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Mag sich wie eine Dumme Frage anhören (was es vermutlich auch ist), aber ich spiele noch nicht lange Diablo 1. :D
Kann man auch "Rennen" so wie in Diablo 2 mit "R"? Oder kann man nur so langsam gehen?

Danke im Voraus!
Nö, rennen gibt's im normalen Diablo nicht.

In Hellfire kann man in der Stadt "rennen", aber Hellfire kann man nicht ohne weiteres online zocken (und es saugt auch ziemlich Ar*** :p)
Gibt es vllt. ein deutsches Sprachpaket für Diablo? Ich habe es im Pack gekauft->Englisch.
Und was ist Diablo Spawn was man mitinstallieren kann?
Und was ist "Hellfire"?

Danke im Voraus!
.dexX schrieb:
Gibt es vllt. ein deutsches Sprachpaket für Diablo? Ich habe es im Pack gekauft->Englisch.
Und was ist Diablo Spawn was man mitinstallieren kann?
Und was ist "Hellfire"?

1 = nicht das mir bekannt ist, aber n bissal sollte man schon als Deutscher der xx Jahre englisch lernt verstehen ;)

2 = gabs auch für Starcaft, war ne spezielle Installation. Irgendwie nur für SP oder nur MP oder nur n paar lvls?(eins von den 3 dürfts sein)

3 = Hellfire ist das halbwegs offizielle Erweiterungs-Pack zu Diablo.

Hier tolle Info aus der Lurkerlounge :

"Hellfire (Diablo's Expansion)
1) What is Hellfire?
The only "authorized" expansion to Diablo, but it was not made by Blizzard. Sierra made it. Blizzard refused to give it Battle.net support, though it can still be played online if you download a modified hellfrui.dll or play a mod, such as "Hellfire: The Dark" or "Hellfire: Fixed." Hellfire and associated mods are playable over Kali.

2) Where can I find Hellfire?
Firstly, Hellfire was a retail game. It is not available for download.

Hellfire availability is extremely limited these days, and, unfortunately, Sierra doesn't carry it any more. First, check at your local software store. If it's not there, try internet auction sites such as ebay, half.com, and Amazon. You might also check online software retailers.

This is all the information I have. I delete all e-mails asking where to purchase or "download" Hellfire.

3) Can I use my Diablo 1 characters in Hellfire -- and vice versa?
You may be able to "port" Diablo characters from version 1.00 through v1.07 to Hellfire by re-naming the save file, but this does not work with v1.08 or v1.09. TAKE NOTE: These characters will not retain their equipment!

You cannot port Hellfire characters to Diablo.

4) How do I make command.txt?
For those who don't know, command.txt is used to activate Hellfire's easter eggs. This is covered below.

5) What does Hellfire add?
One "official" new class and two "easter egg" (bonus) classes. The Monk can block without need of a shield (except with bows), though he is best suited to barehanded or staff use. He is quite similar to the Rogue in terms of magical ability and hardiness. The Bard crosses a Sorcerer with melee class, creating a character capable of wielding two one-handed weapons at once (preferably swords) and slinging potent magic. The Barbarian trades magical ability (max Magic 0) for raw physical damage, sporting high vitality and a damage bonus for not using a shield (not with staves). For more information, see Jarulf's Guide (Downloadable Version, Online Version).

Hellfire also added two new areas. The first, the Hive (or Nest), is an "organic" area where monster toughness and level design is analogous to the Caves. The second area, the Crypt, is very similar to the first four dungeon levels in design, but monster toughness reflects that of Hell. Both dungeons are four levels deep and do not connect to the original 16 dungeon levels in any way. Sierra's biggest faux pas in designing these levels is an almost total lack of bosses (the Hive has two, the Crypt has one). As such, these levels are rather boring, particularly since the monsters don't vary much at all. Still, the Crypt remains a challenging area due to monster resistance combinations and mixing of Animals, Demons, and Undead.

The Crypt and Hive are rife with new monsters, but Sierra's attempt at creating a "Gothic" atmosphere falls short when it comes to sound effects. High-pitched squeals and squeaks cannot compete with the gloomy moans, grunts, and hisses of the original game.

Hellfire adds the option of playing Normal, Nightmare, and Hell difficulty for single player.

Hellfire adds a couple of new quests, some of which are "easter eggs." See Jarulf's Guide for information on the Hellfire easter eggs.

Oh, and new items! Sierra went to the trouble of adding a number of new unique items (twenty in total). What they didn't bother doing was ensure that the game can drop them! Nearly half of them cannot exist in mutliplayer and the rest are mind-bogglingly difficult to generate in single player. On top of that, many old D1 uniques no longer drop (in multiplayer) due to these new uniques. (In single player they become quite difficult to find.)

If Hellfire sounds bad to you, all is not lost. "Hellfire: Fixed" modification (made by friendly neighborhood Lurkers) was created to mend Sierra's mistakes and, I think, improves "vanilla Hellfire" in many respects while still remaining Diablo at heart. "Hellfire: The Dark" modification (made by Zamal and Zenda) also does an excellent job of improving Sierra's little accident. It doesn't attempt to retain the original Diablo. Instead, "The Dark" makes the game more difficult by redesigning monsters, items, and character classes. Zamal and Zenda did a first-rate job on "The Dark," and they're still improving it. Some players have even bought Hellfire just to play this mod. Now that's a compliment if I've ever seen one. You can find information on both of these mods in the Mods

greetings :hy:
"spawn" müsste sowas wie ne demo sein denk ich ma. vllt, weil damals die festplatten net so groß waren und man sichs so erstma angucken konnte :irre:
Die Spawn-Version, war ein auf der Retail-Version verfügbares, demo-ähnliches Feature.
Man konnte D1-Spawn auf beliebig vielen Rechnern installieren und dann ohne CD über IPX oder im SP zocken, allerdings nur die ersten beiden Dungeonlevel.

Spaßfaktor: begrenzt.
fallenphoenix schrieb:
Die Spawn-Version, war ein auf der Retail-Version verfügbares, demo-ähnliches Feature.
Man konnte D1-Spawn auf beliebig vielen Rechnern installieren und dann ohne CD über IPX oder im SP zocken, allerdings nur die ersten beiden Dungeonlevel.

Spaßfaktor: begrenzt.
aber man konnte sich appetit holen..und das war dann wohl auch die absicht ;)
und bei d1..wars sicher schon nen guter einblick