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Cabbles Shop


New member
5 Januar 2007
Punkte Reaktionen
Bei mir hat sich inzwischen auch so einiges gut brauchbares angesammelt, das an den Mann (oder die Frau) gebracht werden möchte. :)


- Barb Torch (mindestens 38 Stats+Res)
- Alle Runen ab Pul (Cubewerte bis Ist, Gul = 1,5 Ist, Vex = 3, höhere verhandlungssache)
- Anni
- Light Skiller
- Bo-Skiller
- Token (ein paar stück)
- Light-Sorc Equip
- gute FCR Ringe/Amus für Barb und Sorc
- Perfekte Edelsteine
- eure vorschläge
- ... (hab sicher was vergessen ;))

_.-~-. Set Items .-~-._

2 Handed Club
Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Ogre Maul - 40% cb(35-40) { CabMuleA/Cabble2 }

Barbarian Helm
Immortal King's Will - Avenger Guard - def: 166(160-175) | 33% mf(25-40) { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
Immortal King's Will - Avenger Guard - def: 170(160-175) | 40% mf(25-40) { MuleAA/Cabble }

Credendum - Mithril Coil - def: 112(108-115) { MuleAB/Cabble }
M'avina's Tenet - Sharkskin Belt - def: 86 | strreq: 20 | lvlreq: 45 | •20% frw | 5% ml | •50 Defense | •5 lightrad { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Mesh Belt - def: 36(35-40) | 14% mf(10-15) { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth - Mesh Belt - def: 37(35-40) | 14% mf(10-15) { MuleAB/Cabble }

Aldur's Advance - Battle Boots - def: 41 | strreq: 95 | lvlreq: 45 | Indestructible | •40% frw | •50 life | •180 mStam | staminaheal 32% | f-Res •49% | 10% Damage Taken Goes To Mana { MuleAE/Cabble }

Laying of Hands - Bramble Mitts - def: 82(79-87) { CabMuleA/Cabble2 }
Laying of Hands - Bramble Mitts - def: 84(79-87) { MuleAC/Cabble }
Magnus' Skin - Sharkskin Gloves - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
M'avina's Icy Clutch - Battle Gauntlets - def: 84 | strreq: 88 | lvlreq: 32 | + 6-18 cold damage | •45 Defense | •10 str | •15 dex | halftimefrozen | 56% eg { MuleAE/Cabble }
Trang-Oul's Claws - Heavy Bracers - def: 71(67-74) { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }

Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Death Mask - def: 110(99-131) { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Death Mask - def: 115(99-131) { MuleAA/Cabble }

Whitstan's Guard - Round Shield - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }

Naj's Puzzler - Elder Staff - { MuleAD/Cabble }

_.-~-. Unique Items .-~-._

1 Handed Club
Demon Limb - Tyrant Club - 1h-dmg: 102 - 185(89-105-162-189) | •219% edmg(180-230) | 11% ll(7-13) | f-Res •19%(15-20) { CabMuleA/Cabble2 }

Amazon Bow

Lycander's Aim - Ceremonial Bow - 2h-dmg: 79 - 167(72-82-152-173) | •186% edmg(150-200) | 5% ml(5-8) { CabMuleA/Cabble2 } FT → Pul

Duriel's Shell - Cuirass - def: 573(528-610) | •182% ed(160-200) { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }

Goldwrap - Heavy Belt - def: 36(34-36) | •58% ed(40-60) | 73% eg(50-80) { CabMuleA/Cabble2 }

Goblin Toe - Mirrored Boots - def: 115(33-34) | •52% ed(50-60) { CabMuleA/Cabble2 }

Marrowwalk - Boneweave Boots - def: 199(183-204) | •1 to Skeleton Mastery (nec)(1-2) | •193% ed(170-200) | •19 str(10-20) { MuleAA/Cabble } FT → Um

Sandstorm Trek - Scarabshell Boots - def: 162(158-178) | •146% ed(140-170) | •13 str(10-15) | •11 vit(10-15) | p-Res •49%(40-70) { CabMuleB/Cabble2 } FT → Pul

Charm: Large Charms
Hellfire Torch - Amazon - Large Charm - •3 ama | •19 @stats(10-20) | @res •15(10-20) { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }

Hellfire Torch - Assassin - Large Charm - •3 to Assassin Skills | •13 @stats(10-20) | @res •14(10-20) { CabMuleA/Cabble2 } FT → Um

Fleshripper - Fanged Knife - 1h-dmg: 52 - 199(45-60-174-228) | •250% edmg(200-300) { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
Fleshripper - Fanged Knife - 1h-dmg: 54 - 206(45-60-174-228) | •262% edmg(200-300) { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }

Druid Pelt

Jalal's Mane - Totemic Mask - def: 256(247-297) | •2 to Druid Skills | •159% ed(150-200) { MuleAD/Cabble } FT → Pul

Blackhorn's Face - Death Mask - def: 390(243-278) | •200% ed(180-220) | (eth.) { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }


Rainbow Facet - Cold Death - jewel - Skin: Orange •3% coldskill-dmg(3-5) | -5% enemy c-Resance(3-5) { CabMuleD/Cabble2 } FT → Um
Rainbow Facet - Poison Level-Up - jewel - Skin: Blue •5% psnskill-dmg(3-5) | -3% enemy p-Resance(3-5) { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }

Maiden Javelin

Titan's Revenge - Ceremonial Javelin - t-dmg: 76 - 203(70-79-185-212) | 1h-dmg: 76 - 149(70-79-137-155) | •184% edmg(150-200) | 9% ll(5-9) { CabMuleA/Cabble2 } FT → Pul

Carrion Wind - ring - Skin: Big Blue 7% ll(6-9) | •152 missile-def(100-160) { MuleAA/Cabble }
Dwarf Star - ring - Skin: Ruby Magic dred 14(12-15) { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
Dwarf Star - ring - Skin: Crown Magic dred 14(12-15) { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
Dwarf Star - ring - Skin: Ruby Magic dred 14(12-15) { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
Nagelring - ring - Skin: Crown •54 ar(50-75) | 21% mf(15-30) { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
Nagelring - ring - Skin: Crown •50 ar(50-75) | 21% mf(15-30) { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
Nagelring - ring - Skin: Big Blue •50 ar(50-75) | 18% mf(15-30) { MuleAB/Cabble }
Raven Frost - ring - Skin: Ruby •152 ar(150-250) | •15 dex(15-20) { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }


Ondal's Wisdom - Elder Staff - •2 skills(2-4) | •498 Defense(450-550) | •50 energy(40-50) | Magic dred 7(5-8) { MuleAD/Cabble } FT → Um

Throwing Axe
Lacerator - Winged Axe - t-dmg: 18 - 154(17-21-150-186) | 1h-dmg: 28 - 144(27-34-140-173) | •158% edmg(150-210) | Hit Causes Monster to Flee 50% | Replenishes quantity { MuleAB/Cabble }

Suicide Branch - Burnt Wand - { MuleAA/Cabble }

_.-~-. Runewords .-~-._

1 Handed Sword
Spirit - Crystal Sword - { MuleAC/Cabble }
'TalThulOrtAmn' | 1h-dmg: 5 - 15 | •35% fcr(25-35) | •111 mana(89-112) | •4 Magic Absorb(3-8)
Spirit - Broad Sword - { MuleAC/Cabble }
'TalThulOrtAmn' | 1h-dmg: 7 - 14 | •35% fcr(25-35) | •107 mana(89-112) | •3 Magic Absorb(3-8)

Stealth - Wire Fleece - { MuleAE/Cabble }
'TalEth' | def: 479
Stone - Diamond Mail - FT → Ist Mal { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
'ShaelUmPulLum' | def: 3879 | •280% ed(250-290) | (eth.)

Insight - Cryptic Axe - FT → Pul { MuleAD/Cabble }
'RalTirTalSol' | 2h-dmg: 127 - 538 | Level 12 Meditation Aura When Equipped(12-17) | •259% edmg(200-260) | 184% ar(180-250) | •1 to Critical Strike(1-6) | dura 11%
Obedience - Thresher - { MuleAB/Cabble }
'HelKoThulEthFal' | 2h-dmg: 56 - 662 | •257 Defense(200-300) | @res •23(20-30)

