• Herzlich Willkommen!

    Nach der Schließung von inDiablo.de wurden die Inhalte und eure Accounts in dieses Forum konvertiert. Ihr könnt euch hier mit eurem alten Account weiterhin einloggen, müsst euch dafür allerdings über die "Passwort vergessen" Funktion ein neues Passwort setzen lassen.

    Solltet ihr keinen Zugriff mehr auf die mit eurem Account verknüpfte Emailadresse haben, so könnt ihr euch unter Angabe eures Accountnamens, eurer alten Emailadresse sowie eurer gewünschten neuen Emailadresse an einen Administrator wenden.

Timeban plugin


Namd :D

Von stealthbot gibts ja diese timeban plugin

Nun mein problem, ich brauch dieses plugin so, das es automatisch nicht safelisted user fuer 10 minuten bant, nach diesen 10 minuten aber wieder automatisch entbant. ist sowas moeglich? oder muss ich da ins stealthbot.net forum fragen gehn?

'&Timeban Script:Swent
'&timeban <username> <time> [reason]:untimeban <username>:timebanned:ctbl
'&From inside the bot, use "/" as your trigger:The <time> arguement is in minutes, and must be an integer:To use something other than minutes use .timeban <username> <x>/<time> [reason]: <x> can be d (days), h (hours), or s (seconds):Example - ".timeban Joe s/30" would timeban Joe for 30 seconds:Example - ".timeban Joe 5" would timeban Joe for 5 minutes

'// ver 1.36
'// *Fixed banning/unbanning problems for Diablo 2 users

'// ver 1.354
'// *To reduce lag/fl removed one of the AddQ's on unban for timebans 1 minute or shorter

Public tbPath '// holds path to the timebanned users text file
Public tbUsers '// holds data about users that are currently timebanned
Public tbDisplay '// holds command output display type
Public tbBan(2) '// holds ban message
Public tbUnban(2) '// holds user who's being unbanned after an expired timeban
Public tbOffline '// holds users that were offline when their timeban expired
Public tbFSO '// holds the FSO


'// Access requirements
Const timeban_cmd_access = 60
Const untimeban_cmd_access = 60
Const timebanned_cmd_access = 60
Const ctbl_cmd_access = 60

'// Command names
Const timeban_command = "timeban" '// Command to timeban a user
Const untimeban_command = "untimeban" '// Command to end a user's timeban
Const timebanned_command = "timebanned" '// Command to list users that are currently timebanned
Const ctbl_command = "ctbl" '// Command to clear list of timebanned users

'// Output Display Type
'// 1: Public | 2: Emoted | 3: Whispered
Const tb_display_type = 3


Sub timeban_Event_Load()

Set tbFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
tbPath = BotPath & "timebanned_users.dat"

'// Get list of timebanned users from the text file
If Not tbFSO.FileExists(tbPath) Then
Set tbFile = tbFSO.CreateTextFile(tbPath)
ReDim tbUsers(0)
Set tmpFile = tbFSO.GetFile(tbPath)
If tmpFile.Size = 0 Then
ReDim tbUsers(0)
Set File = tbFSO.OpenTextFile(tbPath, 1)
tbUsers = Split(File.ReadAll(), vbCrLf)
End If
End If

TimerInterval "timeban", "tbTimer", 1
TimerEnabled "timeban", "tbTimer", True
End Sub

Sub timeban_Event_ServerError(Message)

If Message = "That user is not logged on." Then

'// If timebanned user is offline, display timeban line
If tbBan(0) Then
dsp tbDisplay, Replace(tbBan(1), chr(167), "(offline) "), tbBan(2), vbCyan
tbBan(0) = False

'// If a user's timeban expires and they're offline, rejoin channel to lift the ban
ElseIf tbUnban(0) Then
If Not IsArray(tbOffline) Then ReDim tbOffline(0)
tbOffline(UBound(tbOffline)) = tbUnban(1)
ReDim Preserve tbOffline(UBound(tbOffline) + 1)
If tbUnban(2) = BotVars.Username Then tbDisplay = 4
dsp tbDisplay, tbUnban(1) & " is offline. To lift the ban the bot will now rejoin the channel...", tbUnban(2), vbCyan
AddQ "/rejoin"
tbUnban(0) = False
End If

'// If timebanner doesn't have ops, display timeban line
ElseIf Message = "You are not a channel operator." Then
If tbBan(0) Then
dsp tbDisplay, Replace(tbBan(1), chr(167), vbNullString), tbBan(2), vbCyan
tbBan(0) = False
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub timeban_Event_ServerInfo(Message)

