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Was hört ihr grad für Mukke - Part LXV

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Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Hey Ho
lol jmd der nanowar kennt

dio - heres to you
Nanowar kenn ich net, aber Titel und Bandname klingt nett :D

Public Enemy - Rise
Minas Morgul - Minas Morgul

H8 outet andere!
Nanowar... hörs dir gar nit erst an. Hinterher gefällts dir noch :x
war ne anspielung auf 'nanowar - poser' deshalb des poser du poser :p
nt soll ich dich mal outen?
aber hab ich mit dem pic ja schon

Ungrace -waiting
Hmmm ..... Nanowar ist doch .... schlecht?!

Gojira - Rise
Nanowar - King

@ hate: was erwartest du an nem tag an dem ich grad mal 2 stunden geschlafen habe?^^
how does it feel to be a poser like you?
how does it feel to listen to limp bizkit ?

have you ever noticed that the word loser rhymes with poser?
and you don't know the title of the first manowar album

poser, you stand alone in the dark
poser, i wonder why noah put you in the ark
and you don't know the difference between metallica and iron maiden
poser, you have the t-shirt of Reload

i am a poser, and i listen to korn
but i am not a loser and i'm glad to be born


orianthi - untogether
Kataklysm - Where The Enemy Sleeps

als Essensvorlage outen? muss nit sein :S
how does it feel to be a poser like you?
how does it feel to listen to limp bizkit ?

have you ever noticed that the word loser rhymes with poser?
and you don't know the title of the first manowar album

poser, you stand alone in the dark
poser, i wonder why noah put you in the ark
and you don't know the difference between metallica and iron maiden
poser, you have the t-shirt of Reload

i am a poser, and i listen to korn
but i am not a loser and i'm glad to be born

gibs zu den text musstest du googlen^^

Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train
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