_.-~-. Rare / Crafted Items .-~-._

Bitter Emblem - amulet - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 52 | •2 coldskills (sorc) | •10% fcr | •1 max-dmg | •19 mana | mreg 9% | c-Res •33% | p-Res •26%
Blood Beads - amulet - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 57 | •2 shapeshift Skills (druid) | •19% fcr | •14 dex | •12 mana | mreg 7% | @res •3
Corruption Clasp - amulet - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 30 | •2 fireskills (sorc) | •10% fcr | •2 energy | •25 life | •8 mStam | @res •3
Corruption Clasp - amulet - { MuleAD/Cabble }
lvlreq: 52 | •2 coldskills (sorc) | •8% fcr | •13 ar | •5 str | •18 energy | •20 mana | mreg 7%
Death Collar - amulet - { MuleAD/Cabble }
lvlreq: 53 | •1 to Druid Skills | 5% Increased Chance of Blocking | •2 dex | c-Res •19% | l-Res •19% | f-Res •19% | p-Res •47% | dred 2 | Magic dred 2
Death Heart - amulet - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 48 | •16% fcr | •23 life | •53 mana | mreg 5% | dred 4
Doom Heart - amulet - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 56 | •2 fireskills (sorc) | 3% Increased Chance of Blocking | •3 min-dmg | •10 str | dred 4 | Magic dred 1 | 21% mf
Eagle Eye - amulet - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 63 | •1 barb | 4% ml | •29 str | •2 life | •3 mana | p-Res •8%
Eagle Necklace - amulet - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 44 | •1 lightskills (sorc) | •10% fcr | •46 life | •11 mana | mreg 7% | l-Res •8% | p-Res •37%
Ghoul Collar - amulet - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 56 | •19% fcr | •11 str | •4 dex | •19 mana | mreg 9% | l-Res •5%
Ghoul Eye - amulet - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 48 | •8 energy | dred 4 | Level 2 Teleport (22/25 Charges)
Havoc Clasp - amulet - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 52 | •2 combat (pala) | 10% Increased Chance of Blocking | •1 max-dmg | c-Res •20% | l-Res •35% | dred 4 | Magic dred 1
Havoc Clasp - amulet - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 67 | •2 nec | •1 max-dmg | 4% ml | c-Res •19% | l-Res •13% | f-Res •13% | p-Res •13%
Havoc Eye - amulet - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 25 | 5% Chance to cast level 3 Chain Lightning on attack | •1 summon (nec) | •10% fcr | •9 dex | c-Res •35% | l-Res •12% | f-Res •12% | p-Res •12%
Order Heart - amulet - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 49 | •1 to Assassin Skills | •19% fcr | •14 mana | mreg 7% | c-Res •3% | l-Res •40% | f-Res •3% | p-Res •3%
Raven Gorget - amulet - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 56 | •17% fcr | •12 str | •102 mana | mreg 4% | @res •17
Rune Emblem - amulet - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 50 | •1 pala | •1 max-dmg | •20 ar | •17 str | @res •13 | p-red 50%
Rune Wing - amulet - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 85 | 8% Increased Chance of Blocking | •22 str | •8 dex | •5 mana | p-Res •9% | dred 1 | Magic dred 1
Stone Collar - amulet - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 67 | •2 barb | •6 min-dmg | •8 str | •7 mStam | f-Res •33%
Storm Heart - amulet - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 49 | •1 pala | •10% fcr | •1 max-dmg | •55 mana | mreg 5% | @res •11
Viper Clasp - amulet - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 94 | •7% fcr | •7 str | •104 mana | mreg 8% | @res •13 | Level 1 Bone Spirit (13/22 Charges)
Wraith Eye - amulet - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 56 | •1 sorc | •9% fcr | •3 min-dmg | •13 str | •10 mana | mreg 4% | p-Res •34%

Eagle Clasp - Sharkskin Belt - { MuleAD/Cabble }
def: 35 | strreq: 20 | lvlreq: 35 | •5% fcr | •24% fhr | •2 str | •15 mana | mreg 6% | c-Res •18%
Skull Strap - Belt - { MuleAD/Cabble }
def: 8 | strreq: 25 | lvlreq: 63 | •24% fhr | •46% ed | •22 str | lreg •8 | c-Res •12% | f-Res •10%
Stone Strap - Vampirefang Belt - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
def: 150 | strreq: 50 | lvlreq: 65 | •10% fcr | •135% ed | •1 str | •19 mana | mreg 7% | dmgret 2 | 48% eg
Viper Lash - Plated Belt - { MuleAD/Cabble }
def: 14 | strreq: 60 | lvlreq: 63 | •24% fhr | •18% ed | •25 str | •36 life | •6 mStam

