• Herzlich Willkommen!

    Nach der Schließung von inDiablo.de wurden die Inhalte und eure Accounts in dieses Forum konvertiert. Ihr könnt euch hier mit eurem alten Account weiterhin einloggen, müsst euch dafür allerdings über die "Passwort vergessen" Funktion ein neues Passwort setzen lassen.

    Solltet ihr keinen Zugriff mehr auf die mit eurem Account verknüpfte Emailadresse haben, so könnt ihr euch unter Angabe eures Accountnamens, eurer alten Emailadresse sowie eurer gewünschten neuen Emailadresse an einen Administrator wenden.

Kiras Shop


5 November 2008
Punkte Reaktionen
ich biete hier meine Funde an!

Gesucht werden Items aus meiner Suchliste sowie Runen und Pgems.

Preise sind verhandelbar!
Wenn ihr mit dem FT-Preis einverstanden seid, einfach hier melden was ihr haben wollt und einen TA fertig machen!

Wegen nahendem Ladderende werden die FT-Preise halbiert! Alles was jetzt 1 PG kosten soll ist umsonst!
wenn ihr lieb fragt bin ich durchaus bereit weitere Rabatte zu geben!

Leider kommt der D2ItemReader nicht mit englischem D2 klar.
Daher stehen hier einige Items ohne Stats, sollten euch die Stats eines Items interessieren bitte einfach nachfragen!

-> Ich habe bisher die ItemDB.xml mit Hilfe der Itemdaten vom Arreat Summit übersetzt, damit funktioiniert eine Typen Einteilung jetzt (nicht bei allen Sets!)
Wenn jemand Tipps für mich hat wie ich die Stats richtig hinbekomme immerher damit!
-> Die meisten Stats werden jetzt erkannt!

----- Magische Items -----

Charms: Grand Charms

Mentalist's Grand Charm of Flame - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Shadow Disciplines (assa)) (Adds 1-2 fire damage) 3-XIV FT: Pul

Charms: Small Charms

Amber Small Charm of the Icicle - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (Adds 2-4 cold damage) (l-res +11%) 3-XIV
Garnet Small Charm of Inertia - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 27) (+3% frw) (f-res +9%) 3-XIV
Ruby Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (f-res +11%) 3-XIV


Cunning Scissors Katar - (1h-dmg: 9 to 17) (dur: 68 of 68) ((assa)) (dexreq: 55) (strreq: 55) (lvlreq: 45) (Claw Class - Very Slow Attack Speed) (+3 to Traps (assa)) 2-X FT: 5 PG
Cunning Scissors Katar of Amplify Damage - (1h-dmg: 9 to 17) (dur: 68 of 68) ((assa)) (dexreq: 55) (strreq: 55) (lvlreq: 45) (Claw Class - Very Slow Attack Speed) (5% Chance to cast level 1 Amplify Damage on striking) (+3 to Traps (assa)) 2-X FT: 5 PG
Shadow Scissors Katar of Sacrifice - (1h-dmg: 9 to 17) (dur: 68 of 68) ((assa)) (dexreq: 55) (strreq: 55) (lvlreq: 45) (Claw Class - Very Slow Attack Speed) (+3 to Shadow Disciplines (assa)) (Level 4 Sacrifice (30/30 Charges)) 2-XII FT: 5 PG


Rainbow Ring of Precision - (lvlreq: 48) (+13 to Dexterity) (@res +11) 3-XIII FT: 1 PG


Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +10%) 2-XII FT: 1 PG
Cunning Amulet - (lvlreq: 45) (+3 to Traps (assa)) 2-IX FT: 1 PG
Cunning Blade Talons - (1h-dmg: 10 to 14) (dur: 69 of 69) ((assa)) (dexreq: 50) (strreq: 50) (lvlreq: 45) (Claw Class - Very Slow Attack Speed) (+3 to Traps (assa)) 2-XII FT: 5 PG
Jewel of Fervor - (Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 31) (+15% ias) 2-XII FT: 1 PG
Jeweler's Blade Talons of Quickness - (1h-dmg: 10 to 14) (dur: 69 of 69) ((assa)) (dexreq: 50) (strreq: 50) (lvlreq: 47) (Claw Class - Very Slow Attack Speed) (+40% ias) (sox (3)) 2-VII Bitte Bieten (Ist sowas überhaupt etwas Wert?)
Lancer's Gauntlets of Perfection - (def: 12) (dur: 24 of 24) (strreq: 60) (lvlreq: 67) (+3 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama)) (+18 to Dexterity) 2-VII FT: 5 PG
Realgar Jewel of Knowledge - (Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 37) (+30% edmg) (+9 to Energy) 2-X FT: 5 PG
Sapphire Jewel of Truth - (Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 36) (+7% fhr) (c-res +30%) 2-XI FT: 1 PG
Sapphire Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (c-res +10%) 2-XII FT: 1 PG
Small Charm of Good Luck - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 33) (6% mf) 2-X FT: 4 PG
Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+19 to Life) 2-XII FT: 10 PG
Stout Small Charm of Sustenance - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 17) (+1 def) (+15 to Life) 2-IX FT: 1 PG

----- Rare Items -----


Bitter Mark - Amulet (lvlreq: 33) (+1 to Assassin Skills) (Adds 1-4 fire damage) (+50 poison damage over 3 seconds) (c-res +14%) (l-res +14%) (f-res +14%) (p-res +25%) (p-dred 25%) 2-XII FT: 1 PG


