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- 3rd part programs are NOT allowed, from the lower to the higher. Even a little maphack, or graphics change prog like Nightlight are banned. Getting caught using anything like that will result in a ban.
- Bad manners of any kind are automatically punished, example : Stealing gold, insulting a player, purposley naked kills, hiding somewhere to repl your life...and so on.
- Using a mercenary is NOT allowed.
- The map must be 100 % clean before you start to duel, that's very important since some chars can unintentionally leech on monsters or the BS from necs may hit 'em.
- Official map will be non-cube maps. If both team agrees, they can play in a big map.
- Abusing corners, or hiding in houses or in the Den of Evil is definitely NOT allowed and will be punished.
- Games must be created in "HELL".
- You are allowed to rejoin the game because cb or anyas.
- All the players must say "go, g, .go , etc.." before a round starts, remember it, all players must say it.
- Stacking mana or arrows on the map IS allowed. As much as you want.
- The only charges allowed are oak and Enchant, ES sorcs cant use oak charges.
- Drinking life potion, shrines, or simply taking rejuvenation potions is NOT allowed.
- Precasting bo is allowed if you've got the stuff in your inventory, same for enchant charges, and other skills like fade, venom, etc.
- Only sorcs can Precast ES from stash.
- You may "Give Up" if you're too short on life and you don't want to precast again, if you do so, just say "GU" and enter town.
- Life replenish is capped at 27 for sorceress, unlimited for other chars.
- Poison charms is limited at 1, no matter the amount of psn damage on it.
- Summoner necromancers and auradins are NOT allowed.
- Take a screenshot in case your opponent is disclaim the score, and do not hesitate to take screenshots if someone's behaviour happens to be odd, more of that below.
- Antidotes and thawings potions are NOT allowed.
- If someone accidentaly leaves the duel area, crossing bridge or entering in town for example... he must go back to duel as fast as possible. Abusing this rule leaving the duel area several times will be punished.
- Always take a screenshot of the final score, in case the opponent's team denies the score. Use it as a proof if it's needed, but not as a way to flame.
- OW limits: Bow amas = 25%, other chars = 60%
Absorb and Resistances
New cold res ruleset:
Druid, Necro, Barb, Pala, non ES sorc, w/s Assasin:
0 ravens - unlimited resis - 85% res
1 raven - unlimited resis - 75% res except smiter with exile 80% res
2 ravens - 365 total resis - 75% res
Amazon and c/c Assasin:
0 ravens - unlimited resis - 80% res
1 raven - 425 total resis - 75% res
2 ravens - 345 total resis - 75% res
Note: Remember that if u are using 2 ravens the first hit u take (being full life) will do u x3 damage. And if using one raven it will make x4/3 damage.
Lighting, Fire and Poison total resistances are no limited, u can use as much as u want.
Paladin, Druid, Necro, Amazon, Barbarian, Sorc not using ES.
Light absorb: Thundergod or Wisp + 5% max res or 10% max res.
Fire absorb : Dwarf + 5%max res or 15% max.
Poison absorb: 10% max res.
ES Sorceress
Sorcs using ES cant use % max items or % absorb items to cold/fire/light, so they must play with 75% res 0% absorb.
Poison absorb: 10% max res.
As we know, assassins may use clawblock, however it affects fire and light res only.
Light absorb : 5% max res or 10% wisp. (10% max or wisp if w/s)
Fire absorb : 5% max res. (10% max or dwarf if w/s)
Poison absorb: 10% max res.
Class skills restrinctions
- Holybolt is banned.
- Prayer/Meditation/Cleansing are banned if the paladin is in team with a ES Sorc. If sorc dies, they are allowed.
- Pala can use cleansing with ES sorc in team to remove AMP, once amp is removed, paladin must not use it. If u feel that a paladin is using cleansing to heal the sorc quickly but u cant prove it, just call a judge, he will watch their lifes.
- Prayer/Meditation/cleansing are only allowed if paladin has 1 base lvl prayer.
Note : Paladins ARE allowed to use "Holyfreeze" against every type of opponents, this is 3v3, not 1v1, remember it.
- Slow missiles is banned.
- Bone prison, bone wall are banned
- Any kind of summoning skills such as "Revives" or "Skeletons" or even "Mage skeletons" are banned.
- Iron Maiden, decrepify are banned.
Items restrictions
The following items are banned on every char, you may not use them.
- Doom runeword.
- Rising sun.
- Eternity.
- Crescent Moon.
- Luna
Note : If u are duelling a team without cold sorceress, u can use Luna. Same happens with Rising sun and fb sorcs.