Doom Spur - Heavy Boots - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
def: 8 | strreq: 18 | lvlreq: 16 | •20% frw | •20% ed | staminaheal 50% | 72% eg | 22% mf
Imp Nails - Sharkskin Boots - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
def: 39 | strreq: 47 | lvlreq: 25 | •20% frw | •10% fhr | c-Res •27% | f-Res •24% | 62% eg

Dread Cowl - Coronet - { MuleAD/Cabble }
def: 36 | lvlreq: 67 | •2 to Druid Skills | •10% fcr | •56 life | •73 mana | @res •18 | p-red 75%

Corpse Hold - Bramble Mitts - { MuleAC/Cabble }
def: 93 | strreq: 50 | lvlreq: 42 | •20% ias | 5% ar | •49% ed | c-Res •24% | f-Res •28% | •5 lightrad
Ghoul Claw - Vampirebone Gloves - { CabMuleA/Cabble2 }
def: 56 | strreq: 50 | lvlreq: 47 | 10% Chance to cast level 3 Nova when struck | 3% ll | 10% cb | •2 str | •20 life | l-Res •7% | Repairs 1 durability in 20 seconds

Eagle Eye - jewel - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 14 | •16 ar | l-Res •25% | 24% eg | 4% mf
Viper Heart - jewel - { MuleAC/Cabble }
lvlreq: 33 | •4 min-dmg | •12 ar | •8 energy | c-Res •30%

Blood Grip - ring - { MuleAD/Cabble }
lvlreq: 68 | •82 ar | 5% ml | 7% ll | •4 str | •11 life | f-Res •10%
Bone Eye - ring - { MuleAD/Cabble }
lvlreq: 87 | •5 min-dmg | 9% ll | •17 str | •19 life | •30 mana
Corruption Hold - ring - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 29 | •10% fcr | •73 ar | •88 mana | f-Res •14% | Magic dred 1 | Level 5 Charged Bolt (17/32 Charges)
Doom Grasp - ring - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 9 | •10% fcr | •74 ar | •8 mana | •5 mStam | halftimefrozen
Doom Hold - ring - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 37 | •10% fcr | •3 min-dmg | •118 ar | lreg •3 | c-Res •3% | l-Res •19% | f-Res •3% | p-Res •3%
Dread Gyre - ring - { MuleAD/Cabble }
lvlreq: 35 | •10% fcr | 2% ll | •4 str | •13 life | p-Res •27% | dred 2 | p-red 25%
Eagle Turn - ring - { MuleAC/Cabble }
lvlreq: 70 | 9% ll | •4 str | •12 dex | •16 life | p-Res •5% | •1 lightrad
Entropy Gyre - ring - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 57 | •58 ar | 8% ll | •3 str | •20 life | lreg •3 | p-Res •12%
Entropy Spiral - ring - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 35 | •10% fcr | •116 ar | 6% ll | l-Res •29% | p-Res •14% | 5% mf
Ghoul Grip - ring - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 48 | •11 str | •12 dex | •5 mana | @res •11
Ghoul Turn - ring - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 38 | 10% Chance to cast level 3 Nova when struck | •10% fcr | •115 ar | 3% ll | •5 str | •5 dex | •18 life
Grim Grip - ring - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 87 | •37 ar | 10% ll | •5 str | •18 life | p-Res •24% | Level 4 Poison Dagger (24/30 Charges)
Order Loop - ring - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 48 | •96 ar | •6 str | •13 dex | •4 mana | @res •5
Rune Hold - ring - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 65 | •10% fcr | •53 ar | 4% ml | 7% ll
Rune Hold - ring - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 82 | •10% fcr | 2% ll | •3 str | •42 life | f-Res •7% | •2 lightrad
Skull Gyre - ring - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 63 | •119 ar | 8% ll | •4 str | •17 life | lreg •6 | •3 lightrad
Stone Touch - ring - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 18 | •10% fcr | •2 min-dmg | 5% ar | •59 ar | •32 mana | •10 mStam | •5 lightrad
Storm Hold - ring - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 66 | •13 ar | •20 str | •10 dex | •39 life | •9 mStam | l-Res •11%
Viper Loop - ring - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 88 | •59 ar | 2% ll | •22 str | •10 life | •10 mStam | •1 mana after each Kill

