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Hell on Earth: Liste der Runenwörter/Uniques/Sets?


New member
19 Juli 2002
Punkte Reaktionen
Hi zusammen,
ich hab mal wieder die Mod Hell on Earth ausgegraben, die mir früher schon sehr gut gefallen hat. Leider habe ich Probleme, die Dokumentation dafür zu finden. Lediglich einen Cube-Guide mit den Cube-Rezepten hab ich hier auf PlanetDiablo finden können, aber eine Liste der Runenwörter (die alten funktionieren nicht mehr, habs schon ausprobiert), Uniques und Sets kann ich leider nirgends finden. Eine Homepage bzw. ein Forum scheint es von Hell on Earth auch nicht mehr zu geben, zumindest kann ich nichts finden.
Weiß hier zufällig jemand, ob es irgendwo noch eine halbwegs brauchbare Dokumentation bzw. eine Homepage oder sonst irgendwas für Hell on Earth gibt? Bin für jeden Tipp dankbar :)
ich setz' mich mal hier mit rein und warte gespannt - weiter bin ich leider auch nicht

adresse zum cube-guide als offline html: http://planetdiablo.eu/filebase/?file=26451

(Danke nochmal an Samus :hy: )

€: Danke molotow234
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ich hab neulich auch schon locker ne stunde gesucht und auch nichts weiter außer dem cube guide gefunden:(. mit etwas glück findet man noch jemand der die auf ner festplatte gespeichert hat, oder der doch noch ne seite weiß..


da hast ;)

The Hell on Earth 2 Runewords

Welcome to the Hell on Earth 2 Runewords.
Listed below you'll find an overview of all currently implemented
runewords in Hell on Earth 2. The runewords are implemented in beta v2.5.
More will follow with beta v3. Have a nice read :)

Achilles - 'EdFaKo'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 3
#02 - Ed
Designed for Fighterclasses
All Torsotype armor
#19 - Fa
( 3 Sockets needed )
#18 - Ko
Runic Powers:
+ 0.5% enhanced defense each level (Ed)
+ 0.5 resist lightning each level (Fa)
+ 0.5 resist fire each level (Ko)
Runic Item Bonus:
30% faster hit recovery
+40 strenght
+15 vitality
-40 dexterity
This mortal was the toughest of all except from a dinky little arrow that shot him in the heel and he died from it. He slayed many powerful beasts but had that weakness.

Hermes - 'TuRaSu'

Needed Runes:
Power Level 2
#43 - TuRa
Designed for Fighterclasses
All Helmtype armor
#29 - Su
( 2 Sockets needed )
Runic Powers:
+ 1vitality
each level (TuRa)
+ 0.5% slowerstamina drain
each level (Su)
Runic Item Bonus:
20% increased attack speed
30% faster run/walk
50% slower stamina drain
He is the son of Zeus and Maia - the messenger of the gods.

Artemis - 'RaGaTaRaSoRa'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 4
#71 - RaGa
Designed for Rangers
All Bowtype weapons
#40 - TaRa
( 3 Sockets needed )
#45 - SoRa
Runic Powers:
+ 1.5 dexterity
each level (RaGa)
+ 1 strenght each level (TaRa)
+ 1% bonus to attack rating
each level (SoRa)
Runic Item Bonus:
+2 Rogue skills
24% increased attack speed
3 mana after each kill
She is the twin of Apollo and god of hunting. This amazon god is a reference.

Poseidon - 'SaGaLuRaUmRa'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 4
#76 - SaGa
Designed for Fighterclasses
All Spear weapons
#80 - LuRa
( 3 Sockets needed )
#55 - UmRa
Runic Powers:
+ 1.5 cold damage
each level (SaGa)
+ 1.5 resist cold
each level (LuGa)
+ 1% higher golddrop
each level (UmRa)
Runic Item Bonus:
160-200% increased damage
Freezes Target
Cannot be frozen
66% chance to cast an level 8 Glacial Circle on hit
He is another brother to Zeus and is lord of the sky. He is known to use a trident as his weapon and is very greedy.

Aphrodite - 'OrRaLu'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 2
#42 - OrRa
Designed for General Usage
All Torsotype armor
#17 - Lu
( 2 Sockets needed )
Runic Powers:
+ 1 energy
each level (OrRa)
+ 0.5 resist cold each level (Lu)
Runic Item Bonus:
resist all 25%
reduce damage by 2
reduce magic damage by 2
cannot be frozen
She is the god of love and has a magic girdle that forces love on anyone looking at her.

Jason - 'EtMaGu'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 2
#05 - Et
Designed for Fighterclasses
All Meleeweapons
#23 - Ma
( 3 Sockets needed )
#25 - Gu
Runic Powers:
+ 0.5 damage
each level (Et)
+ 0.5% damage vs demons
each level (Ma)
+ 0.5% attack rating vs demons
each level (Gu)
Runic Item Bonus:
40-60% increased damage
+1 to all skills
+25 strenght
A mortal hero that was forced to do an impossible quest from a prophecy that would harm a king, recover the golden fleece.

Ares - 'ItGaTaRa'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 3
#69 - ItGa
Designed for Fighterclasses
All Meleeweapons
#40 - TaRa
( 2 Sockets needed )
Runic Powers:
+ 1.5% enhanced damage
each level (ItGa)
+ 1 strenght each level (TaRa)
Runic Item Bonus:
33% chance of deadly strike
33% chance of crushing blow
Ignore targets defense
+12-15 minimum damage
+45-60 maximum damage
He was the god of war, hated by everyone...

