• Herzlich Willkommen!

    Nach der Schließung von inDiablo.de wurden die Inhalte und eure Accounts in dieses Forum konvertiert. Ihr könnt euch hier mit eurem alten Account weiterhin einloggen, müsst euch dafür allerdings über die "Passwort vergessen" Funktion ein neues Passwort setzen lassen.

    Solltet ihr keinen Zugriff mehr auf die mit eurem Account verknüpfte Emailadresse haben, so könnt ihr euch unter Angabe eures Accountnamens, eurer alten Emailadresse sowie eurer gewünschten neuen Emailadresse an einen Administrator wenden.

Mal ne Frage


New member
26 Januar 2006
Punkte Reaktionen
Wie kann ich Einstellen, dass der Bot einen bestimmten Spruch loslässt, wenn ein bestimmter Acc den Channle betritt?
bzw. bestimmte worte im geschriebenen text des users erkennt (catch phrases) und auf diese wiederum mit einem spruch antwortet
konnte ich oben nicht finden...

Gibt es als solches nicht. Brauchst ein Script für.

Versuchs mal damit:

'.learn word=statement
'word may contain wildcards:
' * for 0 or more Characters
'statement may contain some Variables
' %bu Bot's Username
' %hc Bot's Home Channel
' %uc Speakers Clan
' %rp Random Person in the Channel
' %u Speakers Username
' %t actual Time
' %d actual Date
' %p Speakers Ping at logon
' %a Speakers Access
' %f Speakers Flags
' %c actual Channel

'.learn i* go* eat*=/me wishes %u a "bon appetite"
'<User> im going to eat something
'<Bot wishes User a "bon appetite">

Const chatb_learn_ACCESS = 50
Const chatb_BNC_ACCESS = 100
Const chatb_DATAPATH = "data\botbrain.txt"


'util.lib v0.96
'Function xTrim(txt, trimmer)
'Function isInList(list, item) 'if list = string then delimiter = ; returns Boolean
'Function ReadFile2Arr(filename) 'returns Null if file does not exist, or is empty
'Function ReadFile(filename) 'returns NullString if file does not exist, or is empty
'Sub Write2File(filename, mode, text) 'mode = "w" for overwrite and "a" for appending
'Sub ReplaceLineInFile(filename, line, newline)
'Sub CreatePath(path)
'Sub swap(a, b)
'Sub shuffleArray(arr)
'Sub pAddQ(msg, delimiter, typ, User, color) 'like DSP, just with Delimiter
'Sub xAddQ(msg, delimiter)

Public chatb_dicBrainCells 'the .Item() is an array of possible answers
Public chatb_arrBCKeys 'the keys of the dic

Sub chatb_Event_Load()
chatb_Extends "util.lib"

Set chatb_dicBrainCells = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
CreatePath BotPath & chatb_DATAPATH

Dim arrLines, arrAnswers
arrLines = ReadFile2Arr(BotPath & chatb_DATAPATH)
If Not IsNull(arrLines) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(arrLines)
arrAnswers = Split(Split(arrLines(i), "¢", 2)(1), "¢")
chatb_dicBrainCells.Add Split(arrLines(i), "¢", 2)(0), arrAnswers
chatb_arrBCKeys = chatb_dicBrainCells.Keys()
chatb_arrBCKeys = Null
End If
End Sub

Function PrepareAnswer(bc, msg, ans, User)
Dim arrVariables, arrValues, strTemp, ua, uf, strRandomPerson
GetDBEntry User, ua, uf
strRandomPerson = GetNameByPosition(Int(Rnd * GetInternalUserCount()) + 1)
arrVariables = Array("%rp", "%bu", "%hc", "%uc", "%u", "%t", "%d", "%p", "%a", "%f", "%c")
arrValues = Array(strRandomPerson, BotVars.Username, BotVars.HomeChannel, GetInternalDataByUsername(User, 0), _
User, Now, Date, GetInternalDataByUsername(User, 2), ua, uf, myChannel)

strTemp = ans
For i = 0 To UBound(arrValues)
strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrVariables(i), arrValues(i), 1, -1, 1)
PrepareAnswer = strTemp
End Function

Sub chatb_Event_UserTalk(Username, Flags, Message, Ping)
If Ping > -1 Then Ping = 1 '//Use Ping as message identifier, delete this line if you want use the Ping. But the Ping is just the Startup-Ping anyway.