_.-~-. Magic Items .-~-._

Arch-Angel's Amulet of the Squid - amulet - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 67 | •2 sorc | •76 life
Communal Amulet of Negation - amulet - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 shapeshift Skills (druid) | Magic dred 6
Echoing Amulet - amulet - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 warcry (barb)
Echoing Amulet of Energy - amulet - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 warcry (barb) | •3 energy
Echoing Amulet of Greed - amulet - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 warcry (barb) | 27% eg
Gaean Amulet - amulet - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 elemental (druid)
Gaean Amulet - amulet - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 elemental (druid)
Gaean Amulet of Regrowth - amulet - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 elemental (druid) | lreg •8
Glacial Amulet of Frost - amulet - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 coldskills (sorc) | + 1-6 cold damage
Glacial Amulet of Thawing - amulet - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 coldskills (sorc) | halftimefrozen
Glacial Amulet of the Wraith - amulet - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 coldskills (sorc) | 5% ml
Golemlord's Amulet of Skill - amulet - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 summon (nec) | •5 dex
Golemlord's Amulet of Wealth - amulet - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 summon (nec) | 78% eg
Keeper's Amulet - amulet - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 summon (druid)
Powered Amulet of Precision - amulet - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 lightskills (sorc) | •14 dex
Rose Branded Amulet - amulet - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 combat (pala)
Rose Branded Amulet - amulet - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 combat (pala)
Rose Branded Amulet of Fortune - amulet - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 combat (pala) | 22% mf
Shadow Amulet of the Wolf - amulet - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 to Shadow Disciplines (assa) | •14 life
Tangerine Amulet of the Locust - amulet - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 45 | 4% ll | l-Res •7%
Volcanic Amulet - amulet - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 45 | •3 fireskills (sorc)

Charm: Grand Charms
Grand Charm of Greed - Grand Charm - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 14 | 40% eg

Charm: Small Charms
Amber Small Charm of Anthrax - small charm - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 36 | •50 poison damage over 6 seconds | l-Res •11%
Amber Small Charm of Fortune - small charm - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 32 | l-Res •11% | 3% mf
Amber Small Charm of Frost - small charm - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 32 | + 1-2 cold damage | l-Res •11%
Arcing Small Charm - small charm - { MuleAA/Cabble }
lvlreq: 57 | + 1-43 light-dmg
Arcing Small Charm of Strength - small charm - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 57 | + 1-38 light-dmg | •2 str
Fine Small Charm of Balance - small charm - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 29 | •5% fhr | •1 max-dmg | •12 ar
Lizard's Small Charm of Fortune - small charm - { MuleAC/Cabble }
lvlreq: 18 | •1 mana | 5% mf
Ocher Small Charm of Life - small charm - { MuleAC/Cabble }
lvlreq: 14 | •10 life | l-Res •7%
Ruby Small Charm of Greed - small charm - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 32 | f-Res •10% | 7% eg
Rugged Small Charm of Vita - small charm - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 39 | •18 life | •5 mStam
Sapphire Small Charm of Dexterity - small charm - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 32 | •2 dex | c-Res •10%
Septic Small Charm of Pestilence - small charm - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 24 | •81 poison damage over 8 seconds
Serpent's Small Charm - small charm - { MuleAC/Cabble }
lvlreq: 40 | •16 mana
Serpent's Small Charm of Inertia - small charm - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 40 | •3% frw | •15 mana
Shivering Small Charm of Sustenance - small charm - { MuleAC/Cabble }
lvlreq: 34 | + 3-8 cold damage | •15 life
Small Charm of Balance - small charm - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 29 | •5% fhr
Small Charm of Fortune - small charm - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 18 | 5% mf
Small Charm of Greed - small charm - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 15 | 10% eg
Small Charm of Vita - small charm - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 39 | •20 life
Stout Small Charm of Greed - small charm - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 15 | •1 Defense | 10% eg
Toxic Small Charm - small charm - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 55 | •100 poison damage over 5 seconds
Toxic Small Charm - small charm - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 55 | •100 poison damage over 5 seconds
Toxic Small Charm of the Icicle - small charm - { MuleAD/Cabble }
lvlreq: 55 | + 2-3 cold damage | •100 poison damage over 5 seconds

Powered Circlet - Circlet - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
def: 21 | lvlreq: 45 | •3 lightskills (sorc)

