• Herzlich Willkommen!

    Nach der Schließung von inDiablo.de wurden die Inhalte und eure Accounts in dieses Forum konvertiert. Ihr könnt euch hier mit eurem alten Account weiterhin einloggen, müsst euch dafür allerdings über die "Passwort vergessen" Funktion ein neues Passwort setzen lassen.

    Solltet ihr keinen Zugriff mehr auf die mit eurem Account verknüpfte Emailadresse haben, so könnt ihr euch unter Angabe eures Accountnamens, eurer alten Emailadresse sowie eurer gewünschten neuen Emailadresse an einen Administrator wenden.

[OT] Am Grünen Tisch - Auf die XII!

Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.
bist schon n bissle angepisst oder? ;)

@nieto: 0:2 1:2 3:1 3:2 4:2 4:3...also auch so richtig bitter...
joa grimba bin ich

btw im AB hab ich meinen schriftverkehr mit blizzard mal v eröffentlicht, kann ich ja auch mal bie Blizzard und hier machen wenn gewünscht
Gib ma Link dahin :).

Und ich hab jetzt kein Bock mehr ... den ganzen Tag referat gemacht, das saugt -.-'
@thorongili: es gibt so gerüchte, ich hätte auch hilfreiche posts verfasst, aber wie gesagt, is nen gerücht =)

@felix want link too, da mir die abkürzung AB jetzt nix sagt^^
AB = Amazonbasin oder wie das nomma hieß
Da das aber auch n großes Forum is und ich keine Lust zum suchen hab ... link plz :clown: ^^
Hallo erstmal,

worum gehts es denn????
Naja egal red ich wieder mit der Wand.^^

Ach ja der Laep BArb typist weiterhin einfach nur lustig.

NUn hat er in PM geschrieben das er quasi schon lange Schnitters nutzen wollte.^^

Bin ja gespannt was er weiterhin behaupten wird.

Mfg und thx

P.s.: wer von euch hat schon die Demo von Left 4 Dead angezockt????
Kannst du kein Englisch oder bist du nur zu faul zum lesen Gwen ?! ;) :p

Joa neithan, der sog. "Support" ist einfach nur ne Frechheit. Den anzuschreiben lohnt sich eh nicht, man bekommt eh immer ne Standardmail zurück :rolleyes:.
Du kannst ja mal beim Blizzard Technical Support Deutschland anrufen ;).
0900 1 200 10 61 0,41€ die Minute . . .
da komsmte aber auch erstmal in eine ordentliche warteschleife wenn du nicht aufpasst ;)
am geilsten find ich die 2. Mail.. Das ist ja quasi genau die gleiche wie die erste, nur mit "Hello my name is Jon" vorne weg.. :rolleyes:
Und auf die Antwort auf die 3. bin ich gespannt.. ^^
Grimbadul schrieb:
0900 1 200 10 61 0,41€ die Minute . . .

Hehe ^^ und bis du dann die nette Stimme von der Support-Call-Center-Frau hörst haste 5 € ausgegeben und bist total angepisst von der dummen Warteschleifemusik. - Nein ich hab da nicht angerufen...das ist aber immer so^^-

Ich frage mich ehrlich gesagt für was Blizz überhaupt einen Support für Dia2 hat...die machen doch eh nix.

Wenn man ihnen ein Lob oder sonstiges per E-Mail schreibt kommt zurück:

Hello ,

Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entainment.

This Diablo II account was detected using a third-party program (hack) on Battle.net. We're sorry but the
account is now permanently banned.

Any third-party program that is designed to affect the way the user interacts with Battle.net is considered a
hack program. This includes seemingly harmless third-party utilities that work with the game to provide
functions that were not included by the game designers. While many of these utilities might not have been
created to disrupt the balance of the game, they alter the original design of the program.

Until the account expires; you will receive a message that the account has been closed. Once the account
expires, it will be possible for anyone to create a new account with the same name. We cannot delete or expire
the account manually. We will not be able to retrieve any characters, items, or account information (including
Friends List).

If you are receiving the error message, "Your CD-Key is disabled." when trying to join or create a
realm game, this indicates the CD-Key installed has been temporarily or permanently banned from playing on
Battle.net. First time offenders are banned from Battle.net play for one month and repeat offenders are banned
from realm play permanently. Users who are unsure if their CD-Key was temporarily or permanently banned will
have to wait one month from the time the CD-Key was banned to determine the status. If the CD-Key is still
disabled after a month the ban will be permanent.

