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Was hört Ihr grad für Mukke - Part LXXII

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Epic rap battles of history - John Lennon vs. Bill O Really?
Epic rap battles of history - John Lennon vs. Bill O Really?
Epic rap battles of history - Justin Bieber vs Beathoven
Epic rap battles of history - Justin Bieber vs Beathoven
Epic rap battles of history - Justin Bieber vs Beathoven
epic rap battles of history - Hulk Hogan and Macho Man vs. Kim Bong-Il
epic rap battles of history - Hulk Hogan and Macho Man vs. Kim Bong-Il
epic rap battles of history - Hulk Hogan and Macho Man vs. Kim Bong-Il
epic rap battles of history - Genghis Khaine vs Easter Bunny
epic rap battles of history - Genghis Khaine vs Easter Bunny
epic rap battles of history - Genghis Khaine vs Easter Bunny
Epic rap battles of history - N4poleon vs. N4poleon
Epic rap battles of history - N4poleon vs. N4poleon
Jetzt sind die Graukutten schon zu 3 !! *waaaaah" ;)

A Perfect Circle - weak and powerless
Epic rap battles of history - N4poleon vs. N4poleon
epic rap battles of history - Sarah Impalin vs. Lady Gaga
epic rap battles of history - Sarah Impalin vs. Lady Gaga
epic rap battles of history - Sarah Impalin vs. Lady Gaga
Ich witter ein Komplott :[

A Perfect Circle - hollow
epic rap battles of history - Silly Mays vs. Ben Franklin
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