes = "runewords.txt"
Const fsRuneInfos = "runeinfo.txt"

' ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// User Requirements (UR)
Const urLevel = 1 '// The level required to login.
Const urType = "all" '// The character type required to login. Seperate with ' | '.
Const urPing = 500 '// The maximum ping a user can have. // Set to -1 to disable.

' ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// Sensative Games (SG)
Const sgActive = True '// Looks for a certain word in the name of the game.
Const sgString = "baal" '// This is the word it looks for. To have more than one, seperate with ' | '.
Const sgAvoid = 999 '// Access required to avoid the game filter.
Const sgMsg = True '// Sends the player a message telling them they were logged out.

' ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// Login Delay (LD)
Const ldDelay = 15 '// Time in minutes before a player can log in again when forced to log out. (flood control)
Const ldAccess = 10 '// Access to avoid the timer.

' ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// Friend Messages (FM)
Const fmMsgs = False '// Bot does a global message when a player logs in/out.

' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // Declarations //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //

'// Arrays / Array Counters
Public ul(3,1500), s(2,50), cl(2,25), ctotal, allq(500), blu(1,1500), xTotalBUsers, ld(1,500), ri(3,34), xTotalRuneData

'// Variables
Public xChecking, xActive, xTotalRuns, xSuccess, xLSuccess, xrSuccess, xrLSuccess, xGettingList, xAllowList, xExecutee
Public xTotalUsers, rwl(2,80), xTotalRunes, xAllowGetTime

'// Objects
Public xFSO

' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // Code //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //
' // ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- //

Sub bcp_Event_Load()

Set xFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbYellow, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Loading files..."
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbCyan, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: File loading complete."

xActive = True
xAllowGetTime = True
xAllowList = True

xSuccess = True
xrSuccess = True

For x = 0 to 50
s(0,x) = ""
s(1,x) = 0
s(2,x) = False

TimerInterval "bcp","absUpdate", Int(puDelay)
TimerInterval "bcp","absStopwatch", 1
TimerInterval "bcp","absCompression", 2
TimerInterval "bcp","absGetTimeCmdDelay", cdGetTime
TimerEnabled "bcp","absStopwatch", True

TimerInterval "bcp","absUDelay", 60
TimerEnabled "bcp","absUDelay", True

AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: " & GetTopRunnersF(10)

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_ServerInfo(Message)

If xActive = False Then Exit Sub

If InStr(Message, "to your friends list.") > 0 and xSuccess = False Then
If fmMsgs = True Then AddQ "/f m " & xLSuccess & " logged in."
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & xLSuccess & " " & msLogin
xSuccess = True
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: ÿc5" & xLSuccess & "ÿc0 has been logged in."
End If

If InStr(Message, "from your friends list") > 0 and xrSuccess = False and InStr(LCase(Message), LCase(xrLSuccess)) > 0 Then
If fmMsgs = True Then AddQ "/f m " & xrLSuccess & " logged out."
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & xrLSuccess & " " & msLogout
xrSuccess = True
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: ÿc5" & xrLSuccess & "ÿc0 has been logged out."
End If

If InStr(Message, "unavailable") > 0 and xrSuccess = False Then
If fmMsgs = True Then AddQ "/f m " & xLSuccess & " logged out."
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & xrLSuccess & " " & msLogout
xrSuccess = True
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: ÿc5" & xLSuccess & "ÿc0 has been logged out."
End If

If InStr(Message, "unavailable") > 0 and xSuccess = False Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & xLSuccess & " " & msBNetAway
xSuccess = True
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: ÿc5" & xLSuccess & "ÿc0 was unable to be added!"
End If

If InStr(Message, "in the game") > 0 and InStr(Message, ":") > 0 and xGettingList = True Then
CurrentArguement = Split(Message, ": ")(1)
Name = Split(CurrentArguement, ",")(0)
Game = Split(CurrentArguement, "in the game ")(1)
Game = Left(Game, Len(Game) - 1)
Game = Replace(Game, " (private)", vbNullString)

For i = 0 to 25
If LCase(Game) = LCase(cl(1,i)) Then
Exit Sub
End If

'// Get time
onstopwatch = False
For x = 0 to 50
If LCase(Name) = LCase(s(0,x)) Then
onstopwatch = True
placement = x
Exit For
End If

If onstopwatch = True Then
If s(2,placement) = True Then
sect = s(1,placement)
If sect >= 60 Then
runt = sect \ 60
If runt > swTimeout Then
Exit Sub
End If
btime = runt & "m"
btime = sect & "s"
End If
btime = mDontKnow
End If
btime = mDontKnow
End If

cl(0,ctotal) = Name
cl(1,ctotal) = Game
cl(2,ctotal) = btime
ctotal = ctotal + 1
If lrCompress = False Then
If lrIsWhispered = True Then
msg = msGameReturn
msg = Replace(msg, "%n", Name)
msg = Replace(msg, "%g", Game)
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & xrLSuccess & " " & msg
msg = msGameReturn
msg = Replace(msg, "%n", Name)
msg = Replace(msg, "%g", Game)
AddQ msg
End If
End If
End If

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_ServerError(Message)

If xActive = False Then Exit Sub

If InStr(Message, "have any friends in your list") > 0 and xGettingList = True Then
xGettingList = False
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbRed, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Could not get the list, no one present."
End If

If InStr(Message, "not logged on") < 0 and xSuccess = False Then
xSuccess = True
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbYellow, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: User was not connected to Battle.net."
End If

If InStr(Message, "is already in your friends list") > 0 and xSuccess = False Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & xLSuccess & " " & msDoubleLog
xSuccess = True
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbYellow, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: ÿc5" & xLSuccess & "ÿc0 was already logged in."
End If

If InStr(Message, "supply the account name") > 0 and xSuccess = False Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & xLSuccess & " You need to give me a name to add."
xSuccess = True
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbYellow, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Invalid user."
End If

If InStr(Message, "You already have the maximum") > 0 and xSuccess = False Then
If fmMsgs = True Then AddQ "/f m The bot list is full. " & Username & " could not be logged on!"
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & xLSuccess & " " & msLogFail
xSuccess = True
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbRed, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: The friends list is full."
End If

If InStr(Message, "was not in your friends list") > 0 and xrSuccess = False Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & xrLSuccess & " " & msLogoutFail
xrSuccess = True
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbYellow, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: ÿc5" & xLSuccess & "ÿc0 was not logged in."
End If

If InStr(Message, "not logged on") < 0 and xrSuccess = False Then
xrSuccess = True
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: User was not connected to Battle.net."
End If

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_UserTalk(Username, Flags, Message, Ping)

If Left(Message, 2 + Len(rcGetRuneInfo)) = BotVars.Trigger & rcGetRuneInfo & " " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= rcAccess Then