Dim arrTemp, strTemp, strArg, intPrevAdd, strPrevAdd, strNewAdd, strKey, usrAccess, usrFlags
GetDBEntry Username, usrAccess, usrFlags

Select Case LCase(Split(Message, " ", 2)(0))
Case BotVars.Trigger & "learn"
If usrAccess < chatb_learn_ACCESS Then
pAddQ "Not enough Access. (" & usrAccess & "/" & chatb_learn_ACCESS & ")", "", Abs(Ping), Username, vbRed
Exit Sub
End If
If Len(Message) > 9 And InStr(Message, "=") > 0 Then
If usrAccess < chatb_BNC_ACCESS Then
'only /me commando accepted with access lower than chatb_BNC_ACCESS
If Left(Split(Message, "=", 2)(1), 1) = "/" And Left(Split(Message, "=", 2)(1), 3) <> "/me" Then
pAddQ "You dont have enough access to use other b.net commands than /me. (" & usrAccess & "/" & chatb_BNC_ACCESS & ")", "", Abs(Ping), Username, vbRed
Exit Sub
End If
End If
strArg = Split(Message, " ", 2)(1)
intPrevAdd = InList(chatb_arrBCKeys, Split(strArg, "=", 2)(0))
If intPrevAdd > -1 Then
strKey = chatb_arrBCKeys(intPrevAdd)
strNewAdd = "¢" & Split(strArg, "=", 2)(1)
strTemp = Join(chatb_dicBrainCells.Item(strKey), "¢")
strPrevAdd = strKey & "¢" & strTemp
ReplaceLineInFile BotPath & chatb_DATAPATH, strPrevAdd, strPrevAdd & strNewAdd
chatb_dicBrainCells.Item(strKey) = Split(strTemp & strNewAdd, "¢")
chatb_arrBCKeys = chatb_dicBrainCells.Keys()
pAddQ "New answer for existing brain cell added.", "", Abs(Ping), Username, vbWhite
Write2File BotPath & chatb_DATAPATH, "a", vbNewLine & Replace(strArg, "=", "¢", 1, 1, 1)
chatb_dicBrainCells.Add Split(strArg, "=", 2)(0), Array(Split(strArg, "=", 2)(1))
chatb_arrBCKeys = chatb_dicBrainCells.Keys()
pAddQ "I feel much more intelligent now.", "", Abs(Ping), Username, vbWhite
End If
End If
Exit Sub 'dont need to search for a matching sentence anymore
End Select

If Ping < -2 Then Exit Sub 'only channel chat responses talk/emote

If Not IsNull(chatb_arrBCKeys) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(chatb_arrBCKeys)
If Match(Message, chatb_arrBCKeys(i), True) Then
arrTemp = chatb_dicBrainCells.Item(chatb_arrBCKeys(i))
strTemp = PrepareAnswer(chatb_arrBCKeys(i), Message, arrTemp(Int((UBound(arrTemp) + 1) * Rnd)), Username)
xAddQ strTemp, ""
Exit For 'Matching sentence found, no need to seak anymore
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub chatb_Event_UserEmote(Username, Flags, Message)
chatb_Event_UserTalk Username, Flags, Message, -2
End Sub

Sub chatb_Event_WhisperFromUser(Username, Flags, Message)
chatb_Event_UserTalk Username, Flags, Message, -3
End Sub

Sub chatb_Event_PressedEnter(text)
chatb_Event_UserTalk BotVars.Username, "", text, -4
End Sub

Sub chatb_Extends(file)
Dim chatb_fso, chatb_ts, chatb_version1, chatb_version2
Set chatb_fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not chatb_fso.FileExists(BotPath & file) Then
PrintURLToFile file, "" & file & "?" & Time
Set chatb_ts = chatb_fso_OpenTextFile(BotPath & "script.txt", 8, True)
chatb_ts.Write vbNewLine & "#include " & file
AddChat vbBlue, file & " has been installed."
Set chatb_ts = chatb_fso_OpenTextFile(BotPath & file, 1, True)
ExecuteGlobal chatb_ts.ReadAll()
Set chatb_ts = chatb_fso_OpenTextFile(BotPath & file, 1, True)
chatb_version1 = Mid(chatb_ts.ReadLine(), 2)
chatb_version2 = scINet.OpenURL("" & file & ".ver?" & Time)
If chatb_version1 <> chatb_version2 Then
PrintURLToFile file, "" & file & "?" & Time
AddChat vbBlue, file & " updated."
Set chatb_ts = chatb_fso_OpenTextFile(BotPath & file, 1, True)
ExecuteGlobal chatb_ts.ReadAll()
End If
End If
End Sub

keine Garantie auf Funktion

Auf Bald, bis dann