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Hope some people here speak English :)


Hi, I'm looking for info on monster levels for Classic. What mlvl is Diablo in hell difficulty, and Cow King in hell difficulty, on classic?

Somebody told me about this site and that there is a lot of info on classic here. Unfortunately, I can't read German. :( So could somebody help me please? :D
If you have more questions or want something translated, just open a thread and ask in our english corner
Thanks! I checked that link but it's all German so it doesn't help much, lol.

Is there a site like this one that is in English, or is there a way to convert the language on this site into English?

I'd like a table of all the mlvls/area levels for classic.
To help you with this link Z3on gave: here you find all Monsters with their level. Just choose a level from the box and it will list all monsters with that level.

Probably not the way you want to search but better than nothing. You won't have too many problems with the german monster names, I think.
I have another question. It seems that table (provided by z3on) is outdated or incorrect. I can't verify for myself as I don't have maphack, but other people on another site are saying that the mlvls can't be that low according to the table. One guy says he has a ilvl 81 item that he got off an Urdar in river of flame and the Urdar wasn't special. According to the table, Urdars in river of flame should be mlvl 77, so...

Can someone explain this? Maybe find a more up-to-date table if there is one?

mlvl 77 and 78 for River of Flame and Chaos doesn't seem correct to me either because I still get decent exp from killing unique monsters (and their groups) in those areas with my lvl 89 hammerdin. I get at least 500k a game with just me and my bo barb in game. A couple times I got ~900k in 1 run.

So... I doubt that the table is correct. Can someone please verify this? Thanks.
I just checked both links for CS monsters and both tell the same: Level 78

I don't have the time to check all monsters on the list but at the moment I would say they are correct.
only the cs superuniques are lvl 78, the regular monsters have 85 (regular champ 87 and regular bosses 88)
I don't know if there is much about that what you are searching for, but for further questions the phrozenkeep should be a good adress for you. They should know the best english speaking sites.
destrution schrieb:
only the cs superuniques are lvl 78, the regular monsters have 85 (regular champ 87 and regular bosses 88)
I don't know if there is much about that what you are searching for, but for further questions the phrozenkeep should be a good adress for you. They should know the best english speaking sites.

Wait, are you sure those are classic mlvls? Monsters on classic have different lvls from monsters on expansion.

I'm a little confused. So the superuniques are lvl 78 while the regular monsters are lvl 85? That's backwards lol... :rolleyes:

I will continue to research on this. Maybe some maphacks don't work properly for classic, so they give out incorrect ilvls on items? I dunno, just a wild guess. I've never used maphack, so I have no idea on how it works.

Anyway, thanks for all your feedback. Keep 'em coming! :)
>> So the superuniques are lvl 78 while the regular monsters are lvl 85? That's backwards lol...
That's Blizzard.
Normal monsters get an upgrade (monsterlevel and treasure class) in areas with higher area-level, the superuniques don't.

We have an english drop-calculator :).