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Shannon raus bei BME?


Well-known member
30 September 2003
Punkte Reaktionen
So. Zuallererst werde ich hier KEINEN Link zu BME setzen, weil das nämlich in Deutschland verboten oder so ist :> Aber ich hoffe, dass es ein paar Leute gibt, die BME kennen und schätzen, und mit denen ich mich austauschen kann :)

Also, gestern gabs also dieses Statement im Modblog:
Thursday September 27th, 2007 @ 9:25 AM
Filed under: News, Body Modification

Over the last month or two Rachel and Jon have taken control of key aspects of BME
without my consent in what seems to be a hostile takeover attempt. Last night false
charges were filed against me and I just got out of prison, upon which I discovered
that I had been locked out of administrative sections of all the servers as well as
being totally locked out of BME. I don’t know how long this account will remain
before it is deleted or locked out as well, because attempts were made to lock me
out of IAM also. I do not have control over zentastic.com or any of my other servers
either so I am unable to fully post this update. Please pass it on because it may be

I can be reached at snowrail@gmail.com.

If my access here is cut off or they deactivate the site I will post updates to
bodytwo.com and elsewhere.

I hope that a reasonable resolution to this can be found, but never in my life have
I felt so betrayed or had such underhanded, despicable, and deceptive attacks
launched at me. If a claim is made that this situation has been resolved and it is
not co-posted to at least bodytwo.com, do not assume it is me making the post.

Posted by Shannon Larratt | Permalink | Comments

Daraufhin gabs diese Reaktion von Jon,auch im Modblog, und der Post von Shannon wurde gelöscht:

This is Jon posting as Shannon
Thursday September 27th, 2007 @ 9:34 PM
Filed under: Body Modification

As you can see, Shannon has not changed his password. For someone who fears being
locked out you’d think the first thing any knowledgable computer person would do is
change their password. He left his password the same because he wanted me to delete
his post, because that would have only “proved” his continuing lies.

The betrayal post was deleted by him after a close friend called him out on using
all of you to do his dirty work by slandering us. Believe it or not, I personally do
not care, and to be very clear Im not here to slander anyone, Im posting to defend

I had the courage to do what needed to be done in a very hard time, and all of you
are slandering me based on another persons word.

Unless you know Shannon personally, your opinion of him or who controls BME is
irrelevant. If you were not here last night talking to the police, or at the police
station. I had to go because of shannons outlandish statements about me to the
police, and I didn’t even witness what happened. I have known him for at least 5
years and have LIVED IN THE SAME HOUSE with him the entire time.

I removed his access to business essential systems after I received a call from
Rachel saying she had just been assaulted, it was clear that he was being very
irrational and was acting out of control. If you run a “family” business you may
understand my reasons for doing so.

I have been the sole sysadmin for BME for over 3 years, I am responsible for all of
our machines and services 24/7/365 and I take that responsibility very seriously.

IAM members, feel free to search his page for my name and see all that I have done
for BME in the past, it certainly seems like most of you require a history lesson. I
have saved BME countless times, and I have improved the overall quality of service
100 fold, and this is the thanks I get.

From Shannons page: http://xxxxx
2006/02/24 21:23 Sorry for all the trouble. I assure you “it hurts me more than it
hurts you” — not that such a statement is relevant or consolation in the least!

Anyway, big thanks to Jon for temporarily donating his server (so his own site is
currently offline) in order to keep BME online. We’ve tested the existing account,
additions of new accounts, as well as the interface to IAM (and I’ve cleared up
space for new accounts here also). That said, there may still be problems, so please
tell one of us the details if you believe you found one.

Theres plenty more search for yourself

If you are my friend, if you know me personally, you know what type of person I am.
Defend me if you wish, I wont hold it against you if you dont.

Dann noch, was ich überhaupt nicht begreife oder einordnen kann:

Please ignore the rumor mills and ridiculous drama that is currently being spread
via myspace bulletin.

BME and IAM are NOT going offline. There has been no change in ownership and the
site has not been sold. Shannon and Rachel Larratt continue to operate the site and
no one has been removed from working for the company.

Long Live BME!

Und auf der Myspace-Seite von Rachel gabs folgendes:
88. #

Shannon is not locked out of Modblog or IAM. It is the other way around. He has
suspended both my page and Jon, our sysadmin. There are two things that he does,
updating modblog (after Phil sends him images to post) and updating his personal

He lied/exaggerated about being “sent to prison” as he spent a few hours in a police
station just blocks from the house. I am not the “ex” wife. I am still his wife.
Shannon and I are married, have not even legally separated even though I left him in
the beginning of 2006.

I own 100% of BME and have been running the behind the scenes for almost 7 years. I
do not enjoy the limelight so I stay out of it. I run the business as has been
public knowledge until Shannon’s removal of links to me and references. Shannon is
the “face” of BME. A public persona that you are all exposed to. If you don’t know
who I am or who Jon is, that is because you haven’t been around or very long.
Without Jon, IAM would have died last week and nothing would have been done to save
it. He didn’t even get a thank you. When a server went down, *I* was the one on the
first flight out to rebuild it. Learn your BME history.

I am not going to release the details of why Shannon was arrested. He has
conveniently posted here, then said if the post was removed that it wasn’t him
unless it was cross posted to bodytwo.com. It hasn’t been posted so it’s a very easy
way to cause more drama. Just like he said he didn’t TOS my page.

Feel free to continue to cast judgment based on a vague post that conflicts itself.
Those of you calling me “greedy” and making stupid assumptions about BME/IAM going
offline have no idea what you are talking about. You will feel very foolish when
this is all resolved and it is made very clear what the FACTS are.
Rachel on September 27th, 2007 at 7:53 pm

Und zuletzt noch ein Statement von Shannon auf Bodytwo.com, die Seite, die er als "einzige Seite, auf die ich noch Zugriff habe" bezeichnet:

Please note that virtually all my online accounts other than this one have been compromised, comments on forums from my friends and supporters are being deleted, and I do not have access to these systems. If you are communicating with people claiming to be me, it is likely not me. I can be reached via email at snowrail@gmail.com.

If you want something better to do than obsess over internet drama, feel free to read this interview about big balls and mineral oil injection gone wrong.

- Shannon Larratt

Hat jemand noch andere Informationen oder Statements? Komischerweise ist Shannons ICQ auch aus (Zweitehand-Info). Irgendwie peil ichs grad überhaupt nicht. Was is da los? Selbst, wenn es so ist, wie Rachel das darstellt, dass sie und Jon den Laden am Laufen halten und Shannon nur mehr "Das Gesicht von BME" ist, wärs trotzdem ne hammerkrasse Sache, wenn die Darstellung von Shannon zutrifft. Irgendwer noch Infos oder Meinungen?
Wenn du mal den Link anklickst und bisschen rumsuchst weißt du's auch, allerdings wage ich zu bezweifeln dass die Site außer dem Flattermann hier noch jemand kennt :)
Fuser schrieb:
Wenn du mal den Link anklickst und bisschen rumsuchst weißt du's auch, allerdings wage ich zu bezweifeln dass die Site außer dem Flattermann hier noch jemand kennt :)

Ich kenn die Seite. :D
Kann dir nur leider auch nix genaues sagen, da ich die letzten 2 Wochen nicht am PC war. ;(
Fuser schrieb:
...allerdings wage ich zu bezweifeln dass die Site außer dem Flattermann hier noch jemand kennt :)
Hmpf. Träume und zerstören und so. Du Schelm :(

vbnmdw schrieb:
Myspace-Drama \./

Here's a Drama, there's a Drama and another little Drama :)

Sieht ganz nett aus, aber what's with the drama?

Nunja, Du hättest Recht, wenn es einfach irgendein nettes kleines Myspace-Drama über eine nette kleine Myspace-Seite wäre. Allerdings gibt es BME seit 1994, damals von Shannon erstellt. Dementsprechend ist es mit eine der ältesten und (dies ist eine Vermutung: ) meistbesuchte "private" Seiten des Internets überhaupt. Allein das macht es imho interessant, selbst wenn man mit dem Thema der Srite selbst nix anfangen kann.
Aber ich glaube, ich erzähle niemandem was neues, wenn ich sage, dass man mit einer Seite, die mehrere Millionen Klicks am Tag hat, eine gewisse Summe Geld verdienen kann. Und allein aus diesem Aspekt heraus finde ich es spannend, wie abhängig man plötzlich von Passwörtern und persönlichem Vertrauen sein kann. Und wie hammerviel dadran hängen kann...
Aber mal im Ernst: Was da über irgendwelche Webseiten an die Öffentlichkeit getragen wird, ist nicht nur ganz schlechter Stil sondern von beiden Seiten mindestens zu 50% gelogen/übertrieben/verschwiegen. Wenn sich da eine Seite, welche auch immer, hintergangen fühlt, ist das ein Fall für den Staatsanwalt und nicht für das Internet.
Rabe3 schrieb:
Und wie hammerviel dadran hängen kann...

alias sex.ups:clown: (+history bekannt)

ich denke das thema hat sich eh schon richtung rapid... verschoben.von daher würd ich da nicht soviel reinstecken;)

BME ist eine Seite namens Body Modification E-Zine. Wikipedia erklärt das so: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_Modification_E-Zine

Shannon Larrett ist der Gründer der Seite. Das auf Wikipedia verlinkte Interview ist, imho, ziemlich gut, um so nen groben Überblick zu bekommen.

BME ist, grob gesagt, enfach eine Seite, die über jede Form von Body Modification berichtet und sie vorstellt, inklusive neuen Techniken. Die Seite hat die ganze Szene wirklich weit voran gebracht, weil sich eben Künstler und Modder weltweit austauschen können und dadurch neue Dinge entwickelt und global verfeinert werden können. Naja, wer googlen kann bzw sich durch Links und Unterlinks durchklickt, kann sich ja selber ein Bild machen.

Aber bitte bitte bitte BITTE verschont mich mit der "ist ja alles total krank um Gottes Willen argpfui"-Diskussion :>
nein ich urteile nicht über andere leute

jeder hat das recht mit seinem körper umzugehen wie er möchte

sei es modding oder rauchen

jeder ist seines eigenen körpers herr, oder sollte es zumindest

ich werd ma reinschnaaken

schon mal danke im vorraus

errinnert mich daran das ich noch n tatuuu offen habe