For y = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(Username) = LCase(blu(0,y)) Then
Exit Sub
End If

If xTotalRuneData = 0 Then
AddQ "There are no runes loaded to reference."
Exit Sub
End If

rwr = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & rcGetRuneInfo & " ")(1)
For q = 0 to xTotalRuneData
If LCase(ri(0,q)) = LCase(rwr) Then
AddQ ri(0,q) & " [:] Weapon Effect: " & ri(1,q) & " [:] Armor (all) Effect: " & ri(2,q) & " [:] Level: " & ri(3,q)
Exit Sub
End If
AddQ "Rune not found on the list."
End If
End If

If Left(Message, 2 + Len(rcGetRune)) = BotVars.Trigger & rcGetRune & " " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= rcAccess Then

For y = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(Username) = LCase(blu(0,y)) Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " You are blacklisted. ( " & blu(1,y) & " )."
Exit Sub
End If

If xTotalRunes = 0 Then
AddQ "There are no runewords loaded to reference."
Exit Sub
End If

rwr = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & rcGetRune & " ")(1)
For q = 0 to xTotalRunes
If InStr(LCase(rwl(2,q)), LCase(rwr)) > 0 Then
AddQ rwl(0,q) & " [:] " & rwl(1,q) & " [:] " & rwl(2,q)
Exit Sub
End If
AddQ "Rune not found in a runeword."
End If
End If

If Left(Message, 2 + Len(rcGetWord)) = BotVars.Trigger & rcGetWord & " " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= rcAccess Then

For y = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(Username) = LCase(blu(0,y)) Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " You are blacklisted. ( " & blu(1,y) & " )."
Exit Sub
End If

If xTotalRunes = 0 Then
AddQ "There are no runewords loaded to reference."
Exit Sub
End If

rwr = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & rcGetWord & " ")(1)
For q = 0 to xTotalRunes
If InStr(LCase(rwl(0,q)), LCase(rwr)) > 0 Then
AddQ rwl(0,q) & " [:] " & rwl(1,q) & " [:] " & rwl(2,q)
Exit Sub
End If
AddQ "Runeword not found."
End If
End If

If xActive = False Then Exit Sub

'// 0 = Name
'// 1 = Runs completed
'// 2 = Total seconds taken in games.
'// 3 = Last run completed date/time

If Message = BotVars.Trigger & cMyInfo Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, MyAccess
If Access < cpAccess Then Exit Sub
For y = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(Username) = LCase(blu(0,y)) Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " You are blacklisted. ( " & blu(1,y) & " )."
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 to xTotalUsers + 1
If LCase(ul(0,i)) = LCase(Username) Then
exists = true
index = i
Exit For
End If
If exists = True Then
ctime = ul(2,index) \ ul(1,index)
ctime = Int(ctime)
If ctime >= 60 Then
ctime = Int(ctime \ 60)
ctime = ctime & " minutes"
ctime = ctime & " seconds"
End If
AddQ "You have done " & ul(1,index) & " runs, overall you average " & ctime & " per run. Last run: " & ul(3,index)
AddQ "I couldn't find any information about you, " & Username & "."
End If
End If

If Left(Message, 1 + Len(acForceUserLogin)) = BotVars.Trigger & acForceUserLogin Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then
targetuser = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & acForceUserLogin)(1)
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Attempting to force login ÿc5" & Username & "ÿc0..."
If fmMsgs = True Then AddQ "/f m " & targetuser & " logged in."
AddQ "/f a " & targetuser
End If
End If

If Message = BotVars.Trigger & cGetTop Then
AddQ "Top 5 runners: " & GetTopRunnersF(5)
End If

If Left(Message, 15) = BotVars.Trigger & "globalmessage " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then
gmsg = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & "globalmessage ")(1)
AddQ "/f m Global Message (" & Username & "): " & gmsg
End If
End If

If Left(Message, 4) = BotVars.Trigger & "gm " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then
gmsg = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & "gm ")(1)
AddQ "/f m Global Message (" & Username & "): " & gmsg
End If
End If

If Message = BotVars.Trigger & cLogin Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, MyAccess
If Access < cpAccess Then Exit Sub
For y = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(Username) = LCase(blu(0,y)) Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " You are blacklisted. ( " & blu(1,y) & " )."
Exit Sub
End If

'// Check if they are flooding.
ldFound = False
For i = 0 to 500
If LCase(ld(0,i)) = LCase(Username) Then
ldFound = True
ldPos = i
Exit For
End If

If ldFound = True Then
If Int(ld(1,ldPos)) < ldDelay Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " You must wait " & ldDelay - ld(1,ldPos) & " more minutes before logging in."
Exit Sub
End If
End If

If xSuccess = False Then
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbCyan, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: The bot is busy. Canceling request..."
xSuccess = True
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " " & msBusy
Exit Sub
End If

If Ping > urPing and urPing <> - 1 Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " " & msHighPing
Exit Sub
End If

allowed = false
For y = 0 to 500
If LCase(allq(y)) = LCase(Username) Then
allowed = true
Exit For
End If

If allowed = false Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " " & msLogFail
Exit Sub
End If

xSuccess = False
xLSuccess = Username
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Attempting to login ÿc5" & Username & "ÿc0..."
AddQ "/f a " & Username
ResetUDelay Username
End If

If Message = BotVars.Trigger & cLogout Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, MyAccess
If Access < cpAccess Then Exit Sub
For y = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(Username) = LCase(blu(0,y)) Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " You are blacklisted. ( " & blu(1,y) & " )."
Exit Sub
End If
If xrSuccess = False Then
xrSuccess = True
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " " & msBusy
Exit Sub
End If
xrSuccess = False
xrLSuccess = Username
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Attempting to logout ÿc5" & Username & "ÿc0..."
AddQ "/f r " & Username
End If

If Message = BotVars.Trigger & cRequire Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, MyAccess
If Access < cpAccess Then Exit Sub
For y = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(Username) = LCase(blu(0,y)) Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " You are blacklisted. ( " & blu(1,y) & " )."
Exit Sub
End If
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Login Requirements // Level: " & urLevel & " // Ping: " & urPing & " or less // Classes: " & urType
End If

If Message = BotVars.Trigger & acForceLogin Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Force logging ÿc5" & Username & "ÿc0..."
AddQ "/f a " & Username
If fmMsgs = True Then AddQ "/f m " & Username & " logged in."
End If
End If