Ambergris Jewel of Knowledge - jewel - { MuleAB/Cabble }
lvlreq: 18 | •4 energy | l-Res •29%
Jewel of Fervor - jewel - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 31 | •15% ias
Lapis Lazuli Jewel of Fervor - jewel - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 31 | •15% ias | c-Res •15%
Ruby Jewel - jewel - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 58 | •40% edmg
Sapphire Jewel of Fervor - jewel - { MuleAE/Cabble }
lvlreq: 31 | •15% ias | c-Res •24%
Scintillating Jewel - jewel - { CabMuleA/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 26 | @res •12

Fortuitous Ring of Fortune - ring - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 31 | 35% mf

Skiller Assassin
Shogukusha's Grand Charm of Sustenance - Skiller Assassin Martial Arts - { CabMuleA/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 53 | •1 to Martial Arts (assa) | •35 life

Skiller Druid
Spiritual Grand Charm of Life - Skiller Druid Shape Shifting - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 42 | •1 shapeshift Skills (druid) | •7 life

Skiller Sorceress
Burning Grand Charm of Sustenance - Skiller Sorceress Fire Skills - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
lvlreq: 53 | •1 fireskills (sorc) | •34 life

_.-~-. Normal Items .-~-._

1 Handed Club
Flail - Flail - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
1h-dmg: 1 - 24 | dexreq: 35 | strreq: 41 | •50% d2undead | sox (5)
Flail - Flail - { MuleAE/Cabble }
1h-dmg: 1 - 24 | dexreq: 35 | strreq: 41 | •50% d2undead | sox (4)
Superior Flail - Flail - { MuleAA/Cabble }
1h-dmg: 1 - 27 | dexreq: 35 | strreq: 41 | •14% edmg | •50% d2undead | sox (5)

1 Handed Sword
Crystal Sword - Crystal Sword - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
1h-dmg: 5 - 15 | strreq: 43 | sox (5)
Crystal Sword - Crystal Sword - { MuleAB/Cabble }
1h-dmg: 5 - 15 | strreq: 43 | sox (5)
Phase Blade - Phase Blade - { MuleAA/Cabble }
1h-dmg: 31 - 35 | dexreq: 136 | strreq: 25 | lvlreq: 54 | sox (4)

2 Handed Sword
Highland Blade - Highland Blade - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
1h-dmg: 33 - 93 | 2h-dmg: 100 - 144 | dexreq: 94 | strreq: 161 | lvlreq: 49 | (eth.)
Superior Highland Blade - Highland Blade - { CabMuleA/Cabble2 }
1h-dmg: 33 - 93 | 2h-dmg: 100 - 144 | dexreq: 94 | strreq: 161 | lvlreq: 49 | •2 ar | dura 10% | (eth.)

Archon Plate - Archon Plate - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
def: 423 | strreq: 103 | lvlreq: 63
Archon Plate - Archon Plate - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
def: 491 | strreq: 103 | lvlreq: 63 | sox (4)
Balrog Skin - Balrog Skin - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
def: 514 | strreq: 165 | lvlreq: 57 | sox (4)
Dusk Shroud - Dusk Shroud - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
def: 823 | strreq: 67 | lvlreq: 49 | sox (4) | (eth.)
Dusk Shroud - Dusk Shroud - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
def: 454 | strreq: 77 | lvlreq: 49
Dusk Shroud - Dusk Shroud - { MuleAB/Cabble }
def: 424 | strreq: 77 | lvlreq: 49 | sox (4)
Great Hauberk - Great Hauberk - { CabMuleA/Cabble2 }
def: 499 | strreq: 118 | Gold M lvlreq: 56 | sox (4)
Great Hauberk - Great Hauberk - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
def: 1053 | strreq: 108 | lvlreq: 56 | sox (2) | (eth.)
Scarab Husk - Scarab Husk - { MuleAD/Cabble }
def: 598 | strreq: 85 | lvlreq: 51 | (eth.)
Wire Fleece - Wire Fleece - { MuleAE/Cabble }
def: 467 | strreq: 111 | lvlreq: 53

Superior Bone Visage - Bone Visage - { CabMuleF/Cabble2 }
def: 173 | strreq: 106 | lvlreq: 63 | •10% ed | dura 12%

Colossus Voulge - Colossus Voulge - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
2h-dmg: 17 - 165 | dexreq: 55 | strreq: 210 | lvlreq: 48 | sox (4)
Colossus Voulge - Colossus Voulge - { MuleAE/Cabble } FT → Ist Mal
2h-dmg: 25 - 247 | dexreq: 45 | strreq: 200 | lvlreq: 48 | (eth.)
Cryptic Axe - Cryptic Axe - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 }
2h-dmg: 33 - 150 | dexreq: 103 | strreq: 165 | lvlreq: 59 | sox (4)