We regret having to employ such extreme measures; however, certain activities (as detailed in the Battle.net
Terms of Use Agreement and/or End User License Agreement of the game) have impaired the game play experience
of the community as a whole and a severe response continues to be warranted. We will continue to monitor
Battle.net for players who choose not to behave in a manner that promotes a positive gaming experience for

We will not be able to supply any additional information beyond what is indicated in this email.


Online Support
Blizzard Entertainment

Ne andere E-Mail verschicken die glaub ich gar nicht!
das mit jon fand ich auch burner. aber so fertigt man das locker ab. how to work as a blizzard supporter.
1. den ersten satz einer e-mail lesen, sollte dort keine speziellen vorwürde des nichtlesens stehen, standartanwort 1 abschicken.
2. sollten sich vorwürfe des nichtlesens finden, standartantwort 2 mit beliebigen namensauswahl schicken.

hat mal einer versucht ne beschwerde mail erst ganz normal zu schreiben und ab teil 2 irgenteinen mist übers wetter oder sonst was zu schreiben?^^
moin alle:hy:

komm grade von nem freund wo wir mit 4 leuten 4 stunden halo gezockt haben :D

toll hab vor über nem jahr nem freund nen key von mir gegeben weil ich den nit brauchte(alter key) und nun spielt er wieder aber ich hab den key auch in nutzung weil mein anderer key weg ist...-.-
damit ihr mal seht wies so nach meiner vorletzten mail weitergeht
Hello Felix,

The transferring of items between Diablo II characters (muling) is not directly supported by Blizzard Technical Support. The safest way to trade or transfer items between characters is by using the trade window option in the game with a trusted friend. Any other method to transfer items between characters online is risky, and we will be unable replace items lost or stolen during transfer.

The stash size is limited in Diablo II both for performance and storage space issues and because the designers wanted players to make decisions as to which items to keep and which items must be thrown away or sold.

Also please keep in mind that rapidly connecting and disconnecting to Battle.net within a small window of time can cause you to temporarily get restricted from our servers. Switching between characters can cause this restriction and in these instances, the restriction will typically last 15-30 minutes.

For more information on transferring your items on Battle.net, please visit our items page. http://www.battle.net/diablo2exp/items/basics.shtml


Jon D.
Technical Support
Blizzard Entertainment
Feel free to contact me back for help regarding this or other Technical Issues.

darauf dann meine freundliche antwort
Hello Mr. D.

First of all, I think that you addressing me by my first name only is impolite, disrespectful and inadequate. I am not your friend, I am a customer who is disappointed by the treatment that I receive by your company and you.
Second of all, thanks a reply that again seems as if you have not read my e-mail at all. Which probably brings me back to the point of not being in conversation with an actual human being but being given standard responses.

We are both aware of the fact that Diablo2 only offers one safe method to transfer items between characters and that is with 2 characters in game via trademenu. So let`s see where that gets us from here.

I only took the transfer of items safely f.e. between 2 installations/characters as one feature, which was the motivation of many people to actually by the game a second or third time.

I am fully aware of the fact, that the modified d2gfx.dll is a violation of the EULA, however the EULA in itself is, as far as I understand the game and the connections that Diablo 2 maintains while playing, not really valid.
Diablo 2 uses two ports on my computer to connect to battle net services.
Port 4000 for playing and port 6112 for chat purposes.

Which as far as I understand it, is a violation of paragraph (iv) of the Battle Net terms of use and the license agreement in Diablo2.
And thus would demand a complete closing of all accounts of the whole Battle Net.

Well we could go on to the fact that if one has multiply keysets/bought the game several times, one is allowed several connections to Battle Net, one connection per license.

As far as I know, it is allowed to maintain up to 4 connections to Battle Net at the same time per IP, which as we both know is due to the fact that there can be several computers behind one router, each with an installation of diablo2.

However: the only difference between the d2gfx.dll and for example a user of
a.) several computers and one router
b:) several useraccounts on the same computer
c:) virtual machines

is that with the modified d2gfx.dll, you see that there is only one person that actually uses these keys and not several ones. For the gameplay itself, this will not make any difference and sollution b and c will probably be the way that people will continue to play diablo2, if they continue at all, with multiple connections to the Battle Net.
The modified d2gfx.dll was an option for all users who could not go for option a to achieve their goals of a better gameplay.

The transferring of items between Diablo 2 Characters is one key element of the game itself and the community around it.
Without transferring tiems between characters, it is impossible to use the features of the game to a full extent.
Things like crafting (which for optimal results demand a certain charcter level for instance), shopping for items ddemands lots of gold and time, which has to be transferred.
Then we have trading with other people, which is not always done from character to character in game, since people have different playing routines, a trading account is used then.
We also have the problem of more than 1/3 of all runewords containing runes higher than GUL (which can be obtained through the hell forge quest).

So as we are both aware of the fact that muling is an essential part of the game, at least if ones wants to optimize his or her characters and not play selffound only with each char, without the gains of other chars, having 2 installations seems not to be wrong, nor does it seem wrong to connect to the Battle Net with each of theese installations.

Actual changes in the gameplay did not occur when one used only the modified d2gfx.dll to play, it rather enhanced the safety of player, motivation of that person and the general experience, not to mention the advantage of doing this.

Since one official partner of Blizzard, namely PlanetDiablo.eu offered the modified d2gfx.dll as download for several years and Blizzard never complained about the use of that file until 11.11.08, by banning the users of that file, one can simply say, that the use of that file was an accepted custom by both the users and Blizzard Entertainment or have there never been controls/checks of the official partners of Blizzard?

One could argue in favor of the modified file simply because of the common recognition for the necessity of muling and the right to connect multiple times because of multiple licenses.

Now if we have anpother look at the Battle net as it is today in respect to Diablo2

Spambots are still operational after Warden
The same works for a number of hacks, mf- or Baalbots.

Which now brings me to an end of this e-mail with one last look @ the closed accounts.

I guess you know the never restoring possibility for expired characters. which means that expired characters can be fully restored as long as their name is not taken.

Well I guess that Blizzard Entertainment does not really think of it`s customers that much after they`ve received their money.
Basiccally such actions are, at least as far as I see it, only bad publicity. And really effective if one looks at the policy of publishing games.
It is really wise to slap a big chunk of potential customers in the face by banishing them and their accumulated work from Battle Net and your franchises?
es mag auch wieder ne standartantwort sein, jedoch wurde die ja mal verfasst und wenn das die tatsächliche einstellung von blizz is, dann kann man nur jedem raten, seine d2 spiele zu verbrennen und blizz zu bojkotieren, das is ja nen witz der seines gleichen sucht.

keine ahnung ob man bei blizz nach leistung bezahlt wird oder ob es da ne wanne be traum welt gibt, seid geld kein thema mehr is, aber wer sich diesen schwachfug ausgedacht hat, gehört *übertreibung on* an die wand vors erschiessungs kommando gestellt *übertreibung off*

is schon lachhaft, wenn blizz in seinem eigenem comment DAS feature des spiels nichtmal drin haben will. ich mein, denkt da einer mal logisch nach oder haben die alle nen sonnenstich da in kalifornien? is doch kack egal, ob mulen geplant war oder nicht, die spieler habens getan und das spiel deswegen x mal gekauft, das is knete und war und is bis heute sicher nicht wenig zusammen gewesen, also kann man verdammt noch mal sein hirn einschalten und den arsch hoch kriegen und das gefälligst übernehmen, das zählt für mich unter comm support.

und keiner kann mir sagen, dass blizz sich ohne WOW so nen scheiss erlauben könnte. blizz is ne scheisse firma geworden, denen ihre comm außerhalb von WOW scheinbar ziemlich scheiss egal ist, sonst müsste man so schwachsinns statements und so nen wanne be support nicht ertragen.

so, wütender oni hat gesprochen.

PS: wo is jan eigentlich abgeblieben?:confused:
PPS: need help http://planetdiablo.eu/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1468938
tja, nix mit smileys;)

man, ich muss unbedingt auf mrogen lernen, aber diese motivation is sowas von im keller...und da is das wiedervorhandensein des i-net nich gerade fördernd;)
Hallo erstmal,

gerade von der Arbeit gekommen und ich habe viel Arbeit in der Arbeit zum abarbeiten.^^

free dom
free beer ist auch lustig.

Wer STEAM hat soll sich mal Left4Dead Demo ziehen, ist nice game.
(stellt euch vor DieUntoten sind Blizzardmitarbeiter.^^)

Mfg und thx
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