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Was hört ihr grad für Mukke - Part LXII


Delta Goodrem ~~ Lost Without You

I know I can be a little stubborn sometimes (I say)
A little righteous and too proud
I just wanna find a way to compromise
Cause I believe we can work things out
Radiohead - sail to the moon
Prinz Pi- Hoch runter
nur das richtige von Ihnen, Herr Grimba
slayÖr \o/

Turisas ~~ A Portage To The Unknown
Gods Of Blitz - Greetings From Flashbackville
Hosen- Sehnsucht
...and you will know us by the trail of dead - fields of coal
[17:43:23] <hexadezimal> !mp3
[17:43:24] <indiahunter> Current MP3: 16: Toto - Africa
Bob Marley- I shot the sherrif
Der lebt ja noch \o/

Black Sabbath ~ Walpurgis (War Pigs mit anderen lyrics)

Witches gather at black masses
Bodies burning in red ashes
On the hill a church in ruin
Is the scene of evil doings
It's a place for all black sinners
Watch them eating dead rat's innards
I guess it's the same, wherever you may go
Oh lord yeah

Carrying banners which denounce the lord
See me rocking in my grave
See them anoit my head with their black blood
See them stick the stake through me

The Von Bondies - this is our perfect crime