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Thread für: Fun Pics - Links - Clips etc




Ihr wisst garnicht wie ich bei diesem Pic gebrüllt habe :D


Schaut mal, die Schlange grinst dabei :D :D :lol:
#10 Wes Anderson movies

White people love Wes Anderson movies more than they love their kids. If a white guy takes a white girl to a Wes Anderson movie on their first date, and neither of them have seen it, they will immediately commence a relationship that is reflected in songs by Ryan Adams and Bright Eyes.

Wes Anderson movies have this way of being sort of funny and a little clever, so white people in the audience will laugh like crazy. Also, if they don’t get the joke and other white people start laughing, they’ll all join in. It’s pretty much the case that if one dude with glasses laughs, the entire theater will be in stitches within 15 seconds.

If you find yourself in a situation with a white person, and an awkard silence falls over you. Mention any of the movies below and you will have something to talk about, and they will like you. Here are some approved comments:

1. The Darjeeling Limited (2007) “It’s so great to see that he’s back, Owen Wilson is just fantastic.”
2. Hotel Chevalier (2007) “Can you believe Natalie Portman got kind of naked?”
3. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) “I know a lot of people said they didn’t like this film, but I thought it was fantastic.” (Note: it is acceptable to be critical of this movie).
4. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) “This movie changed my life.”
5. Rushmore (1998) “This is when Bill Murray really changed in my eyes, he’s so fantastic in the movie, and Jason Schwartzman is a true star.”
6. Bottle Rocket (1996) “I saw this movie in 1994″

Stuff White People Like
FAIL! (nochmal ;))

...wundert mich gerade dass hier demotivateyou.com noch nicht aufgetaucht is^^
Dämlicher Sprecher schrieb:
Sie sahen eine Wahlwerbespot für die "Feministische Partei - Die Frauen" (Die Frauen)

Der Sprecher ist ja mal übelst dämlich.