If Instr(LCase(Message), "was unbanned by " & LCase(BotVars.Username)) Then
If tbUnban(0) Then tbUnban(0) = False

'// Protect against other bots' Ban Evasion / AutoBan
ElseIf Instr(LCase(Message), "was banned by") Then
bannedUser = Split(LCase(Message))(0)

If Instr(Message, "Timebanned") Then
If tbBan(0) Then tbBan(0) = False: Exit Sub
End If

'// Are there any users that were untimebanned while offline?
If Not IsArray(tbOffline) Then Exit Sub

If Instr(Message, "Ban Evasion") Or Instr(Message, "AutoBan") Then

'// Check for users that were offline when their timeban expired
For i = 0 to UBound(tbOffline)
If bannedUser = tbOffline(i) Then
tbOffline(i) = vbNullString
PadQueue: PadQueue: PadQueue
AddQ "/unban " & psD2 & bannedUser
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & bannedUser & " You have been unbanned."
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub timeban_Event_UserTalk(Username, Flags, Message, Ping)

GetDBEntry Username, myAccess, myFlags
If Not (Left(Message, 1) = BotVars.Trigger Or Left(Message, 1) = "/") Then Exit Sub '// Not a command

'// AddChat response if command is coming from inside bot
If Username = BotVars.Username Then tbDisplay = 4 Else tbDisplay = tb_display_type End If

'// Get command and arguements
If Len(Message) < 2 Then Exit Sub
cmd = Split(Mid(LCase(Trim(Message)), 2))

'// Call the appropriate command sub
Select Case cmd(0)
Case timeban_command, "tban": timeban_cmd cmd, Username, myAccess, Message
Case untimeban_command, "utban": untimeban_cmd cmd, Username, myAccess
Case timebanned_command, "tbanned": timebanned_cmd Username, myAccess
Case ctbl_command: ctbl_cmd Username, myAccess
End Select
End Sub

Sub timeban_Event_UserJoins(Username, Flags, Message, Ping, Product, Level, OriginalStatString)

tbanData = GetTimebanData(Username)
If IsArray(tbanData) Then
If Len(tbanData(2)) > 0 Then reason = Replace(tbanData(2), chr(164), "|")
AddQ "/ban " & psD2 & Username & " Timebanned" & reason & ". " & tbGetTimeLeft(tbanData(4)), 1
End If
End Sub

Sub timeban_Event_UserInChannel(Username, Flags, Message, Ping, Product)

tbanData = GetTimebanData(Username)
If IsArray(tbanData) Then
If Len(tbanData(2)) > 0 Then reason = Replace(tbanData(2), chr(164), "|")
AddQ "/ban " & psD2 & Username & " Timebanned" & reason & ". " & tbGetTimeLeft(tbanData(4)), 1
End If
End Sub

Sub timeban_Event_PressedEnter(Text)

If Len(Text) < 2 Or Left(Text, 1) <> "/" Then Exit Sub
cmd = Split(Mid(LCase(Trim(Text)), 2), " ")

Select Case cmd(0)
Case timeban_command, untimeban_command, timebanned_command, ctbl_command, "tban", "utban", "tbanned"
timeban_Event_UserTalk BotVars.Username, "", Text, 0
End Select
End Sub

Sub timeban_tbTimer_Timer()

'// Is anyone timebanned?
If Join(tbUsers, vbNullString) = vbNullString Then Exit Sub

For i = 0 to UBound(tbUsers)
If tbUsers(i) <> vbNullString Then
arrUser = Split(tbUsers(i), "|")

If DateDiff("s", Now, arrUser(4)) <= 0 Then

'// This user's timeban has ended
tbUsers(i) = vbNullString
tbUnban(0) = True: tbUnban(1) = arrUser(0): tbUnban(2) = BotVars.Username
AddQ "/unban " & psD2 & arrUser(0)
If DateDiff("s", arrUser(3), Now) > 60 Then AddQ arrUser(0) & "'s timeban has expired."
AddQ "/w " & psD2 & arrUser(0) & " Your timeban has expired. You have been unbanned."
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub timeban_Event_Close()

If tbFSO.FileExists(tbPath) Then
End If

If Join(tbUsers) <> vbNullString Then
Set File = tbFSO.OpenTextFile(tbPath, 2, True)
For i = 0 to UBound(tbUsers)
If tbUsers(i) <> vbNullString Then
File.WriteLine tbUsers(i)
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub timeban_cmd(cmd, Username, Access, Message)

