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by fusiontech
When you cast a summon (say clay golem from stone), as long as you have an item on you (say oath/bloodmoon/death/metal grid) that grants any kind of golem, the clay golem will stay alive even if you take off the stone armor.

Say you have a summon necro, you want to use the charges of HOW from oath AND use a beast zerker. Conventional knowledge tells u that the HOW disappears after u put on the beast. Well, it turns out you can have your cake and eat it too as long as you have a wisp project/natures peace, you can cast the lvl 16 HOW and take off the oath and put on beast. I've been using this for my necro for a while now, and I can tell u it rocks. The AR boost really helps the skele hit and the ED doesn't hurt either (although i think most people have misunderstood how the ED from aura works on skeles, but that's another thread).

cheesy o_O
Sry, aber das musste raus.

Könnte man sowieso entweder ins Archiv packen und jeder editiert dazu oder wieder festtackern.
vllt brauchts nochmal jemand...
vllt brauchts noch jemand - Teil 2