If Message = BotVars.Trigger & cList Then
For y = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(Username) = LCase(blu(0,y)) Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " You are blacklisted. ( " & blu(1,y) & " )."
Exit Sub
End If
If xAllowList = False Then
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbCyan, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: The bot is busy. Canceling request..."
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Please wait " & GetTimeLeft("bcp", "absListTO") & " seconds before executing a command again. Flooding will result in a ban."
Exit Sub
End If
For h = 0 to 25
cl(0,h) = ""
cl(1,h) = ""
ctotal = 0
xExecutee = Username
xGettingList = True
xAllowList = False
TimerInterval "bcp","absListTO", Int(lrDelay)
TimerEnabled "bcp","absListTO", True
AddQ "/f l"
If lrCompress = True Then
TimerEnabled "bcp","absCompression", True
End If
End If

If Message = BotVars.Trigger & cResetData Then
targetuser = Username

For q = 0 to xTotalUsers + 1
If LCase(ul(0,q)) = LCase(targetuser) Then
founduser = true
index = q
Exit For
End If

If founduser = true Then
ul(1,index) = 0
ul(2,index) = 0
ul(3,index) = "*Never"
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Your stats has been reset. Your runs record and time were erased."
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " You aren't on the list to be deleted from."
End If
End If

If Left(Message, 1 + Len(acGetInfo)) = BotVars.Trigger & acGetInfo Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, MyAccess
If Access < cpAccess Then Exit Sub
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then
targetuser = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & acGetInfo & " ")(1)

For i = 0 to xTotalUsers + 1
If LCase(ul(0,i)) = LCase(targetuser) Then
founduser = true
index = i
Exit For
End If
If founduser = true Then
ctime = ul(2,index) \ ul(1,index)
ctime = Int(ctime)
If ctime >= 60 Then
ctime = Int(ctime \ 60)
ctime = ctime & " minutes"
ctime = ctime & " seconds"
End If
AddQ ul(0,index) & " has done " & ul(1,index) & " runs, overall averages " & ctime & " per run. Last run: " & ul(3,index)
AddQ msNotFound
End If
End If
End If

If Message = BotVars.Trigger & acGetOver Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, MyAccess
If Access < cpAccess Then Exit Sub
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then
toprunnernum = 0
toprunner = "List not available."
totalusers = 0
totaltime = 0
totalruns = 0
For i = 0 to xTotalUsers + 1
If ul(0,i) <> "" Then
tvar = Int(ul(2,i))
rvar = Int(ul(1,i))
totaltime = totaltime + tvar
totalruns = totalruns + rvar
totalusers = totalusers + 1
If ul(1,i) > toprunnernum Then
toprunnernum = rvar
toprunner = ul(0,i)
End If
End If

If totaltime >= 60 Then
totaltime = totaltime \ 60
totaltime = totaltime & " minutes"
totaltime = totaltime & " seconds"
End If

AddQ "Total users: " & totalusers & " Total runs: " & totalruns & " Total time: " & totaltime
End If
End If

If Message = BotVars.Trigger & acToggle Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then
If xActive = True Then
xActive = False
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbCyan, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: No longer active."
AddQ "ACC Baal Script by ConnectioN_LosT turned off."
xActive = True
AddQ "ACC Baal Script by ConnectioN_LosT turned on."
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbCyan, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Now active."
End If
End If
End If

If Message = BotVars.Trigger & "updateprofile" Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then
Call bcp_absUpdate_Timer
AddQ "Profile updated."
End If
End If

If Left(Message, 2 + Len(acForceLog)) = BotVars.Trigger & acForceLog & " " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then
targetuser = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & acForceLog & " ")(1)
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbCyan, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Forcing the logout of " & targetuser & "."
AddQ "/f r " & targetuser
If fmMsgs = True Then AddQ "/f m " & xLSuccess & " logged out."
End If
End If

If Left(Message, 2 + Len(acBlacklist)) = BotVars.Trigger & acBlacklist & " " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then

'// Get the variables we need from their command.
targetuser = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & acBlacklist & " ")(1)
targetuser = Split(targetuser, " ")(0)
targetreason = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & acBlacklist & " " & targetuser & " ")(1)

'// Make sure they aren't blacklisting themself.
If LCase(targetuser) = LCase(Username) Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Why would you blacklist yourself?"
Exit Sub
End If

'// Make sure they arent blacklisting someone with more power then them.
GetDBEntry Username, Access, MyAccess
UA = Access
GetDBEntry targetuser, Access, MyAccess
TA = Access
If TA > UA Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " You can't blacklist a player with more bot-access then you."
Exit Sub
End If

'// Make sure they are not already blacklisted.
blacked = false
For r = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(targetuser) = LCase(blu(0,r)) Then
blacked = true
posi = r
Exit For
End If

'// Using the info we gathered, do something.
If blacked = true Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " " & targetuser & " is already blacklisted."
xTotalBUsers = xTotalBUsers + 1
blu(0,xTotalBUsers) = targetuser
blu(1,xTotalBUsers) = targetreason
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " " & blu(0,xTotalBUsers) & " is now blacklisted and cannot login or execute commands."
AddQ "/f r " & targetuser
End If
End If
End If

If Left(Message, 2 + Len(acBlacklistRemove)) = BotVars.Trigger & acBlacklistRemove & " " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then
targetuser = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & acBlacklistRemove & " ")(1)

If LCase(targetuser) = LCase(Username) Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " You cannot remove yourself from the blacklist, nice try."
Exit Sub
End If

blacked = false
For r = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(targetuser) = LCase(blu(0,r)) Then
blacked = true
posi = r
Exit For
End If

If blacked = true Then
blu(0,posi) = ""
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " " & targetuser & " was removed from the blacklist."
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " " & targetuser & " is not blacklisted."
End If

End If
End If

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_UserEmote(Username, Flags, Message)

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_WhisperFromUser(Username, Flags, Message)

If Left(Message, 2 + Len(rcGetWord)) = BotVars.Trigger & rcGetWord & " " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= rcAccess Then

For y = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(Username) = LCase(blu(0,y)) Then
Exit Sub
End If

If xTotalRunes = 0 Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " There are no runewords loaded to reference."
Exit Sub
End If

rwr = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & rcGetWord & " ")(1)
For q = 0 to xTotalRunes
If InStr(LCase(rwl(0,q)), LCase(rwr)) > 0 Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " [--] " & rwl(0,q) & " [--] Items: " & rwl(1,q) & " [--] Rune Order: " & rwl(2,q)
Exit Sub
End If
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Runeword not found on the list."
End If
End If

If Left(Message, 2 + Len(rcGetRune)) = BotVars.Trigger & rcGetRune & " " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= rcAccess Then

For y = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(Username) = LCase(blu(0,y)) Then
Exit Sub
End If

If xTotalRunes = 0 Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " There are no runewords loaded to reference."
Exit Sub
End If

rwr = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & rcGetRune & " ")(1)
For q = 0 to xTotalRunes
If InStr(LCase(rwl(2,q)), LCase(rwr)) > 0 Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " [--] " & rwl(0,q) & " [--] Items: " & rwl(1,q) & " [--] Rune Order: " & rwl(2,q)
Exit Sub
End If
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Rune not found in a runeword on the list."
End If
End If

If Left(Message, 2 + Len(rcGetRuneInfo)) = BotVars.Trigger & rcGetRuneInfo & " " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= rcAccess Then

For y = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(Username) = LCase(blu(0,y)) Then
Exit Sub
End If

If xTotalRuneData = 0 Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " There are no runes loaded to reference."
Exit Sub
End If

rwr = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & rcGetRuneInfo & " ")(1)
For q = 0 to xTotalRuneData
If LCase(ri(0,q)) = LCase(rwr) Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " [--] " & ri(0,q) & " [--] Weapon Effect: " & ri(1,q) & " [--] Armor (all) Effect: " & ri(2,q) & " [--] Level: " & ri(3,q)
Exit Sub
End If
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Rune not found on the list."
End If
End If

If xActive = False Then Exit Sub

If Message = BotVars.Trigger & "mytime" or Message = BotVars.Trigger & "runtime" or Message = "time" and xAllowGetTime = True Then
For y = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(Username) = LCase(blu(0,y)) Then
Exit Sub
End If

TimerEnabled "bcp","absGetTimeCmdDelay", True
xAllowGetTime = False

Name = Username
onstopwatch = False
For x = 0 to 50
If LCase(Name) = LCase(s(0,x)) Then
onstopwatch = True
placement = x
Exit For
End If

If onstopwatch = True Then
If s(2,placement) = True Then
sect = s(1,placement)
If sect >= 60 Then
runt = sect \ 60
If runt > swTimeout Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Your game has taken " & runt & " minutes [" & sect & "s]. (you are overtime)"
Exit Sub
End If
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Your game has taken " & runt & " minutes [" & sect & "s]. (you are not over or under time)"
runt = sect & " seconds"
If sNoQuickies = True Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Your game has taken " & runt & ". (you are undertime)"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " You don't have any record on my stopwatch."
End If
End If
End If

'//===== ===== ===== =====
temp_holdforreplace = Message
If InStr(Message, "Diablo II Lord of Destruction") > 0 Then
'//Diablo II Lord of Destruction Only
'//I used Split instead of Mid in case the message varies.

'//If you've custom-made translations, post them for everyone else! :P

'//===== ===== ===== =====

If InStr(Message, " dans une partie ") > 0 and InStr(Message, "Votre ami ") > 0 Then
'//Votre ami [username] est entré dans une partie [product] nommée [game name].
temp_uname = Split(Message, " ami ")(1)
temp_uname = Split(temp_uname, " est ")(0)
temp_gn = Split(Message, "nommée ")(1)
Message = "Your friend " & temp_uname & " entered a Diablo II Lord of Destruction game called " & temp_gn
End If

If InStr(Message, " en una partida ") > 0 and InStr(Message, "Tu amigo ") > 0 Then
'//Tu amigo [username] ha entrado en una partida [product] llamada [game name].
temp_uname = Split(Message, " amigo ")(1)
temp_uname = Split(temp_uname, " ha")(0)
temp_gn = Split(Message, "llamada ")(1)
Message = "Your friend " & temp_uname & " entered a Diablo II Lord of Destruction game called " & temp_gn
End If

If InStr(Message, "-Spiel ") > 0 and InStr(Message, "Ihr Freund ") > 0 Then
'//Ihr Freund [username] hat sich in ein [product] -Spiel mit dem Namen [game name].
temp_uname = Split(Message, " Freund ")(1)
temp_uname = Split(temp_uname, " hat sich")(0)
temp_gn = Split(Message, "-Spiel mit dem Namen ")(1)
Message = "Your friend " & temp_uname & " entered a Diablo II Lord of Destruction game called " & temp_gn
End If

End If
'//===== ===== ===== =====

If InStr(Message, "Your friend ") > 0 and InStr(Message, "game called") > 0 Then
Name = Split(Message, "Your friend ")(1)
Name = Split(Name, " entered a")(0)
Game = Split(Message, "game called ")(1)
Game = Left(Game, Len(Game) - 1)

If sgActive = True Then

GameNameOk = False
gNames = Split(sgString, "|")
For Each gName in gNames
If InStr(LCase(Game), LCase(gName)) > 0 Then '// game contains proper word
GameNameOk = True
End If

If GameNameOk = False Then
If Access < sgAvoid Then
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbYellow, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: ÿc5" & Username & "ÿc0 is not running a normal game... logging out."
AddQ "/f r " & Username
ResetUDelay Username
Exit Sub
End If
End If

End If

'// Stats
If LCase(xLastGame) <> LCase(Game) Then
For x = 0 to xTotalUsers + 1
If LCase(ul(0,x)) = LCase(Username) Then
exists = true
index = x
Exit For
End If
If exists = True Then
ctime = ul(2,index)
ctime = Int(ctime)
If ctime >= 60 Then
ctime = Int(ctime \ 60)
ctime = ctime & "m"
ctime = ctime & "s"
End If
ssString = ul(1,index) & " runs, " & ctime & " time"
ssString = "No Data"
End If
ssString = "OFlow"
End If

msg = msNewRun
msg = Replace(msg, "%n", Username)
msg = Replace(msg, "%g", Game)
msg = Replace(msg, "%ss", ssString)

If LCase(xLastGame) <> LCase(Game) Then AddQ msg

If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: ÿc5" & Username & "ÿc0 has started a new run."

If swStopwatch = True Then
onstopwatch = False
For i = 0 to 50
If LCase(Name) = LCase(s(0,i)) Then
onstopwatch = True
placement = i
Exit For
End If

If onstopwatch = False Then
For x = 0 to 50
If s(0,x) = "" Then
s(0,x) = Name
s(1,x) = 0
s(2,x) = True
Exit For
End If
s(1,placement) = 0
s(2,placement) = True
End If
xLastGame = Game
End If
End If

If InStr(Message, "Your friend ") > 0 and InStr(Message, "has exited") > 0 Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access < lcAvoid and lcActive = True Then
If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbYellow, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Forcing the logout of ÿc5" & Username & "ÿc0."
AddQ "/f r " & Username
ResetUDelay Username
End If
End If

If Left(Message, 15) = BotVars.Trigger & "globalmessage " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then
gmsg = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & "globalmessage ")(1)
AddQ "/f m Global Message (" & Username & "): " & gmsg
End If
End If

If Left(Message, 4) = BotVars.Trigger & "gm " Then
GetDBEntry Username, Access, myAccess
If Access >= acAdminAccess Then
gmsg = Split(Message, BotVars.Trigger & "gm ")(1)
AddQ "/f m Global Message (" & Username & "): " & gmsg
End If
End If

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_UserJoins(Username, Flags, Message, Ping, Product, Level, OriginalStatstring)

Name = Username
onstopwatch = False
For i = 0 to 50
If LCase(Name) = LCase(s(0,i)) Then
onstopwatch = True
placement = i
Exit For
End If

If onstopwatch = True Then
If s(2,placement) = True Then
s(2,placement) = False
sect = CStr(s(1,placement))
If sect >= 60 Then
runt = sect \ 60
If runt > swTimeout Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Your last game took " & runt & " minutes. (overtime, unrecorded)"
Exit Sub
End If
runt = CStr(runt) & " minutes"
runt = sect & " seconds"
If sNoQuickies = True Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Your last game took " & runt & ". (undertime, unrecorded)"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & Username & " Your last game took " & runt & "."

inuserlist = false
For e = 0 to xTotalUsers + 1
If LCase(ul(0,e)) = LCase(Username) Then
inuserlist = true
userplace = e
Exit For
End If

If inuserlist = true Then
ul(1,userplace) = ul(1,userplace) + 1
ul(2,userplace) = Int(ul(2,userplace)) + Int(sect)
ul(3,userplace) = Date & " - " & Time & sTimeZone
xTotalUsers = xTotalUsers + 1
ul(0,xTotalUsers) = Username
ul(1,xTotalUsers) = 1
ul(2,xTotalUsers) = sect
ul(3,xTotalUsers) = Date & " - " & Time & " " & sTimeZone
End If

End If
End If

If xActive = False Then Exit Sub

If Product = "D2XP" or Product = "D2DV" Then
For z = 0 to 500
If LCase(allq(z)) = LCase(Username) Then
Exit Sub
End If

If Level <> 0 Then
lev = Level
cha = Split(Message, CStr(lev) & " ")(1)
cha = Split(cha, " ")(0)

If sNLOnly = True Then
If InStr(Message, "a ladder") > 0 Then Exit Sub
If InStr(Message, "a hardcore") > 0 Then Exit Sub
End If

If Level < urLevel Then
Exit Sub
End If

Chars = Split(urType, "|")
TChars = 0
charexists = false
For Each Char in Chars
If LCase(cha) = LCase(Char) Then
charexists = true
End If

If charexists = false Then
Exit Sub
End If

For w = 0 to 500
If LCase(allq(w)) = LCase(Username) Then
allq(w) = ""
End If

For z = 0 to 500
If allq(z) = "" or LCase(allq(z)) = LCase(Username) Then
allq(z) = Username
Exit For
End If
End If
End If

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_UserLeaves(Username, Flags)

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_FlagUpdate(Username, NewFlags, Ping)

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_LoggedOn(Username, Product)

TimerEnabled "bcp","absUpdate", True

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_UserInChannel(Username, Flags, Message, Ping, Product)

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_ChannelJoin(ChannelName, Flags)

End Sub

Sub bcp_absUpdate_Timer()

If xTotalUsers = 0 Then Exit Sub

If xActive = False Then Exit Sub

If puActive = False Then Exit Sub

totalusers = 0
totaltime = 0
totalruns = 0
For i = 0 to xTotalUsers + 1
If ul(0,i) <> "" Then
tvar = Int(ul(2,i))
rvar = Int(ul(1,i))
totaltime = totaltime + tvar
totalruns = totalruns + rvar
totalusers = totalusers + 1
End If

totalaveragetime = Int(totaltime \ totalruns)

If totaltime >= 3600 Then
totaltime = Int(totaltime \ 3600)
totaltime = totaltime & " hours"
End If

If Not InStr(totaltime, " hours") > 0 Then
If totaltime >= 60 Then
totaltime = Int(totaltime \ 60)
totaltime = totaltime & " minutes"
totaltime = totaltime & " seconds"
End If
End If

If totalaveragetime >= 60 Then
totalaveragetime = Int(totalaveragetime \ 60)
totalaveragetime = totalaveragetime & " minutes"
totalaveragetime = totalaveragetime & " seconds"
End If

pmsg = puPrefetch
pmsg = Replace(pmsg, "%newline", vbCrlLf)
pmsg = Replace(pmsg, "%0", BotVars.Username)

If pcData = "rnd" Then
rndnum = Int(Rnd * 11)
Select Case rndnum
Case 1: pcd = "ÿc1"
Case 2: pcd = "ÿc2"
Case 3: pcd = "ÿc3"
Case 4: pcd = "ÿc4"
Case 5: pcd = "ÿc5"
Case 6: pcd = "ÿc8"
Case 7: pcd = "ÿc5"
Case 8: pcd = "ÿc9"
Case 9: pcd = "ÿc;"
Case 10: pcd = "ÿc+"
Case 11: pcd = "ÿc0"
Case Else: pcd = "ÿc0"
End Select
pcd = pcData
End If

If puPrefetch <> "" Then
SetBotProfile "M", "Clan xNLG", puPrefetch & vbCrLf & pcTitle & "Total users: " & pcd & totalusers & vbCrLf & pcTitle & "Total runs: " & pcd & totalruns & vbCrLf & pcTitle & "Total time: " & pcd & totaltime & vbCrLf & pcTitle & "Top 3 runners: " & pcd & GetTopRunnersF(3)
SetBotProfile "M", "Clan xNLG", pcTitle & "Total users: " & pcd & totalusers & vbCrLf & pcTitle & "Total runs: " & pcd & totalruns & vbCrLf & pcTitle & "Total time: " & pcd & totaltime & vbCrLf & pcTitle & "Top 3 runners: " & pcd & GetTopRunnersF(3)
End If

If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbCyan, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Profile updated."


End Sub

Sub bcp_absGetTimeCmdDelay_Timer()

TimerEnabled "bcp","GetTimeCmdDelay", False
xAllowGetTime = True

End Sub

Sub bcp_absCompression_Timer()

TimerEnabled "bcp","absCompression", False

If ctotal = 0 Then
AddQ msListFail
Exit Sub
End If

msgcircle = "Games: "
For i = 0 to ctotal
If cl(0,i) <> "" Then
msg = msGameReturn
vgame = cl(1,i)
vgame = Split(vgame, "(private)")(0)
msg = Replace(msg, "%n", cl(0,i))
msg = Replace(msg, "%g", vgame)
msg = Replace(msg, "%t", cl(2,i))
msgcircle = msgcircle & msg & lrSplitter
End If
msgcircle = Left(msgcircle, Len(msgcircle) - Len(lrSplitter))
If lrIsWhispered = True Then
dsp 2, msgcircle, psD2 & xrLSuccess, ""
dsp 1, msgcircle, "", ""
End If

