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Was hört Ihr grad für Mukke - Part LXXIV

The Black Lips - modern art

:santa: zeph
Moin moin

Pixies ~ River Euphrates
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - cheated hearts


Pixies ~ Head On

As soon as I get my head round you
I come around catching sparks of you
I get a little electric charge from you
A second hand living, it just won't do

And the way I feel tonight
I could die and I wouldn't mind
And there's something going on inside

Makes you wanna feel
Makes you wanna try
Makes you wanna blow the stars from the sky
And I can't stand up I can't cool down
I can't get my head off the ground
anaal nathrakh- der hölle rache kocht in meinem herzen

sers luke:WD
@grim : kennst du dead elephant? Auch Italiener.

Bob Dylan ~ Idiot Wind

Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth,
You're an idiot, babe.
It's a wonder that you still know how to br
Ein Franzos!

Skazi - Fucking my brain
Ihrs :santa:

@leech: Nope, kenn ich nicht. Empfehlenswert?

Trouble Andrew - falling apart