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Prioritäten der itemStats eines Inferno-Barbs

##Final Note on Resistance/Armor: There's a bit more to the whole thing that just that.

First, 1 resistance is basically always better than 1 armor, obviously. And 1 int is worth 0.1 resistance, so 10int > 1 armor.
Second, how good resistance/int is versus armor depends on your current armor and resistance. So don't necessarily stack one to the detriment of the other.
The more Armor you have the better resistance becomes.
The more resistance you have the better Armor becomes, relative to each other.

Now comes the question: which is better for me specifically? Well, it should be possible to tell how much armor is worth 1 resistance point. I have put together a matrix with Armor running across the top and Resistance running down the side, find where your armor and resistance intersect and it should tell you how many points of armor equal 1 point of resistance.

Resistance vs Armor Matrix:

For me personally, my character's res/armor ratio is about 20. So if I have to choose between 500 armor and 20 resistance, I will choose the armor.
Quelle: The Myth of Diminshing Returns on Armor

Der Link ist relevant, dort seht ihr wie viel Rüstung ein Punkt Resistenz wert ist bei gegebenen Werten.