Monarch - Monarch - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
def: 140 | strreq: 156 | lvlreq: 54
Monarch - Monarch - { CabMuleE/Cabble2 }
def: 136 | strreq: 156 | lvlreq: 54
Monarch - Monarch - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 }
def: 136 | strreq: 156 | lvlreq: 54
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Was hättest du gerne für den TO Helm?
Ok, meine höchste Rune ist IO derzeit ...
wenn du jetzt gleich traden kannst wäre eine shael + 5 pg auch ok. brauch grad dringend ne shael xD
Meine einzige Shael?!? Ok, könen wir machen.
Ich schick dir nen TA.

hätte gerne das Amu:

- Amu: 3 Elementar Skills c2c

Keine Ahnung was die Dinger Wert sind, aber ich biete einfach mal 10 PG.
sehr schön:) Werde im laufe des Abends dann mal einen TA fertig machen.
Hi, habe Interesse (je nach Preis) an den Monarchen.

Aktuell würde ich gerne mit Ral bezahlen, falls Du daran Interesse hast. Ansonsten habe ich Hel, Io, Sol, Dol, Ko, Fal oder auch Spirit-Pakete rumliegen.
Hi, habe Interesse (je nach Preis) an den Monarchen.

Aktuell würde ich gerne mit Ral bezahlen, falls Du daran Interesse hast. Ansonsten habe ich Hel, Io, Sol, Dol, Ko, Fal oder auch Spirit-Pakete rumliegen.

Rals habe ich leider selbst noch haufenweise, da mir die PAs fehlen.
Was hast du denn an PGs? PA und PR zählen als 2
Aktuell noch super wenig, da ich mich am Anfang jetzt erstmal auf die Gräfin gestürzt habe. Sprich 6 normale PG und 4 PA. Ansonsten muss ich halt ein wenig farmen. Wo ordnest Du denn die Monarch preislich ein?

€dit: Je 3 Schlüssel des Terrors und Schlüssel des Hasses kann ich anbieten :D

€dit2: t4t
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Aktuell noch super wenig, da ich mich am Anfang jetzt erstmal auf die Gräfin gestürzt habe. Sprich 6 normale PG und 4 PA. Ansonsten muss ich halt ein wenig farmen. Wo ordnest Du denn die Monarch preislich ein?

€dit: Je 3 Schlüssel des Terrors und Schlüssel des Hasses kann ich anbieten :D

die PGs und Keys zusammen für beide?
Ich hätte gerne folgendes:

Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Swirling Crystal - •2 coldmastery (sorc)(1-2) | •2 lightmastery (sorc)(1-2) | •2 firemastery (sorc)(1-2) { MuleAA/Cabble } (NEW)

und einen der beiden Raven.

Wieviel wäre das denn in PGs?
PRs müsste ich ca. zehn haben.

E: Und Magefist hat du nicht zufällig rumfliegen?

E: t4t
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich hätte gerne folgendes:

Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye - Swirling Crystal - •2 coldmastery (sorc)(1-2) | •2 lightmastery (sorc)(1-2) | •2 firemastery (sorc)(1-2) { MuleAA/Cabble } (NEW)

und einen der beiden Raven.

Wieviel wäre das denn in PGs?
PRs müsste ich ca. zehn haben.

E: Und Magefist hat du nicht zufällig rumfliegen?

Wären 8 PR für beide items zusammen ok? Kannst auch den besseren raven haben
Ja klar, 8 PR können wir machen.
Ich könnte dir einen TA fertig machen oder wir machen es kurz live. Wie es dir besser passt.
Bin grad nicht am PC, daher TA. Ich Tausch das dann in 2-3h
Hi, habe Interesse an den beiden Stücken, was willst du dafür haben?

Small Crescent - Small Crescent - { CabMuleB/Cabble2 } (NEW)
1h-dmg: 57 - 90 | dexreq: 73 | strreq: 105 | lvlreq: 45 | sox (4) | (eth.)
Small Crescent - Small Crescent - { CabMuleD/Cabble2 } (NEW)
1h-dmg: 57 - 90 | dexreq: 73 | strreq: 105 | lvlreq: 45 | sox (4) | (eth.)

€dit: t4t
Zuletzt bearbeitet: