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runes and blitzsorc please help

itachi 15

hi diablo-fans,
I'm new and I've been playing diablo for two month. I've already a Blizzardsorc(but not good equipment) :flopp: and a Hammerdin who is okay. I will skill my blitzsorc like the guide from kamikaze1464. But I don't find good equipments and I can play only one hour a day
Dont laugh now but I want to make dol um ber ist and ko vex pul thul. My best runes are um. I've three. How can I find very good runes like vex or ber? Where must I search and how long does it take?? Please answer to my questions because I'm a beginner and don't have much experience .:confused: I'm grateful for every answer.
At least I had an occu and viper. But I wasn't careful and the next day I didn't find them in my inventar. I think somebody has stolen them. Can anybody offer me that things, please.
Please write. I say already thank you for your answers.

were your from?

in this forum, the runes you searched are not in a good voice.

means nobody like highrunes, cause the most of them are dupes in the realm....
and to trade 3 ist for a ber rune in the b-net is not the moral here.

so the only regular answer to your qestion , how to find a ber is to have very much luck... or to cube your runes.. last option is a bit crazy ( if you ask me...)

to get a vex rune you just have to cube 2 gul runes. (just -.-)

you know the second quest in act 4? the hellforge quest can bring you this rune, if you have luck.

so long

hi, ...

a "good" possibility to get higher runes is to clean so called tc85 areas ... like the chaos sanctuary ... a hammadin should be able to clean it ...
of cause you have to be very lucky

and you shouldn't beg for equibment ... in the market square (here) often people give equibment away
my suggestions wud be 2 not worry bout rather u get a vex rune or any high-end equipment on ur soso but 2 just play her with what u got
its way more fun that way cuz u advance slower>more fun>u value ur char a lot more

and about the stolen items: ur comment didnt make sense, it just appears as u r begging for an occu and a viper:D

cutting it down 2 the essentials: dont count on high runes 2 drop, cuz they wont
if u trade in the b.net u have access 2 the runes easier but in a way that is viewed unorthodox by most folks round this forum;)
so simply play ur soso and hope for good drops
gl and hf:hy:
u dont need hoto and coh anyway - spirit-sword + vipern works aswell :)

vex can b cubed out of 2gul which can drop at hellforge-quest in hell with a little luck

but i guess u're better off if u just do normal mf-runs and trade the stuff u find vs. runes.

btw: coh suxx anyway - najs armor with rbf does more dmg and gives u more life. only advantage of coh is life-rep, dr and 40allres more - but dr/liferep istn necessarly needed and the res u can get from other parts of ur equip