If Access < timeban_cmd_access Then Exit Sub

If UBound(cmd) < 2 Then
If UBound(cmd) = 1 Then
If cmd(1) = "on" Or cmd(1) = "off" Then Exit Sub
End If
tb_error 1, Username: Exit Sub
End If

'// Make sure the the user isn't already timebanned
If IsArray(GetTimebanData(cmd(1))) Then
tb_error 2, Username: Exit Sub
End If

'// Make sure the user isn't an op (commented out until GetInternalData is fixed)
bnetFlags = GetInternalDataByUsername(cmd(1), 1)
If bnetFlags = 2 Or bnetFlags = 18 Then
tb_error 3, Username: Exit Sub
End If

'// Store the current date variable
curDate = Now()

'// Get duration of timeban
If Instr(cmd(2), "/") Then strArg = cmd(2) Else strArg = "n/" & cmd(2) End If
arrDuration = Split(strArg, "/")

'// Make sure the time arguement is an integer
If IsNumeric(arrDuration(1)) Then
If Int(arrDuration(1)) - arrDuration(1) <> 0 Then
tb_error 4, Username: Exit Sub
End If
tb_error 4, Username: Exit Sub
End If

'// Make sure they've entered a valid time letter
If UBound(Filter(Array("d","h","n","s"), arrDuration(0))) = -1 Then
tb_error 5, Username: Exit Sub
End If

'// Get date/time at which user will unbanned
utbDate = DateAdd(arrDuration(0), arrDuration(1), curDate)

'// Create a string showing the number of days/hours/minutes/seconds user will be timebanned for
Select Case arrDuration(0)
Case "d": strTime = arrDuration(1) & " day"
Case "h": strTime = arrDuration(1) & " hour"
Case "n": strTime = arrDuration(1) & " minute"
Case "s": strTime = arrDuration(1) & " second"
End Select
If arrDuration(1) > 1 Then strTime = strTime & "s"

'// Get the reason
If UBound(cmd) > 2 Then
arrMsg = Split(Message)
For i = 3 to UBound(arrMsg)
reason = reason & arrMsg(i) & " "
dspReason = " [" & RTrim(reason) & "]"
reason = Replace(dspReason, "|", chr(164))
End If

'// Add user with timebanner's name, reason, current date/time, and date/time of unban
ReDim Preserve tbUsers(UBound(tbUsers) + 1)
tbUsers(UBound(tbUsers)) = Join(Array(cmd(1), Username, reason, curDate, utbDate), "|")

'// Save the ban message in case this user is offline
tbBan(0) = True: tbBan(1) = "Timebanned " & cmd(1) & " " & chr(167) & "for " & strTime & dspReason & ".": tbBan(2) = Username

AddQ "/ban " & psD2 & cmd(1) & " Timebanned for " & strTime & dspReason
End Sub

Sub untimeban_cmd(cmd, Username, Access)

If Access < untimeban_cmd_access Then Exit Sub

tbanData = GetTimebanData(cmd(1))

'// Make sure this user isn't already timebanned
If IsArray(tbanData) Then
tbUsers(tbanData(5)) = vbNullString
tbUnban(0) = True: tbUnban(1) = cmd(1): tbUnban(2) = Username
AddQ "/unban " & psD2 & cmd(1)
dsp tbDisplay, cmd(1) & " is no longer timebanned.", Username, vbCyan
dsp tbDisplay, "That user is not timebanned.", Username, vbCyan
End If
End Sub

Sub timebanned_cmd(Username, Access)

If Access < timebanned_cmd_access Then Exit Sub

ReDim dispUsers(0)

For i = 0 to UBound(tbUsers)
If tbUsers(i) <> vbNullString Then
arrUser = Split(tbUsers(i), "|")
dispUsers(UBound(dispUsers)) = arrUser(0) & " (" & tbGetTimeLeft(arrUser(4)) & ")"
ReDim Preserve dispUsers(UBound(dispUsers) + 1)
End If

If Join(dispUsers, vbNullString) = vbNullString Then
dsp tbDisplay, "No users are timebanned.", Username, vbCyan
ReDim Preserve dispUsers(UBound(dispUsers) - 1)
dsp tbDisplay, "Timebanned users: " & Join(dispUsers, ", "), Username, vbCyan
End If
End Sub

Sub ctbl_cmd(Username, Access)

If Access < ctbl_cmd_access Then Exit Sub

ReDim tbUsers(0)

dsp tbDisplay, "Timebanned user list cleared.", Username, vbCyan
End Sub

Function GetTimebanData(Username)