Imp Greaves - Scarabshell Boots (def: 56) (dur: 13 of 14) (strreq: 91) (lvlreq: 49) (Adds 1-12 lightning damage) (c-res +35%) (f-res +30%) (p-res +15%) 3-XIV bitte bieten


Ghoul Mask - Circlet (def: 28) (dur: 57 of 105) (lvlreq: 67) (+2 to Amazon Skill Levels) (3% Mana stolen per hit) (+9 to Strength) (+36 to Life) (+55 to Mana) (l-res +38%) 3-XIV FT: 5 PG
Raven Circlet - Circlet (def: 28) (dur: 35 of 35) (lvlreq: 67) (+2 to Sorceress Skill Levels) (+87 to Mana) (p-dred 25%) (Level 2 Confuse (25/25 Charges)) 2-VII FT: 10 PG
Rune Horn - Diadem (def: 58) (dur: 16 of 20) (lvlreq: 64) (+1 to Assassin Skills) (+20% frw) (5% Life stolen per hit) (c-res +19%) (l-res +19%) (f-res +27%) (p-res +19%) 2-XI FT: 3 PG


Hailstone Needle - Matriarchal Javelin (t-dmg: 67 to 132) (1h-dmg: 57 to 109) (Quantity: 72) ((ama)) (dexreq: 151) (strreq: 107) (lvlreq: 48) (Javelin Class - Very Fast Attack Speed) (+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama)) (+2 to Amazon Skill Levels) (+92% edmg) (+6 to Maximum Damage) (+149 to Attack Rating) (Adds 1-3 cold damage) (4% Mana stolen per hit) 3-XIII FT: 5 PG


Shadow Talisman - Jewel (Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 8) (Adds 4-9 damage) (c-res +5%) 3-XIV lowlvlpvp? bitte bieten
Wraith Whorl - Jewel (Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 28) (+8 to Dexterity) (+5 to Life) (f-res +20%) (req -15%) 3-XIV lowlvlpvp? bitte bieten


Doom Eye - Ring (lvlreq: 74) (+34 to Attack Rating) (6% Mana stolen per hit) (l-res +25%) (m-dmg Reduced by 2) (7% mf) 3-XIII FT: 5 PG
Grim Hold - Ring (lvlreq: 35) (3% Mana stolen per hit) (6% Life stolen per hit) (+4 to Dexterity) (+20 maxStam) (l-res +8%) (f-res +8%) 2-XII dualleech - FT: 10 PG
Stone Coil - Ring (lvlreq: 65) (7% Life stolen per hit) (+2 to Energy) (c-res +19%) (f-res +17%) (p-res +13%) 2-VIII FT: 3 PG


Raven Scourge - Brandistock (2h-dmg: 31 to 85) (dur: 21 of 28) (dexreq: 50) (strreq: 40) (lvlreq: 48) (Spear Class - Very Fast Attack Speed) (+30% ias) (+346% edmg) (+10 to Maximum Damage) (+134 to Attack Rating) 2-VII Bitte Bieten

----- Unique Items -----


The Eye of Etlich - Amulet (+4 to Light Radius [1-5]) (5% Life stolen per hit [3-7]) (Adds 1-3 cold damage [1-2]-[3-5]) (+20 def vs. Missile [10-40]) - 3-XIV FT: 1 PG
The Mahim-Oak Curio - Amulet - 2-VII FT: 1 PG


Arkaine's Valor - Balrog Skin (def: 1346 [1295-1450]) (+160% edef [150-180]) (+2 to All Skills [1-2]) (0 to Vitality (Based on Character Level) [0-49]) (Damage Reduced by 14 [10-15]) - 1-VI FT: 5 PG
Boneflesh - Plate Mail (def: 239 [234-257]) (+105% edef [100-120]) - 3-XV FT: 1PG
Boneflesh - Plate Mail (def: 251 [234-257]) (+115% edef [100-120]) - 2-VII FT: 1 PG
Guardian Angel - Templar Coat (def: 814 [770-825]) (+196% edef [180-200]) (+2 to Attack Rating against Demons (Based on Character Level) [2-247]) - 3-XIII FT: 2 PG
Guardian Angel - Templar Coat (def: 819 [770-825]) (+198% edef [180-200]) (+2 to Attack Rating against Demons (Based on Character Level)' [2-247]) - 2-X FT: 5 PG
Ormus' Robes - Dusk Shroud (def: 377 [371-487]) (+10 def [10-20]) (+12% to Cold Skill Damage [10-15]) (+11% to Fire Skill Damage [10-15]) (+15% to Lightning Skill Damage [10-15]) (manareg 13% [10-15]) - 3-XIV bitte bieten
Ormus' Robes - Dusk Shroud (def: 404 [371-487]) (+20 def [10-20]) (+14% to Cold Skill Damage [10-15]) (+14% to Fire Skill Damage [10-15]) (+13% to Lightning Skill Damage [10-15]) (manareg 10% [10-15]) - 2-VIII 3 Blizzard 14 Cold 13 Light 14 Fire - Bitte Bieten
Que-Hegan's Wisdom - Mage Plate (def: 644 [628-681]) (+146% edef [140-160]) (m-dmg Reduced by 10 [6-10]) - 3-XV FT: 2PG
Rattlecage - Embossed Plate (def: 651 [328-335]) - 3-XIII FT: 5 PG
Rattlecage - Gothic Plate (def: 328 [328-335]) - 1-V FT: 1 PG
Skullder's Ire - Russet Armor (def: 705 [634-732]) (+189% edef [160-200]) (1% mf (Based on Character Level) [1-123]) - 2-XII 189ed - FT: 15 PG
Sparking Mail - Chain Mail (def: 139 [133-140]) (+84% edef [75-85]) (l-dmgret 10 [10-14]) - 1-IV FT: 1 PG
Steel Carapace - Shadow Plate (def: 1718 [1618 - 1785]) (+208% edef [190-220]) (manareg 11% [10-15]) (c-res +58% [40-60]) (Damage Reduced by 12 [9-14]) - 1-VI FT: 2 PG
Venom Ward - Breast Plate (def: 133 [110-138]) (+93% edef [60-100]) - 1-V FT: 1 PG

Barbarian Helm

Arreat's Face - Slayer Guard (def: 346 [302-363]) (+186% edef [150-200]) (4% Life stolen per hit [3-6]) - 2-XI 186ed 4ll - FT: 15 PG


Goldwrap - Heavy Belt (def: 36 [34-36]) (+58% edef [40-60]) (53% Extra Gold from Monsters [50-80]) - 3-XIV FT: 1 PG
Razortail - Sharkskin Belt (def: 97 [96-107]) (+122% edef [120-150]) (dmgret 1 (Based on Character Level) [1-99]) - 3-XIV FT: 5 PG
Snakecord - Light Belt (def: 15 [14-15]) (+28% edef [20-30]) - 1-III FT: 1 PG
Snowclash - Battle Belt (def: 103 [98-116]) (+140% edef [130-170]) (5% Chance to cast level 19 Blizzard when struck [7-19]) - 2-XI FT: 5 PG
Thundergod's Vigor - War Belt (def: 149 [137-159]) (+182% edef [160-200]) - 3-XIV bitte bieten


Sandstorm Trek - Scarabshell Boots (def: 168 [158-178]) (+156% edef [140-170]) (+1 maxStam (Based on Character Level) [1-99]) (+15 to Strength [10-15]) (+15 to Vitality [10-15]) (p-res +41% [40-70]) - 3-XV FT: 9PG
Sandstorm Trek - Scarabshell Boots (def: 162 [158-178]) (+146% edef [140-170]) (+1 maxStam (Based on Character Level) [1-99]) (+10 to Strength [10-15]) (+13 to Vitality [10-15]) (p-res +48% [40-70]) - 3-XIV FT: 10 PG


Eaglehorn - Crusader Bow (+2% Enhanced Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) [2-198]) (+6 to Attack Rating (Based on Character Level) [6-594]) - 3-XIII FT: 2 PG
Raven Claw - Long Bow (2h-dmg: 5 to 17 [4-5] to [16-17]) (+70% edmg [60-70]) - 2-X FT: 3 PG
Raven Claw - Long Bow (2h-dmg: 5 to 17 [4-5] to [16-17]) (+70% edmg [60-70]) - 2-XI FT: 3 PG
Widowmaker - Ward Bow (2h-dmg: 53 to 142 [50-60] to [132-159]) (+168% edmg [150-200]) (+3 to Guided Arrow [3-5]) - 1-VI 168ed 3 GA - FT: 3 PG


Buriza-Do Kyanon - Ballista (2h-dmg: 90 to 152 [82-99] to [139-412]) (+174% edmg [150-200]) (+2 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level) [2-247]) (+137 def [75-150]) - 2-IX 174ed - FT: 10 PG


Wizardspike - Bone Knife (+2 to Mana (Based on Character Level) [2-198]) - 3-XIV FT: 2 PG
Wizardspike - Bone Knife (+2 to Mana (Based on Character Level) [2-198]) - 3-XIII FT: 2 PG


Bloodfist - Heavy Gloves (def: 18 [17-18]) (+20% edef [10-20]) - 2-IX FT: 3 PG
Frostburn - Gauntlets (def: 49 [47-49]) (+20% edef [10-20]) - 3-XIV FT: 2 PG
Frostburn - Gauntlets (def: 48 [47-49]) (+14% edef [10-20]) - 3-XIII FT: 2 PG
Frostburn - Gauntlets (def: 49 [47-49]) (+19% edef [10-20]) - 3-XIII FT: 2 PG
Magefist - Light Gauntlets (def: 32 [24-25]) (+23% edef [20-30]) - 1-VI eth - FT: 1 PG


Crown of Thieves - Grand Crown (def: 338 [296-342]) (+197% edef [160-200]) (11% Life stolen per hit [9-12]) (81% Extra Gold from Monsters [80-100]) - 2-XII FT: 10 PG
Peasant Crown - War Hat (lifereg +11 [6-12]) - 2-VIII FT: 10 PG
Peasant Crown - War Hat (def: 162 [108]) (lifereg +11 [6-12]) - 1-V FT: 10 PG
Rockstopper - Sallet (def: 187 [163-201]) (+198% edef [160-220]) (c-res +30% [20-40]) (f-res +29% [20-50]) (l-res +37% [20-40]) - 2-X FT: 5 PG
Tarnhelm - Skull Cap (def: 11 [8-11]) (31% mf [25-50]) - 2-X 31 mf - FT: 5 PG
Tarnhelm - Skull Cap (def: 10 [8-11]) (41% mf [25-50]) - 3-XV FT: 1PG


Titan's Revenge - Ceremonial Javelin (t-dmg: 78 to 211 [70-79] to [185-212]) (1h-dmg: 78 to 154 [70-79] to [137-155]) (+199% edmg [150-200]) (7% Life stolen per hit [5-9]) (Increased Stack Size [60]) - 3-XIII FT: 25 PG


Jade Talon - Wrist Sword (1h-dmg: 100 to 133 [98-115] to [130-153]) (+196% edmg [190-240]) (+2 to Martial Arts (assa) [1-2]) (+1 to Shadow Disciplines (assa) [1-2]) (10% Mana stolen per hit [10-15]) (@res +44 [40-50]) - 2-IX FT: 2 PG
Shadow Killer - Battle Cestus (1h-dmg: 162 to 189 [145-172] to [170-201]) (+200% edmg [170-220]) (+15 to Mana after each Kill [10-15]) - 3-XIII FT: 5 PG

One Handed Axe

Coldkill - Hatchet (1h-dmg: 28 to 59 [27-31] to [55-63]) (+181% edmg [150-190]) - 1-III FT: 1 PG

One Handed Mace

Crushflange - Mace (1h-dmg: 4 to 15 [4] to [15-16]) (+55% edmg [50-60]) - 1-III FT: 1 PG
Demon Limb - Tyrant Club (1h-dmg: 96 to 174 [89-105] to [162-189]) (+200% edmg [180-230]) (7% Life stolen per hit [7-13]) (f-res +19% [15-20]) - 2-VII FT: 5 PG
Stone Crusher - Legendary Mallet (1h-dmg: 207 to 252 [190-210] to [231-256]) (+314% edmg [280-320]) (Damage +28 [10-30]) (+20 to Strength [20-30]) - 2-XII 314ed +28dmg - FT 7 PG

One Handed Sword

Blade of Ali Baba - Tulwar ('HelHel') (1h-dmg: 25 to 56 [25-35] to [56-77]) (+61% edmg [60-120]) (2% Extra Gold from Monsters (Based on Character Level) [2-247]) (1% mf (Based on Character Level) [1-99]) (+8 to Dexterity [5-15]) - 3-XIV FT: 5 PG
Bloodletter - Gladius (+2 to Whirlwind (barb) [1-3]) (+3 to Sword Mastery (barb) [2-4]) - 2-VII FT: 1 PG
Culwen's Point - War Sword (1h-dmg: 13 to 34 [13-14] to [34-36]) (+70% edmg [70-80]) - 2-XII FT: 1 PG
Gleamscythe - Falchion (1h-dmg: 16 to 31 [14-18] to [27-34]) (+85% edmg [60-100]) - 1-IV FT: 1 PG
Hexfire - Shamshir (1h-dmg: 59 to 98 [59-61] to [97-102]) (+145% edmg [140-160]) - 2-VII FT: 2 PG
Rixot's Keen - Short Sword (1h-dmg: 11 to 20 [9] to [14]) - 2-X eth - FT: 1 PG


Eschuta's Temper - Eldritch Orb (+1 to Sorceress Skill Levels [1-3]) (+18% to Fire Skill Damage [10-20]) (+20% to Lightning Skill Damage [10-20]) (+29 to Energy [20-30]) - 2-IX 1 Skill 20% Blitz 18% Feuer - FT: 5 PG


Spirit Keeper - Earth Spirit (def: 417 [412-443]) (+173% edef [170-190]) (+2 to Druid Skills [1-2]) (f-res +35% [30-40]) (+10 l-abs [9-14]) (c-abs 17% [15-25]) - 2-VII FT: 10 PG


Bonehew - Ogre Axe (2h-dmg: 108 to 562 [103-117] to [536-609]) (+288% edmg [270-320]) - 2-IX 288ed - FT: 3 PG
Grim's Burning Dead - Grim Scythe (2h-dmg: 83 to 194 [72-84] to [168-196]) (+178% edmg [140-180]) (+223 to Attack Rating [200-250]) - 1-IV FT: 1 PG
The Reapers Toll - Thresher (2h-dmg: 38 to 456 [34-40] to [408-479]) (+224% edmg [190-240]) (15% Life stolen per hit [11-15]) - 3-XIV Bitte Bieten


Manald Heal - Ring (7% Mana stolen per hit [4-7]) (lifereg +5 [5-8]) - 3-XIV FT: 1 PG
Manald Heal - Ring (6% Mana stolen per hit [4-7]) (lifereg +7 [5-8]) - 3-XIV FT: 1 PG
Manald Heal - Ring (6% Mana stolen per hit [4-7]) (lifereg +5 [5-8]) - 2-X FT: 1 PG


Lance Guard - Barbed Shield (def: 135 [134-173]) (+72% edef [70-120]) - 1-IV FT: 1 PG
Pelta Lunata - Buckler (+38% edef [30-40]) - 1-III FT: 1 PG
Steelclash - Kite Shield (def: 54 [50-58]) (+79% edef [60-100]) - 3-XIII FT: 1 PG
The Ward - Gothic Shield (@res +40 [30-50]) - 2-VII FT: 2 PG
Visceratuant - Defender (def: 114 [100-125]) (+129% edef [100-150]) - 3-XIII FT: 1 PG
Visceratuant - Defender (def: 107 [100-125]) (+114% edef [100-150]) - 2-XII FT: 5 PG


Arioc's Needle - Hyperion Spear (2h-dmg: 107 to 364 [98-115] to [333-392]) (+206% edmg [180-230]) (+2 to All Skills [2-4]) - 2-IX 2 Skill 206ed - FT: 1 PG
Hone Sundan - Yari (2h-dmg: 102 to 208 [95-107] to [193-217]) (+185% edmg [160-200]) - 2-X 185ed - FT: 5 PG
Lycander's Flank - Ceremonial Pike (2h-dmg: 138 to 323 [130-151] to [305-353]) (+171% edmg [150-200]) (9% Life stolen per hit [5-9]) - 2-XII 171ed - FT: 5 PG
Stoneraven - Matriarchal Spear (2h-dmg: 222 to 325 [215-247] to [316-361]) (+243% edmg [230-280]) (+438 def [400-600]) (@res +31 [30-50]) (+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama) [1-3]) - 2-VIII 2 Speer Skills 243ed 438 def 31@ - FT: 2 PG
Stoneraven - Matriarchal Spear (2h-dmg: 235 to 343 [215-247] to [316-361]) (+262% edmg [230-280]) (+434 def [400-600]) (@res +47 [30-50]) (+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama) [1-3]) - 2-XII 262ed 2 Skills 424 def - FT: 3 PG
Viperfork - Mancatcher (2h-dmg: 128 to 281 [121-142] to [266-312]) (+206% edmg [190-240]) (+250 to Attack Rating [200-250]) (p-res +40% [30-50]) - 2-XI FT: 1 PG

Throwing Axe

Lacerator - Winged Axe (1h-dmg: 30 to 153 [27-34] to [140-173]) (t-dmg: 19 to 164 [17-21] to [150-186]) (+174% edmg [150-210]) - 2-IX FT: 1 PG

Two Handed Axe

Brainhew - Great Axe (2h-dmg: 28 to 48 [27-30] to [45-54]) (+63% edmg [50-80]) (11% Mana stolen per hit [10-13]) - 1-III FT: 1 PG


Boneshade - Lich Wand (+1 to Bone Spirit (nec) [1-2]) (+3 to Bone Spear (nec) [2-3]) (+2 to Bone Wall (nec) [2-3]) (+4 to Bone Armor (nec) [4-5]) (+5 to Teeth (nec) [4-5]) - 1-V FT: 3 PG

----- Ätherische und/oder Gesockelte Items -----


Wire Fleece - (def: 397) (dur: 31 of 32) (strreq: 111) (lvlreq: 53) (sox (3)) 3-XIV FT: 10 PG
Wyrmhide - (def: 467) (dur: 19 of 24) (strreq: 84) (lvlreq: 50) (sox (3)) 2-XII FT: 10 PG


Grand Matron Bow - (2h-dmg: 14 to 72) ((ama)) (dexreq: 152) (strreq: 108) (lvlreq: 58) (Bow Class - Fast Attack Speed) (+3 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (ama)) (sox (4)) 2-XI Bitte Bieten
Grand Matron Bow - (2h-dmg: 14 to 72) ((ama)) (dexreq: 152) (strreq: 108) (lvlreq: 58) (Bow Class - Fast Attack Speed) (+3 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (ama)) (sox (4)) 2-X Bitte Bieten


Suwayyah - (1h-dmg: 39 to 52) (dur: 28 of 48) ((assa)) (dexreq: 99) (strreq: 99) (lvlreq: 44) (Claw Class - Very Slow Attack Speed) (+1 to Death Sentry (assa)) (+2 to Fade (assa)) (sox (3)) 1-V FT: 15 PG

One Handed Mace

Flail - (1h-dmg: 1 to 24) (dur: 16 of 30) (dexreq: 35) (strreq: 41) (Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed) (+50% Damage to Undead) (sox (4)) 1-IV FT: 5 PG

One Handed Sword

Broad Sword - (1h-dmg: 7 to 14) (dur: 26 of 32) (strreq: 48) (Sword Class - Fast Attack Speed) (sox (4)) 1-IV FT: 1 PG

Paladin Shield

Kurast Shield - (def: 172) (ctb: 50%) (dur: 30 of 55) ((pala)) (strreq: 124) (lvlreq: 55) (@res +44) (sox (3)) 2-IX Dream Rohling - Bitte Bieten
Sacred Targe - (def: 139) (ctb: 55%) (dur: 36 of 45) ((pala)) (strreq: 86) (lvlreq: 47) (@res +27) (sox (4)) 2-XII FT: 5 PG


Cryptic Axe - (2h-dmg: 33 to 150) (dur: 60 of 65) (dexreq: 103) (strreq: 165) (lvlreq: 59) (Polearm Class - Slow Attack Speed) (sox (4)) 2-IX FT: 15 PG

Two Handed Sword

Highland Blade - (2h-dmg: 100 to 144) (dur: 26 of 26) (dexreq: 94) (strreq: 161) (lvlreq: 49) (GoiSword Class - Fast Attack Speed) (eth (Cannot be Repaired)) 3-XIII FT: 5 PG


Superior Flail - (1h-dmg: 1 to 24) (dur: 23 of 30) (dexreq: 35) (strreq: 41) (Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed) (+3 to Attack Rating) (+50% Damage to Undead) (sox (5)) 2-VIII FT: 10 PG
Superior Flail - (1h-dmg: 1 to 27) (dur: 15 of 30) (dexreq: 35) (strreq: 41) (Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed) (+14% edmg) (+50% Damage to Undead) (sox (4)) 1-V FT: 3 PG

----- Set Items -----

Aldur's Watchtower
Aldur's Advance - Battle Boots (def: 41 [39-47]) (f-res +40% [40-50]) - 2-VIII FT: 10 PG

Angelic Raiment
Angelic Wings - Amulet - 2-X FT: 2 PG
Angelic Halo - Ring - 2-X FT: 2 PG

Arcannas Tricks
Arcanna's Flesh - Light Plate (def: 106 [90-107]) (def: 106 [190-207]) - 1-VI FT: 1 PG
Arcanna's Head - Skull Cap (def: 8 [8-11]) - 1-III FT: 1 PG

Arctic Gear
Arctic Furs - Quilted Armor (def: 47 [45-51]) (+292% edef [275-325]) - 2-XI FT: 1 PG
Arctic Binding - Light Belt - 2-XI FT: 1 PG
Arctic Horn - Short War Bow - 2-XI FT: 1 PG
Arctic Mitts - Light Gauntlets (def: 11 [9-11]) - 2-XI FT: 1 PG

Cathan's Traps
Cathan's Sigil - Amulet - 2-VII FT: 1 PG
Cathan's Mesh - Chain Mail (def: 89 [87-90]) - 1-III FT: 1 PG
Cathan's Seal - Ring - 1-IV FT: 1 PG
Cathan's Seal - Ring - 1-III FT: 1 PG
Cathan's Rule - Battle Staff - 1-III FT: 1 PG

Cleglaw's Brace
Cleglaw's Pincers - Chain Gloves (def: 8 [8-9]) - 2-XI FT: 1 PG
Cleglaw's Pincers - Chain Gloves (def: 8 [8-9]) - 1-VI FT: 1 PG
Cleglaw's Tooth - Long Sword - 1-III FT: 1 PG
Cleglaw's Claw - Small Shield (def: 26 [25-27]) - 1-V FT: 1 PG
Cleglaw's Claw - Small Shield (def: 27 [25-27]) - 2-XI FT: 1 PG

Death's Disguise
Death's Touch - War Sword - 1-III FT: 1 PG

Griswold's Legacy
Griswold's Redemption - Caduceus (1h-dmg: 117 to 136 [111-125] to [129-146]) (+217% edmg [200-240]) (sox (3) [3-4]) - 3-XIII Bitte Bieten
Griswold's Redemption - Caduceus (1h-dmg: 123 to 143 [111-125] to [129-146]) (+233% edmg [200-240]) (sox (4) [3-4]) - 2-IX 233ed 4 Sockel - Bitte Bieten

Hsarus' def
Hsarus' Iron Heel - Chain Boots (def: 8 [8-9]) - 2-X FT: 1 PG

Hwanin's Majesty
Hwanin's Blessing - Belt (def: 6 [6-153]) (+1 def (Based on Character Level) [1-148]) - 1-IV FT: 1 PG

Immortal King
Immortal King's Forge - War Gauntlets (def: 116 [108-238]) - 1-V FT: 5 PG
Immortal King's Stone Crusher - Ogre Maul (39% Chance of Crushing Blow [35-40]) - 1-V FT: 5 PG

Infernal Tools
Infernal Sign - Heavy Belt - 1-III FT: 1 PG

Iratha's Finery
Iratha's Collar - Amulet - 3-XIII FT: 2 PG
Iratha's Cord - Heavy Belt - 2-VII FT: 2 PG
Iratha's Coil - Crown (def: 36 [25-45]) - 3-XIII FT: 2 PG
Iratha's Coil - Crown (def: 36 [25-45]) - 2-VII FT: 2 PG

M'avina's Battle Hymn
M'avina's Tenet - Sharkskin Belt (def: 81 [81-86]) - 2-XII FT: 5 PG
M'avina's Tenet - Sharkskin Belt (def: 85 [81-86]) - 2-VII FT: 5 PG

Milebrega's Regalia
Milabrega's Diadem - Crown (def: 36 [25-45]) - 1-IV FT: 1 PG
Milabrega's Rod - War Scepter - 1-IV FT: 1 PG
Milabrega's Orb - Kite Shield - 1-III FT: 1 PG

Orphan's Call
Wilhelm's Pride - Battle Belt - 1-VI FT: 1 PG
Magnus' Skin - Sharkskin Gloves - 1-V FT: 1 PG
Magnus' Skin - Sharkskin Gloves - 2-XI FT: 1 PG
Whitstan's Guard - Round Shield - 3-XIII FT: 5 PG

Sander's Folly
Sander's Riprap - Heavy Boots (def: 6 [5-6]) - 2-XI FT: 1 PG

Sazabi's Grand Tribute
Sazabi's Mental Sheath - Basinet (def: 177 [175-184]) (l-res +20% [15-20]) (f-res +20% [15-20]) - 2-XI FT: 2 PG
Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer - Cryptic Sword - 2-IX FT: 2 PG

Sigon's Complete Steel
Sigon's Shelter - Gothic Plate - 2-XI FT: 2 PG
Sigon's Wrap - Plated Belt (def: 10 [8-11]) - 1-VI FT: 2 PG
Sigon's Sabot - Greaves (def: 13 [12-15]) - 1-V FT: 2 PG
Sigon's Gage - Gauntlets (def: 13 [12-15]) - 1-V FT: 2 PG
Sigon's Visor - Great Helm (def: 57 [55-60]) - 2-X FT: 2 PG
Sigon's Guard - Tower Shield (def: 22 [22-25]) - 2-X FT: 2 PG

Tal Rasha's Wrappings
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest - Death Mask (def: 107 [99-131]) - 3-XIV FT: 15 PG

Tancred's Battlegear
Tancred's Weird - Amulet - 2-VII FT: 1 PG
Tancred's Hobnails - Boots (def: 3 [2-3]) - 2-XI FT: 1 PG
Tancred's Skull - Bone Helm (def: 36 [33-36]) - 1-IV FT: 1 PG

The Disciple
Telling of Beads - Amulet (p-res +43% [35-50]) (dmgret 9 [8-10]) - 3-XIV FT: 1 PG

Trang-Oul's Avatar
Trang-Oul's Claws - Heavy Bracers (def: 71 [67-74]) - 3-XIII FT: 2 PG
Trang-Oul's Claws - Heavy Bracers (def: 73 [67-74]) - 3-XV FT: 2PG

Vidala's Rig
Vidala's Barb - Long Battle Bow - 1-III FT: 1 PG

----- Runewort Items -----


Nadir - Full Helm (def: 49) (dur: 30 of 30) (strreq: 41) (lvlreq: 13) (+5 to Strength) (+2 to Mana after each Kill) (-33% Extra Gold from Monsters) (-3 to Light Radius) (Level 13 Cloak of Shadows (9/9 Charges)) 1-III FT: 1 PG

One Handed Sword

Steel - Broad Sword (1h-dmg: 11 to 19) (dur: 32 of 32) (strreq: 48) (lvlreq: 13) (Sword Class - Very Fast Attack Speed) (+25% ias) (+20% edmg) (+3 to Minimum Damage) (+3 to Maximum Damage) (+50 to Attack Rating) (50% Chance of Open Wounds) (+2 to Mana after each Kill) (+1 to Light Radius) 1-III FT: 1 PG


Insight - Battle Scythe (2h-dmg: 64 to 138) (dur: 51 of 65) (dexreq: 82) (strreq: 82) (lvlreq: 27) (Polearm Class - Normal Attack Speed) (Level 13 Meditation Aura When Equipped [12-17]) (+208% edmg [200-260]) (+9 to Minimum Damage) (225% Bonus to Attack Rating [180-250]) (Adds 5-30 fire damage [5-30]) (+75 poison damage over 5 seconds) (+3 to Critical Strike [1-6]) (+5 to all Attributes) (+2 to Mana after each Kill) 2-VIII FT: 5 PG
Insight - Halberd (2h-dmg: 47 to 144) (dur: 32 of 55) (dexreq: 47) (strreq: 75) (lvlreq: 27) (Polearm Class - Slow Attack Speed) (Level 13 Meditation Aura When Equipped [12-17]) (+221% edmg [200-260]) (+9 to Minimum Damage) (199% Bonus to Attack Rating [180-250]) (Adds 5-30 fire damage [5-30]) (+75 poison damage over 5 seconds) (+3 to Critical Strike [1-6]) (+5 to all Attributes) (+2 to Mana after each Kill) 3-XV FT: 5 PG


Rhyme - Bone Shield (def: 30) (ctb: 65%) (dur: 40 of 40) (strreq: 25) (lvlreq: 29) (+40% Faster Block Rate) (50% Extra Gold from Monsters) (25% mf) (sox (2)) 3-XIV FT: 1 PG

----- Normale Items -----

One Handed Sword

Phase Blade - (1h-dmg: 31 to 35) (dexreq: 136) (strreq: 25) (lvlreq: 54) (Sword Class - Very Fast Attack Speed) 2-VIII FT: 2 PG


Monarch - (def: 141) (ctb: 47%) (dur: 54 of 86) (strreq: 156) (lvlreq: 54) 1-VI FT: 5 PG


Superior Gnarled Staff - (2h-dmg: 4 to 13) (dur: 24 of 35) (lvlreq: 24) (Staff Class - Slow Attack Speed) (+15% edmg) (+1 to Attack Rating) (+3 to Energy Shield (soso)) (+50% Damage to Undead) 2-IX Memory Rohling - FT: 25 PG

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
erster :)
Sharp Grand Charm of Greed - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (Required Level: 21) (+10 to Maximum Damage) (+71 to Attack Rating) (20% Extra Gold from Monsters) 1-V

würde dir dafür pgems anbieten.
Life Trade können wir dann heute abend machen :)
Mach mal die Schrift größer, Kira, ich bin schon alt:D

Da brauchst nur am Anfang oben irgendwo aus der 1 eine 2 machen.
Grand Charm of Quality - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (Required Level: 33) (+2 to Maximum Damage) 2-XII Baalcharm - FT: Pul

Den nehme ich doch glatt :>
Wenn du noch interessiert sein solltest, könnten wir den auch gegen die Titans tauschen, die ich dir neulich angeboten habe.

