ich kanns net genau erklären, aber das mit 10 ias 10 slow ausgleichen geht
auf keinen fall . sod-punisher hatte dazu mal ne schöne rechnung gepostet iwo, leider ist dieser thread weg. jdenfalls brauchst du einiges an xx ias mehr um slow auszugleichen als dessen wert.
für genau rechnungen, was solche sachen angeht, dürfte hier mittlerweile nur noch titanseal fähig sein ^^
€: paar sachen gefunden.
1) %slow is different than "Freezes Target" effect.
2) Cold spells have a slowing effect of 50%.
3) %slow is capped at 90% per source.
4) %slow is capped at 50% for the total of all sources, when used against a player.
5) The %slow from a source does not stack with itself. If the source gives %x slow, then %x slow is all that source can contribute.
6) Sources include: players, mercenaries, minions, curses, cold spells, and Auras.
7) Holy Freeze and Cold Spells are considered 1 source. Holy Freeze is considered both an Aura and a cold spell. No matter how many cold spells are used, the total %slow from all the cold spells is still 50%.
8) %slow from Holy Freeze works on Cold Immune monsters, while %slow from Cold Spells does not.
9) Clay Golem %slow effect comes from an Aura. It has every limitation that an Aura has, i.e. it DOES NOT stack with itself.
10) Holy Freeze Aura and Clay Golem Aura DO stack, as they should, since there can be multiple Aura's active at a given time.
11) %slow from Iron Golems DO stack with %slow from other Iron Golems. Each IG is considered a separate source.
12) Max # of sources is 26: 8players, 8 mercenaries, 8 golems, 1 curse, and Holy Freeze/Cold Spell.
13) Clay Golems %slow effect is activated by the animation of swinging. The Clay Golem does not have to actually hit to activate the %slow effect. The Clay Golem's %slow effect is an Aura that has a radius of 1 yard, so it can slow multiple targets with 1 swing.
14) %Monsters Original Speed( %MOS ) is computed as follows: ( 1 - %slow/100 for source 1 ) * ( 1 - %slow/100 for source 2 ) * ....etc.
15) Actual %slow is equal to: 1 - ( %MOS ).
16) Time Limit for %slow from Holy Freeze is the same as the "sticky" time for auras, when out of range of the Aura. This is not currently documented here.
17) Time Limit for %slow from Clay Golem is the same as the "sticky" time for auras. This is not currently documented here.
18) Time Limit for Decrepify is documented on the Arreat Summit.
19) Time Limit for %slow effect from items ( Iron Golems, Players, and Mercenaries ) is not documented here. It has been tested in nightmare is around 4 seconds.
20) There is no way to reach 100% slow.
21) Bosses and all monsters have no inherent cap on how much they can be slowed.