End Sub

Sub bcp_absListTO_Timer()

xAllowList = True
TimerEnabled "bcp","absListTO", True

End Sub

Sub bcp_absUDelay_Timer()

For i = 0 to 500
ld(1,i) = ld(1,i) + 1

End Sub

Sub bcp_absStopwatch_Timer()

If xActive = False Then Exit Sub

For i = 0 to 50
s(1,i) = s(1,i) + 1
If swMsgs = True Then
If s(1,i) = Int(swTimeout * 60) Then
If s(2,i) = True Then
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & s(0,i) & " Your game has taken more then " & swTimeout & " minutes, it won't be recorded."
End If
End If
End If

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_PressedEnter(Text)

If Left(Text, 2 + Len(acBlacklist)) = "/" & acBlacklist & " " Then
targetuser = Split(Text, "/" & acBlacklist & " ")(1)
targetuser = Split(targetuser, " ")(0)
targetreason = Split(Text, "/" & acBlacklist & " " & targetuser & " ")(1)

blacked = false
For r = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(targetuser) = LCase(blu(0,r)) Then
blacked = true
posi = r
Exit For
End If

If blacked = true Then
AddChat vbRed, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: " & targetuser & " is already blacklisted."
xTotalBUsers = xTotalBUsers + 1
blu(0,xTotalBUsers) = targetuser
blu(1,xTotalBUsers) = targetreason
AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: " & blu(0,xTotalBUsers) & " is now blacklisted and cannot login or execute commands."
AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Reason: " & targetreason
AddQ "/f r " & targetuser
End If
End If

If Left(Text, 2 + Len(acBlacklistRemove)) = "/" & acBlacklistRemove & " " Then
targetuser = Split(Text, "/" & acBlacklistRemove & " ")(1)

blacked = false
For r = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If LCase(targetuser) = LCase(blu(0,r)) Then
blacked = true
posi = r
Exit For
End If

If blacked = true Then
blu(0,posi) = ""
AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: " & targetuser & " was removed from the blacklist."
AddChat vbRed, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: " & targetuser & " is not blacklisted."
End If
End If

If Text = "/showdata" Then
End If

If Text = "/restartlist" Then
For u = 0 to xTotalUsers
ul(0,u) = ""
AddChat vbRed, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: All player info was erased."
End If

If Text = "/bcptoggle" Then
If xActive = True Then
xActive = False
AddChat vbRed, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Off"
xActive = True
AddChat vbRed, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: On"
End If
End If

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_KeyReturn(KeyName, KeyValue)

End Sub

Sub bcp_Event_Close()

If bloMessage <> "" Then
AddQ "/f m " & bloMessage
End If


End Sub

Sub LoadPlayerInfo()

xTotalUsers = 0

xPath = BotPath() & fsName

If Not xFSO.FileExists(xPath) Then
Set xFile = xFSO.CreateTextFile(xPath)
AddChat vbCyan, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Players info file created. Data will be written when you close your bot."
Exit Sub
End If

Set xFile = xFSO.OpenTextFile(xPath, 1)
If xFile.AtEndofStream = False Then
Lines = Split(xFile.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
xTotalUsers = 0
For Each Line in Lines
If Line <> "" and Left(Line, 1) <> ";" Then
If Not InStr(Line, "ô") > 0 Then
AddChat vbRed, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Corruption detected in the players file! Type /restartlist to make a new file."
xTotalUsers = 0
Exit Sub
End If
ul(0,xTotalUsers) = Split(Line, "ô")(0)
ul(1,xTotalUsers) = Split(Line, "ô")(1)
ul(2,xTotalUsers) = Split(Line, "ô")(2)
ul(3,xTotalUsers) = Split(Line, "ô")(3)
For r = 0 to 3
If ul(r,xTotalUsers) = "" Then
AddChat vbRed, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Corruption detected in the players file! Type /restartlist to make a new file."
AddChat vbRed, " --ÿc5Corruption Noteÿc0: Column " & r & ", Row " & xTotalUsers & " (" & ul(0,xTotalUsers) & ")"
xTotalUsers = 0
Exit Sub
End If

xTotalUsers = xTotalUsers + 1
End If
End If

AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Players info data file loaded, there are [ ÿc5" & xTotalUsers & "ÿc0 ] players present."

AddChat vbWhite, " -- ÿc5BCP Baal Script by ConnectioN_LosT (vi[r]us) -- OnxThexFly@Yahoo.com"


End Sub

Sub SavePlayerInfo()

xPath = BotPath() & fsName

If xFSO.FileExists(xPath) Then xFSO.DeleteFile(xPath)
ConstructedString = "; This file holds player information." & vbCrLf & "; Reset it by typing /restartlist in your bot." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Set xFile = xFSO.OpenTextFile(xPath, 2, True)
For i = 0 to xTotalUsers
If ul(0,i) <> "" Then
ConstructedString = ConstructedString & ul(0,i) & "ô" & ul(1,i) & "ô" & ul(2,i) & "ô" & ul(3,i) & vbCrLf
End If
xFile.WriteLine ConstructedString

If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Players data saved to disc."

End Sub

Sub LoadRuneList()

xTotalRunes = 0

xPath = BotPath() & fsRunes
If Not xFSO.FileExists(xPath) Then
AddChat vbCyan, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Runeword list not found."
Exit Sub
End If

Set xFile = xFSO.OpenTextFile(xPath, 1)
If xFile.AtEndofStream = False Then
Lines = Split(xFile.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
xTotalRunes = 0
For Each Line in Lines
If Line <> "" and Left(Line, 1) <> ";" Then
rwl(0,xTotalRunes) = Split(Line, "^")(0)
rwl(1,xTotalRunes) = Split(Line, "^")(1)
rwl(2,xTotalRunes) = Split(Line, "^")(2)
xTotalRunes = xTotalRunes + 1
End If
End If

AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Runeword file loaded, there are [ ÿc5" & xTotalRunes & "ÿc0 ] runewords present."


End Sub

Sub LoadBannedPlayers()

xTotalBUsers = 0

xPath = BotPath() & fsBlack

If Not xFSO.FileExists(xPath) Then
Set xFile = xFSO.CreateTextFile(xPath)
AddChat vbCyan, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Players blacklist file created."
Exit Sub
End If

Set xFile = xFSO.OpenTextFile(xPath, 1)
If xFile.AtEndofStream = False Then
Lines = Split(xFile.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
xTotalBUsers = 0
For Each Line in Lines
If Line <> "" and Left(Line, 1) <> ";" Then
blu(0,xTotalBUsers) = Split(Line, "^")(0)
blu(1,xTotalBUsers) = Split(Line, "^")(1)
xTotalBUsers = xTotalBUsers + 1
End If
End If

AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Players blacklist file loaded, there are [ ÿc5" & xTotalBUsers & "ÿc0 ] players not allowed to login."