Preventive measures against cheaters and lamers
Basically, every well-known cheaters are banned from the Tournament already, but some players can decide to break the rules when they start losing, however there are several preventive measures to bust 'em, read it carefully, it's important.
- You may ask your opponents to show you their full inventory and their possible bm stuff if you have any doubts concerning the legitness of their stuff. If you do, the player musn't go to stash or rejoin the game, he must do it instantly.
- You may call a "Judge", actually, he will judge wether a team is playing BM or not, and give penalities etc. The judges will be found asap!.
- You may ask your opponents to make a screenshot of their screen, asking what u want. If a team requests it, you must do it EXACTLY when he's asking for it, don't wait, just do it. If anything is purposley displayed, or if you exit + rejoin the game, you will be banned forever from the tournament.
- If your computer's stats allow you to do that, feel free to take a video of the duels, it will help us to judge wether someone is tmc'ing / cheating or not, it's actually the best proof we can get.
- If you feel like your opponents are drinking or laming / leeching from anything, just call a judge, we will do the job of a lifewatcher.
- keine Fremdskill-Charges
- keine Bugged Items wie BB, BT, BG und Pre LOD Boots
- keine Cheats
- kein Heiltränke, Brunnen, keine Rücknahmeaura
- kein Campen und sonstiges BM-verhalten (wird noch im Detail ausgeführt)
- keine Manatränke bei ES-Sorcs über 9x ES
- keine Skelis und Monster bei Necro
- kein Precast über die Kiste (Ausnahme ES Sorc?)
- kein Slow über 10%
- banned Skills: Altern, Ironmaiden, Holyfreeze, Slow Missiles, Heilung: Gebet/Medi/Holy Bolt
- "Lifetab" ja oder nein - ist noch nicht entschieden...
- keine Bonewalls unter den Char spammen (z.B. als Def gegen Barb)
Max-Resists / Max-stacked
Feuer: 90 oder 80 + 1 Absorb
Kälte: 75 und insgesamt 450 Coldres (1 Raven zählt wie 50 CR: also z.B. 350/2 oder 400/1)
Blitz: 85 mit TG* oder 80 + 1 Absorb
Gift : 85 bei 0% PLR oder 75 bei bis zu 75% PLR
Als "1 Absorb" zählen:
- Zwergenstern, Irrlichtprojektor, Waffenblocker, Energieschild, [alle Items mit % Absorb], ...
*) TG darf natürlich mit 85 Resists kombiniert werden, da es die gängigste Lösung gegen Assa/Java ist..
- Sorc: kein ES-Precast gegen Necro // oder Necro mehr Resists erlauben? (z.B. 95 max. Fireres, unbegrenzt CR bei 75max,...)
- Necro (Maxblock): kein Tongolem gegen Bow (und evtl. Barb, wobei der BvC noch eher eine Chance hat)
- Druide: keine 5 Wölfe gegen Necro (maximal 3er oder Bär)
- Pala: evtl. Offmap-Vigorcharge verbieten? (in ner Liga muss ich mir keine 20min pro Runde geben^^)
- Java: auch "handmade" Farcast verbieten, da es nicht überprüfbar ist?
Naja, so würde ich das nicht sagen. Schließlich gibt es ja auch noch Deutsche, Österreicher oder Schweizer, die der englischen Sprache nicht oder nur zum Teil bemächtigt sind. Die Regeln mal auf Deutsch zu übersetzen halte ich also für eine sinnvolle Idee.zizu4u schrieb:Jear einer der meiner meinung sit des habe ich mir auch gedacht wenn wir english als sparche nehmen kommen viel mehr zusammen. Ok ich sehe ich sollte warte wenn wir jetzt eh english nehmen hat sich das uebersetzen ja auch erledigt![]()
Kommt darauf an, wie lange jemand braucht, um seine jeweiligen Gegenstände auszutauschen. Bei mir z.B. dauert das etwa nur 40 - 50 Sekunden. Wenn ich jetzt gegen WW-Assassinen antreten müsste, wüsste ich von vornherein, dass ich mich defensiv ausrichte, denn die Chancen, um gegen so etwas zu gewinnen, sind nämlich minimal. Und keine Manatränke für ES-Zauberinnen dieser Art kann ich nur befürworten, ansonsten wäre es ziemlich 'unballanced'.mannelig schrieb:precast ist mist dauert nur lang und verleitet zum defplay (laaangweilig). mit manatränken ist das ganze noch schlimmer!
morbid2k8 schrieb:- keine Fremdskill-Charges