For i = 0 to UBound(tbUsers)
If tbUsers(i) <> vbNullString Then
arrUser = Split(tbUsers(i), "|")
If arrUser(0) = LCase(Username) Then
ReDim Preserve arrUser(5): arrUser(5) = i
GetTimebanData = arrUser
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function

Function tbGetTimeLeft(UTBDate)

daysLeft = DateDiff("d", Now, UTBDate)
hoursLeft = DateDiff("h", Now, UTBDate)
minutesLeft = DateDiff("n", Now, UTBDate)
secondsLeft = DateDiff("s", Now, UTBDate)
If daysLeft > 2 Then
tbGetTimeLeft = "Days left: " & daysLeft
ElseIf hoursLeft > 1 Then
tbGetTimeLeft = "Hours left: " & hoursLeft
ElseIf minutesLeft > 1 Then
tbGetTimeLeft = "Minutes left: " & minutesLeft
tbGetTimeLeft = "Seconds left: " & secondsLeft
End If
End Function

Sub tb_error(errNum, Username)

Select Case errNum
Case 1: errString = "Proper format: " & BotVars.Trigger & "timeban <username> <time>"
Case 2: errString = "That user is already timebanned."
Case 3: errString = "You can't timeban a channel operator."
Case 4: errString = "The Time arguement must be an integer."
Case 5: errString = "You used an invalid time letter. Valid letters: d, h, s"
End Select

dsp tbDisplay, "Timeban command error: " & errString, Username, vbRed
End Sub
Hast du das Pluginsystem geladen?
Da sollte afaik so eine Funktion drin sein.

Auf Bald, bis dann
ja hab ich, aber da ist ne timeban bin, der den ich gepostet hab, aber keine die nicht safelisted user nur timebanned, im bot selber ist ne channel protection drin die ihn bant bis er manuell entbant wird, will ich aber nicht immer schaun ob wer evt mit nem mule acc drin war und gebant wurde.
Ich verstehe im moment nicht was du willst...
das Timeban Plugin hat doch die funktion User zu bannen:

[ TimeBan ]
Plugin Version: 1.373
Description: Lets you ban a user for a specified amount of time.
Prefix: timeban
[16:33:58] Commands:
[16:33:58] .timeban <username> <time> [reason]
[16:33:58] .untimeban <username>
[16:33:58] .timebanned
[16:33:58] .ctbl
[16:33:58] Important Notes:
[16:33:58] -From inside the bot, use "/" as your trigger
[16:33:58] -The <time> arguement is in minutes, and must be an integer
[16:33:58] -To use something other than minutes use .timeban <username> <x>/<time> [reason]
[16:33:58] - <x> can be d (days), h (hours), or s (seconds)
[16:33:58] -Example - ".timeban Joe s/30" would timeban Joe for 30 seconds
[16:33:58] -Example - ".timeban Joe 5" would timeban Joe for 5 minutes
[16:33:58] Visit http://www.stealthbot.net/forumn/index.php?showtopic=8970 for additional information on this plugin
Bannt zwar nicht automatisch, aber entbannt nach einer gewissen Zeit.

Ansonsten kannst auch das Phrase Kick Plugin versuchen:
[ Phrase Kick ]
Plugin Version: 1.23
Description: Kicks and timebans users that say specific phrases.
Prefix: pkick
[16:39:27] Commands:
[16:39:27] .pkadd <word>
[16:39:27] .pklist
[16:39:27] .pkdel <word>
[16:39:27] .pkreset
[16:39:27] .pk <on/off>
[16:39:27] .pkstatus
[16:39:27] .pksafe <on/off>
[16:39:27] .pkword <on/off>
[16:39:27] .pkrelease <username>
Sollte doch deinen Vorstellungen entsprechen?
Wenn nicht, dann musst du wohl zu Stealthbot gehen, sry

Auf Bald, bis dann
Hab mich wohl etwas undeutlich ausgedrueckt wenn ich die antwort lese^^


timeban muss ich manuell den timeban setzen, phraseban geht auf teile eines satzes, ich moechte aber

wenn user X auf safelist ist
und user Z nicht

user x kann joinen,
user Z aber nicht, er ist nicht auf safelist, und soll einen timeban bekommen.
stealthbot bietet mir ohne script die moeglichkeit ihn permanent zu bannen.
haette aber gern das er dann nen timeban bekommt.
Hmm, gibt noch die Möglichkeit den Channel mit einem passwort zu sperren.
Ansonsten, wirklich mal bei stealth suchen.

Auf Bald, bis dann
ne, per pw sperren mag ich nich so^^ werd dann mal stealthbot.net nerven :D
trotzdem danke :angel: