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Leap Attack


20 Februar 2004
Punkte Reaktionen
Als ich letztens mal wieder meinen total verskillten ersten Barb auf der BackupCD gefunden hab, ist mir der Sprungangriff des Barbs ins Auge gefallen.
Dann mal kurz den Skillcalc eingeschmissen:
Manakosten: 9
Angriffswert: +410%
Schaden: +1020%
Wegstoßungsradius: 34 Meter
[LvL 25 mit gemaxter Synergie]

Das klingt doch sehr ordentlich!

Hab jemand schon mal Erfahrungen mit der Dauerwendung dieses Skills gemacht?
Oder gibts da schon einen Guide?
Gibt da einen Bug der das Konzept leider ziemlich ruiniert.


Vielleicht sollte der thread auch in den Wegweiser - mit SuFu hab ich den erst im dritten Anlauf gefunden. ;)
I've played a Leap/BO barb a lot the last two ladders, and liked it well enough to start another one this time. But I've already decided against using Leap Attack on the first char, as it had more disadvantages than advantages. To use it you need distance, so you need to run/leap away all the time and leap attack back (not to mention the possibility of getting the leap bug). I've found it faster and more effective to simply stick to a high Leap in combination with Concentration or Berserk. If Leap is high enough it will have a decent knockback and a good stun time, allowing you to stun, hit once or twice, and leap again to stun them again.

Of course, there are much faster killers, but at least the leap stun makes a leap barb a viable replacement for tele sorcs in Baal runs without needing expensive equipment. And as it also has maxed BO/Shout it's a true teamplayer ;)
Skyclad schrieb:
Of course, there are much faster killers, but at least the leap stun makes a leap barb a viable replacement for tele sorcs in Baal runs without needing expensive equipment. And as it also has maxed BO/Shout it's a true teamplayer ;)

Team player of course like all other barbarians are but leap is absolutely no substitute for teleport at all. Why? First of all you can´t leap through walls second it´s incredibly slow and third you can get hit in air.

I hardly doubt u use your barbarian that way successfully.

Greetings Bernd
Of course it is nowhere near the speed of a good sorc. But as long as you dont leap in the middle of a pack of fana+mana drain moonlords you can travel around extremely save. Even fana packs souls and dolls can't get near enough to touch you. By the time they have almost recovered from the last knockback stun you have leapt again.

If there was a decent sorc I'd leave getting to the throne to him/her, but otherwise I'd leap there. If I was bored I'd try and beat the sorc there ;) The bug could indeed mess you up, but if you were careful and knew what to avoid you wouldn't get bugged that often.

My current barb is not yet strong enough to do so, his def is still too low. But once I get better eq I will start doing it again.
Sure u could leap to throne. It will function and it will be kind of secure but it also will be incredibly slow. I really don´t see the benefit to leap all the way instead of just running there and leap a few times through crowds that block the way. Especially when u max it what means u lack 19 skills for your synergies.

A pure leap barbarian is great for a weak party as support bitch (Only stunned monsters on the screen is really safe) but i don´t see any other benefit of such a build.

Greetings Bernd
This build was very nice in our naked HC party, :D (nice Idea @bernd, the necro is still alive, if you have time :D). In classic is this build also a nice idea. In the CS your are only a supporter, you can't kill something, because you can't use WW. There ist it good. But LoD? No one need such a barb, I think. You can't leap like a telesorc to Baal........... The Sorc is better in that point.

I hope my english is not too hard to understand. I think, it is a nice idea too speak english @india. So I can better up my english skills. :)
Okay i know it´s a little off topic but if you like to communicate more in english there´s a good adress here to do so. Drago would be glad ´bout more customers ;)


A pure leap barbarian is the most depressing and useless build there could be in the barbarians universe:

1. If you would say impale is slow watch him go :/
2. It´s still not enough that he´s so awfully slow the attack has to suffer a lot through the well known bug

Okay i admid the famous legendary grim ward barbarian could be even more depressing :D

Anyone lust to write a guide?^^

Greetings Bernd