Athena - 'SoGaNeRaOrRa'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 3
#75 - SoGa
Designed for general usage
All torsotype armors
#37 - NeRa
( 3 Sockets needed )
#42 - OrRa
Runic Powers:
+ 1.5% bonus to attack rating
each level (SoGa)
+ 1 mana each level (NeRa)
+1 energy each level (OrRa)
Runic Item Bonus:
20-25% faster cast
20-25% faster attack speed
35% faster hit recovery
She was the daughter of Zeus by himself - the goddess of wisdom and tactics

Hades - 'VeGaIoRaIsGa'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 4
#89 - VeGa
Designed for Fighterclasses
All Helmets
#49 - IoRa
( 3 Sockets needed )
#87 - IsGa
Runic Powers:
+ 1.5 attack rating versus undead
each level (VeGa)
+ 1 to maximum poison damage
each level (IoRa)
+1.5 damage versus undead
each level (IsGa)
Runic Item Bonus:
+40 - 60 damage
100% chance of openwounds
30% chance of crushing blow
Ignore's targets defense
Being the ruler of the underworld, and brother to Zeus, he abducted Demeter's daughter and forced her marriage. Nice guy right?

HeRa - 'NeGaOrRa'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 3
#67 - NeGa
Designed for Spellcaster
All Orbtype weapons
#42 - OrRa
( 2 Sockets needed )
Runic Powers:
+ 1.5 mana each level (NeGa)
+ 1 energy each level (OrRa)
Runic Item Bonus:
regenerate mana 40%
+3 to Chione Mastery
+3 to Ethric Mastery
+3 to Terrax Mastery
She is the wife of Zeus and someone who you don't want to tick off. She spent most of her time trying to get back at Zeus affairs with other women.

Perseus - 'GuMa'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 1
#25 - Gu
Designed for general usage
All Shields
#23 - Ma
( 2 Sockets needed )
Runic Powers:
+ 0.5% Attack rating vs demons each level (Gu)
+0.5% damage vs demons each level (Ma)
Runic Item Bonus:
20% faster blockrate
20% increased chance of blocking
15 resist all
He was cast away as an infant and had to grown up slaying many demons to return home

Apollo - 'DoGaAmRa'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 3
#77 - DoGa
Designed for Rangers
All Bowtype Weapons
#44 - AmRa
( 2 Sockets needed )
Runic Powers:
+ 1.5 fire damage each level (DoGa)
+1 Attack Rating each level (AmRa)
Runic Item Bonus:
+3 Fireskills
12 replenish life
+10 light radius
+20 vitality
He is the son of Zeus and Leto, and twin to Armetis, a god of many things - healing, archery, light, and divination.

Zeus - 'HeGaTaRaFaGaTuRa'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 4
#78 - HeGa
Designed for Fighterclasses
All Weapons
#40 - TaRa
( 4 Sockets needed )
#82 - FaGa
#43 - TuRa
Runic Powers:
+ 1.5 lightning damage each level (HeGa)
+1 strenght each level (TaRa)
+1.5 resist lightning each level (FaGa)
+1 vitality each level (TuRa)
Runic Item Bonus:
1-400 lightning damage
+1 All skills
80-120% enhanced damage
+25 vitality
He is the ruler of the Olympic gods by overthrowing his father and a bunch of titans. He is known for being the god of the sky and hurls thunderbolts at victims.

Hephaestus - 'EdGaKoRaGuRa'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 2
#65 - EdGa
Designed for general usage
All Torso Armors
#51 - KoRa
( 3 Sockets needed )
#58 - GuRa
Runic Powers:
+ 1.5 AC each level (EdGa)
+1 resist fire each level (KoRa)
1% AR vs demons each level (GuRa)
Runic Item Bonus:
45-75 fire damage
+1-2 Fireskills
35% to maximum fire resistance
He is the son of Zeus and Hera and god of flame and forge.

Hercules - 'TaRaTuRaTi'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 2
#40 - TaRa
Designed for Fighterclasses
All Melee Weapons
#43 - TuRa
( 3 Sockets needed )
#03 - Ti
Runic Powers:
+ 1 strenght each level (TaRa)
+1 Vitality each level (TuRa)
0.5 life each level (Ti)
Runic Item Bonus:
80-140% enhanced damage
Prevent Monster Heal
20% increased attack speed
20% chance of crushing blow
Hercules is the son of Zeus and a mortal. He was hated by Hera and driven mad to the point of killing his mortal family. He did 12 tasks to make up the sins
and achieved Immortality. He is the strongest in physical power of all gods.

Hercules - 'TaRaTuRaTi'
Needed Runes:
Power Level 2
#40 - TaRa
Designed for Fighterclasses
All Melee Weapons
#43 - TuRa
( 3 Sockets needed )
#03 - Ti
Runic Powers:
+ 1 strenght each level (TaRa)
+1 Vitality each level (TuRa)
0.5 life each level (Ti)
Runic Item Bonus:
80-140% enhanced damage
Prevent Monster Heal
20% increased attack speed
20% chance of crushing blow
Hercules is the son of Zeus and a mortal. He was hated by Hera and driven mad to the point of killing his mortal family. He did 12 tasks to make up the sins
and achieved Immortality. He is the strongest in physical power of all gods.