e-mail abgeschickt, obwohl mein English nicht das Beste ist...
Danke für den (guten) Gedankenanstoss an den TE!
Ob es etwas bewirkt, wird sich zeigen. Wenn alle sagen, dass es nichts bringt und daher nichts tun, wird das sicherlich nichts ändern, das ist eine Gewissheit!
Dear Blizzard Support,
I appreciate very much, that you still create patches for old games like Diablo 2/Lod what makes you very special and different from most other producers of pc-games nowadays!
I was looking happily forwards to the latest ladderreset, when it was announced for the 23th of March but quickly my hopes for creating and bulding up some new chars were destroyed when I realized that the game is unplayable (at least daytimes CET) due to terrible and annoying rollbacks that you now have in nearly EVERY game you start.
Finding nice items, then you have a game-crash, followed by a join-bug or even worse, timeban and if you loggin again with this char, you realize that there was a server-rollback and the items you found before are lost. The same happens with caputred wps,quests etc.
In the d2-comm, where I'm a member of ( there are plenty of other players with exactly the same troubles.
Please do something to fix this issue. Thx!
Danke für den (guten) Gedankenanstoss an den TE!
Ob es etwas bewirkt, wird sich zeigen. Wenn alle sagen, dass es nichts bringt und daher nichts tun, wird das sicherlich nichts ändern, das ist eine Gewissheit!