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Geburtstagsstream: Infos von den Entwicklern!


6 Oktober 2004
Punkte Reaktionen
diese Nacht gab es einen Geburtstagsstream mit einigen Entwicklern von Diablo und es gab ein paar neue Infos zum Spiel:

When a season ends, the loot and other benefits will carry over to the normal game
Players will be ranked per character and class
Each season will have new legendaries

Tiered Rifts:
There will be different leaderboards for season and non-season Tiered Rifts
Tiered Rifts will also be separated between Normal and Hardcore
The speed of clearing a Tiered Rift will take part in determining how difficult the next one will be
Tiered Rifts will most probably serve as a benchmark for balancing classes

Nephalem Rifts:
Pandemonium rifts were excluded from the options for Nephalem Rifts in patch 2.0.5
Rift Bosses will be tuned so that they deal pretty equal damage - this will not buff them though, but the opposite: the stronger attacks will receive some nerfs
The progress bar will be filling up differently depending on the type of monster killed

Set Items:
Set items will be available for transmogrification in the future
Underwhelming sets will be revamped (No ETA yet)

In the early development stages there was an idea that Leah would accidentally kill Deckard Cain because she couldn't control her powers
Chances are there will be a new Angel of Justice now that the 'position' was vacated by Tyrael
The ending strongly suggests all the Prime Evils have been released, not just Diablo, but the devs aren't willing to spoil too much of the story

Ground effects such as Plagued are currently bugged and deal too much damage - this will be hotfixed (see the Blue posts below)
An interesting fact: the battering ram in the Act 5 Pandemonium fortress entering does not move - it's the background that does
The devs have been thinking about the idea of Legendary gems as a reward from Tiered Rifts
They plan on doing something about the fact everyone uses Emeralds almost exclusively for their weapons
There are ideas about stashing the crafting mats in a similar way to the Gold and Blood Shards in order for inventory space to be saved
Currently there are no plans for additional Stash space being added
The Anniversary buff does not affect Kadala's loot

Ein paar interessante Sachen dabei :)

Quelle: diablofans.com
When a season ends, the loot and other benefits will carry over to the normal game
Players will be ranked per character and class
Each season will have new legendaries
Heißt das jetzt, dass Gefundenes von den Charakteren in das "normal game" mitgenommen wird, oder dass es in den Loottable des "normal game" übernnommen wird und damit für jeden auch später noch findbar sein wird? In Verbindung mit dem dritten Punkt, dass es jede Season neue legendaries geben wird, würde Zweiteres, also die Einbindung in den Loottable des "normal game" ja fast schon mehr Sinn machen.
#Hoffnungsschimmer #D3dochnichtdeinstallierenmüssen