End Sub

Sub SaveBannedPlayers()

xPath = BotPath() & fsBlack

If xFSO.FileExists(xPath) Then xFSO.DeleteFile(xPath)

Set xFile = xFSO.OpenTextFile(xPath, 2, True)
xFile.WriteLine "; This file holds all of the blacklisted players and the reason they are blacklisted." & vbCrLf
For i = 0 to xTotalBUsers
If blu(0,i) <> "" Then
xFile.WriteLine blu(0,i) & "^" & blu(1,i)
End If

If sShowMessages = True Then AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Blacklist saved to disc."

End Sub

Sub ResetUDelay(Username)

GetDBEntry Username, Access, MyAccess
If Access >= ldAccess Then Exit Sub

ldFound = False
For i = 0 to 500
If LCase(ld(0,i)) = LCase(Username) Then
ldFound = True
ldPos = i
Exit For
End If

If ldFound = False Then
For x = 0 to 500
If ld(0,x) = "" Then
ld(0,x) = Username
ld(1,x) = 0
Exit For
End If
ld(1,ldPos) = 0
End If

End Sub

Sub ShowDataAsBox()

toprunnernum = 0
toprunner = "List not available."
totalusers = 0
totaltime = 0
totalruns = 0
For i = 0 to xTotalUsers + 1
If ul(0,i) <> "" Then
tvar = Int(ul(2,i))
rvar = Int(ul(1,i))
totaltime = totaltime + tvar
totalruns = totalruns + rvar
totalusers = totalusers + 1
If ul(1,i) > toprunnernum Then
toprunnernum = rvar
toprunner = ul(0,i)
End If
End If

If totaltime >= 60 Then
totaltime = totaltime \ 60
totaltime = totaltime & " minutes"
totaltime = totaltime & " seconds"
End If

begi = vbCrLf & "--Overall--" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Total Users: " & totalusers & vbCrLf & "Total Time: " & totaltime & vbCrLf & "Total Runs: " & totalruns & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "--Users--" & vbCrLf

For i = 0 to xTotalUsers
If ul(0,i) <> "" and ul(2,i) <> 0 Then

avgt = ul(2,i) \ ul(1,i)
avgt = Int(avgt)
If avgt >= 60 Then
avgt = Int(avgt \ 60)
avgt = avgt & " minutes"
avgt = avgt & " seconds."
End If

If ul(2,i) >= 60 Then
totaltime = Int(ul(2,i) \ 60)
totaltime = totaltime & " minutes"
totaltime = totaltime & " seconds"
End If

ulines = ulines & vbCrLf & "Name: " & ul(0,i) & vbCrLf & "Runs: " & ul(1,i) & vbCrLf & "Total Time: " & totaltime & vbCrLf & "Average Time: " & avgt & vbCrLf
End If

AddChat vbGreen, begi & ulines

End Sub

Sub LoadRuneInfoList()

xTotalRuneData = 0

xPath = BotPath() & fsRuneInfos
If Not xFSO.FileExists(xPath) Then
AddChat vbCyan, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Rune info list not found."
Exit Sub
End If

Set xFile = xFSO.OpenTextFile(xPath, 1)
If xFile.AtEndofStream = False Then
Lines = Split(xFile.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
xTotalRuneData = 0
For Each Line in Lines
If Line <> "" and Left(Line, 1) <> ";" Then
ri(0,xTotalRuneData) = Split(Line, "^")(0)
ri(1,xTotalRuneData) = Split(Line, "^")(1)
ri(2,xTotalRuneData) = Split(Line, "^")(2)
ri(3,xTotalRuneData) = Split(Line, "^")(3)
xTotalRuneData = xTotalRuneData + 1
End If
End If

AddChat vbGreen, " -- ÿc5Baal Scriptÿc0: Rune info file loaded, there are [ ÿc5" & xTotalRuneData & "ÿc0 ] runes present."


End Sub

Function GetTopRunnersF(TopPlayersCount)

Dim topNums, topNames, arrSave

ReDim topNums(TopPlayersCount)
ReDim topNames(TopPlayersCount)
ReDim arrSave(TopPlayersCount)
ReDim arrUL(3,1500)

'// Create a temp array we can mess up
For a = 0 to 1500
arrUL(0,a) = ul(0,a)
arrUL(1,a) = ul(1,a)
arrUL(2,a) = ul(2,a)
arrUL(3,a) = ul(3,a)

'// Get top runners.
For j = 0 To TopPlayersCount - 1
tmp = 0
For x = 0 To xTotalUsers
If arrUL(0, x) <> "" Then
If Int(arrUL(1, x)) > Int(arrUL(1, tmp)) Then
tmp = x
End If
End If
topnums(j) = Int(arrUL(1, tmp))
topnames(j) = arrUL(0, tmp)
arrSave(j) = tmp
arrUL(1, tmp) = -1

If topnums(j) <> -1 and topnames(j) <> "" Then
GetTopRunnersF = GetTopRunnersF & topnames(j) & "(" & topnums(j) & "), "
End If

GetTopRunnersF = Left(GetTopRunnersF, Len(GetTopRunnersF) - 2)

End Function

also, dort ist auch baal qounter drinne :)


hab jetzt den bot mal laufen lassen

wann wurde denn die Runs gelöscht

bei mir war etwas ähnliches Bei Trivia (so ein frage spiel)

naja wurden auch rekorde gelöscht wegen nem update

aber das scipt machte bei mir andere probleme ^^ wie login fehler usw...

Greet :hy:
also, hat die runs vor ca. 2-3 wochen gelöscht, so ziemlich als ich bei 1000 runs ankam :(

€ welches update meintest du? von trivia selbst oder von sb? (denne hätte ich etwas nicht mitbekommen;) )

ich meinte Das update von deinem BaalScipt

als ich es bei mir drauf tat musste ich erstmal ein update machen hatte schon 2 runs vorhin *gg

und die waren dann weg last update war glaubs 9/12/07

das würde ich jetzt mal verdächtigen

PS: ich habe selbst zwar nicht so viel Ahnung mit Scipts aber hatte schon so einige probleme gelöst :)

Greet :hy:
joa, kann sein. obwohl ich davon denne nichts mit bekam ;)
zurück holen kann man die runs aber nicht, oder?
nämlich ist ja auch scheiße, wenn er immer beim update resettet..
und viel spaß mit dem script, ist eigentlich leicht zu bedienen :)

hmm ich würde mal bissel suchen es wird zu 90% sicherheit in nem anderen file gesaft wie es auch immer wieder die updates macht

ich denke du könntest eifachn 1000 runs eintragen :D das würde dann auch gehen obwohl ich mir das mit Time usw nicht so gantz vorstellen kann aber irgend wo kann man es eintragen bestimmt :)

ja danke bin bisschen am testen (wo kann ich Lvl reqs und char reqs ausmachen ? )

Das nervt echt :P

Greet :hy:
D2.PoseIDon schrieb:
ja danke bin bisschen am testen (wo kann ich Lvl reqs und char reqs ausmachen ? )

Greet :hy:

meinst lvl reqs vom chan?
auf das mit dem nachtragen bin ich auch scho gekommen, aber nichts gefunden und hab so ziemlich alles durchsucht

neine Tipp mal beim Bc


da kommt lvl70 + Sorc Barb Pala

ergo ich kann nicht mit druid einloggen ^^

was ehrlich bissel scheisse ist ...

Weiss du wo man das Auto profil Change Zeugs ausmachen kann ?

in meinem Clan channel sollte net Stehen BCP By Virus usw ^^

Habs raus bei der linie
SetBotProfile "M", v_c & " vi[r]" & "us", "BC" & "P by Vi[r]" & "uS" & vbCrLf & pcTitle & "Total users: " & pcd & totalusers & vbCrLf & pcTitle & "Total runs: " & pcd & totalruns & vbCrLf & pcTitle & "Total time: " & pcd & totaltime & vbCrLf & pcTitle & "Top 3 runners: " & pcd & GetTopRunnersF(3)

Wobei ich noch am Testen bin für was Die & da sind

"sad" = "Geschriebener Text"
v_c = Am anfang vom bot änderbar -> Version
, = 3 komma also immer ein koma wenn das nechste fenster kommt

Wobei ich nicht weiss wiso das Z.b. Bei (Beschreibung) nach dem 2 komma wiso das er das auf 3 Teile verteilt Also ( "BC" & "P by Vi[r]" & "uS" )
vlt. hatt es noch was mit der Länge zu tun oder was auch sein könnte wegen den Random Color Change zeugs obwohl das die farbe nie wechselt :)

und Weiter HF :)

Greet :hy
also, das mit den reqs hatte ich vor einem halbem jahr mal geschafft zu ändern. dort seht denne nur noch bei mir:
Login Requirements // Level: 1 // Ping: 500 or less // Classes: all
aber vergesslich wie ich bin weiß ich nicht mehr wie das geht, hatte aber glaube was mit den "Normalen" befehlen vom sb zu tun...
ich werd nochmal bissl rum testen!

€ steht das imm profil auch?

MfG :)
hmm wäre nett wenn du mir mal

Diese Zeile Posten könntest

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

'// User Requirements (UR)
Const urLevel = 70 '// The level required to login.
Const urType = "sorceress|barbarian|paladin|necromancer|druid" '// The character type required to login. Seperate with ' | '.
Const urPing = 300 '// The maximum ping a user can have. // Set to -1 to disable.

' ----- ----- ----- ----- -----[

wie hast du es gemacht das da All Classes steht ? das ist der ort wo man es finden kann ;)

Eifach Bearbeiten Suchen -> Requirements -> finden :D

aber Das mit dem Profil Stört mich immer noch mittlerweile Steht bei mir zwar By D2.Clan ® Op D2.Clan
Tipp .baal to See Games
und dann Users usw

was ich aber geil finden würde ist wenn ich auch Bei 1 und 2 Lienie Ergo Geschlecht und Ort Auto color eifügen könnte das wäre cool ;)

mal sehen muss jetzt mal 2-3 stunden off

danke schonmal fuer deine Zeile ;)

Btw. Wo ist oder wie heisst dein channel? (wenn ich fragen darf ;) )
Meiner ist Op D2.Clan aber da sind meistens nur ich und F list leute drin :)
Greet :hy:
meine zeile, nur für dich :D

'// User Requirements (UR)
Const urLevel = 1 '// The level required to login.
Const urType = "all" '// The character type required to login. Seperate with ' | '.
Const urPing = 500 '// The maximum ping a user can have. // Set to -1 to disable.

und mein channel lautet op noobbaal , ist noch ein kleiner baal channel, versuche ihn aufzubauen :)
aber reqs vom channel sind 90+, falls du keinen char mit dem lvl hast und vorbei schauen magst schick mir einfach eine pm mit acc :)

€ war gerad in deinem channel, sehr schön ;)
aber da muss ich was nicht mit bekommen haben, wie hast du das profil nu geändert? :eek:
€² na toll, ein 4tes problem kam dazu :(
vom einem zum anderen moment konnte ich nicht mehr auf dden freinds tab drücken.. hoffe da weiß wer rat.

blöd ist jetzt leider nur

das ich gar nicht mehr einlogen kann ^^

auch nicht mehr mit meiner sorc und die erfüllt alle sachen Sorc oder All oder lvl 1 oder lvl 70 aber es geht nix mehr :D

vlt. weisst du jetzt weiter ...

in der zwischenzeit schreib ich es wieder um ...

Greet :hy:
wie du kannst dich nicht mehr einloggen? :eek:
meinst du allgemein oder nu in den chan?
wenn zweiteres: bist du auf der safelist?

Habs wieder Gebongt naja können eben nur sorcs palas und barbs einlogen ist mit schnuppe :P

bei mir telen eh nur sorcs alles andere sind Low fcr (ausser Barb aber der telt nie)

naja bei mir ist es so
1x ClanBot -> Op
1x BaalBot -> Open char

ich kann immer in mein channel ich bin admin 100Acces
nein ich kann mich nur nicht mehr beim bot einloggen ..

aber es ging dann irgend wie wieder wo ich mich auslogte (aus b-net) und dann nochmal neu einloggen ... naja komische geschichte :)

bin dann mal 4 tage offline ;) jeder muss mal arbeiten :P

Greet :hy:
hast schon einmal versucht die stelle im scrippt zu ändern?
und wie hast du es geschaffft das profil zu ändern? :D
beim bot fenster kann ich auch nicht mehr auf den tab "Friends" klicken :(
hast du oder irgendwer eine erklärung? hab alles scho versucht.

also, hab mir mal die neuste version vom baal bot geholt und das scipt umgeschrieben, klappt nu alles super :)
login funzt, er nimmt auch dia runs auf und resetten sollte er auch nicht mehr :)
das einzigste problem, welches ich noch habe, ist das profil...
wenn ich dort was änder zeigt der bot immer alle 30 sekunden fehlermeldungen.
bin noch bissl am verfeinern, hoffe das schaffe ich auch bald :)
und denne hab ich nur noch das problem mit dem friends tab, was aber nicht am script liegt. hab auch schon sb neu installiert und brachte nichts.. da kann mir wahrscheinlich niemand helfen, oder?