E: t4t :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Grand Charm of Quality - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (Required Level: 33) (+2 to Maximum Damage) 2-XII Baalcharm - FT: Pul

Den nehme ich doch glatt :>
Wenn du noch interessiert sein solltest, könnten wir den auch gegen die Titans tauschen, die ich dir neulich angeboten habe.

ich hab inzwischen selbst 4er speere gefunden, die reichen mir erstmal. ausserdem brauch ich die pul grade ziemlich dringend :D
machst du nen TA fertig?
Moin :hy:

das würde ich dir gerne abnehmen:

Havoc Gyre - Jewel (Can be Inserted into Socketed Items) (Required Level: 36) (+7% Faster Hit Recovery) (+3 to Minimum Damage) (+21 to Attack Rating) (Fire Resist +26%) 2-VIII FT: 1 PG

Sid :cool:

Tante EDIT sagt t4t :kiss:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
dann mach mir nen TA fertig :hy:
oder wir machen das via live trade ich bin (fast) immer im op snowbaal zufinden (ich bin der channelbot da :P)
Moin Kira :hy:
wäre eine Ist für die beiden OK?

Natural Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (Required Level: 42) (+1 to Elemental Skills (Druid Only)) 1-V Skiller - FT: Pul

Insight -Colossus Voulge --- Runenwort wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---('RalTirTalSol') (Two-Hand Damage: 88 to 787) (Durability: 26 of 26) (Required Dexterity: 45) (Required Strength: 200) (Required Level: 48) (Polearm Class - Slow Attack Speed) (Level 14 Meditation Aura When Equipped) (+35% Faster Cast Rate) (+219% Enhanced Damage) (+9 to Minimum Damage) (201% Bonus to Attack Rating) (Adds 5-30 fire damage) (+75 poison damage over 5 seconds) (+3 to Critical Strike) (+5 to all Attributes) (+2 to Mana after each Kill) (23% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items) (Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired), Socketed (4)) 2-X eth - FT: 35 PG / Mal Pul

Sid :cool:

E: Und wieder Mal Danke :hy:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
jup das geht klar, TA bitte :D

edit: jetzt mit Ordnung nach Typen!

-> wenn jmd tipps für mich hat die stats richtig hinzubekommen, immer her damit!
(ich habe bisher einfach nur die ItemDB.xml mit hilfe der Itemdaten vom Arreat Summit übersetzt)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Huhu ich suche noch den

Homunculus Hierophant Trophy - 2-VIII FT: 15 PG

kannst du da mit 12 pg leben? ich will nicht feilschen, hab aber nicht mehr im Moment
Huhu ich suche noch den

Homunculus Hierophant Trophy - 2-VIII FT: 15 PG

kannst du da mit 12 pg leben? ich will nicht feilschen, hab aber nicht mehr im Moment

wie gesagt die preise sind ja nichts festes hier, ruhig einfach vorschläge machen ;)
und ja den kann ich dir auch für 12 geben, mach bitte einen TA fertig

hätte Interesse an:

Magefist - Light Gauntlets (Defense: 24 [24-25]) (+24% Enhanced Defense [20-30]) - 1-VI FT: 5 PG
The Oculus - Swirling Crystal - 2-VIII FT: 30 PG

für die 35 PGs. :)



t4t :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

hätte Interesse an:

Magefist - Light Gauntlets (Defense: 24 [24-25]) (+24% Enhanced Defense [20-30]) - 1-VI FT: 5 PG
The Oculus - Swirling Crystal - 2-VIII FT: 30 PG

für die 35 PGs. :)



geht klar bitte einen TA fertig machen oder mir daten für livetrade zukommen lassen (wobei ich da nicht garantieren kann das das heute noch was wird!)

hätte gerne das ,

Echoing Amulet of the Apprentice - (Required Level: 45) (+3 to Warcries (Barbarian Only)) (+10% Faster Cast Rate) 2-VIII FT: 5 PG

Wenn ja, mach ich dir späten Nachmittag TA fertig



hätte gerne das ,

Echoing Amulet of the Apprentice - (Required Level: 45) (+3 to Warcries (Barbarian Only)) (+10% Faster Cast Rate) 2-VIII FT: 5 PG

Wenn ja, mach ich dir späten Nachmittag TA fertig



warum fragt immer jeder ob das FT ok is? deswgen steht es da ;)
einfach TA fertig machen und hier posten was ihr haben wollt!
Guten Morgen!

Twitchthroe - Studded Leather (def: 57 [57-60]) - 3-XV FT: 1PG

Witchwild String - Short Siege Bow (2h-dmg: 32 to 75 [32-35] to [75-81]) (+153% edmg [150-170]) (1% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level) [1-99]) - 1-VI 153ed - FT: 3 PG

Ribcracker - Quarterstaff (2h-dmg: 57 to 155 [54-62] to [143-169]) (+247% edmg [200-300]) - 1-VI 247ed - FT: 5 PG

Beim WWS würde ich dich gerne auf einen PG runterhandeln, also 7PG für die drei Gegenstände, ansonsten 6 für Zuckzappel und Ribcracker :)
Guten Morgen!

Twitchthroe - Studded Leather (def: 57 [57-60]) - 3-XV FT: 1PG

Witchwild String - Short Siege Bow (2h-dmg: 32 to 75 [32-35] to [75-81]) (+153% edmg [150-170]) (1% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level) [1-99]) - 1-VI 153ed - FT: 3 PG

Ribcracker - Quarterstaff (2h-dmg: 57 to 155 [54-62] to [143-169]) (+247% edmg [200-300]) - 1-VI 247ed - FT: 5 PG

Beim WWS würde ich dich gerne auf einen PG runterhandeln, also 7PG für die drei Gegenstände, ansonsten 6 für Zuckzappel und Ribcracker :)

geht klar TA bitte!

@F1SCHi von dir brauch ich auch noch einen TA!