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Für Supertruhen wie die hinter Mephisto oder die berühmten Unterkurast- Truhen sowie für glitzernde Truhen gilt die gleiche gebietsabhängige Treasure Class wie bei gewöhnlichen Truhen. Die Liste ist also auf alle Truhen anwendbar. Allerdings können Supertruhen im Gegensatz zu glitzernden Truhen keine Unique- oder Setitems erzeugen. Sie haben eine Chance von 95% auf einen magischen und von 5% auf einen gelben Gegenstand.
Hab da wohl was verwechselt.
Allerdings fehlt mir noch ne quelle für die glitzernden Truhen. Ich bin eigentlich ziemlich sicher dass die nur blau oder nur gelb etc droppen können, uniques kA, gemischt entsteht nur durch failed uniques oder failed sets. Und mf wirkt nicht.
http://forums.diabloii.net/showthread.php?t=416239“Sparkling chests have most complicated drops. What is "sparkling" chest? It is chests that have "sparkling" drop mechanics. You may recognize them in the game by quite a loge quantity of items, that they drop. Some sparkling chests are sparkling, like the chest in The Pit Level 2, but some sparkling chests are normal looking.
As Jarulf found, sparkling chests have six options with the fallowing chances:
* 2% chance of option #1
* 4% chance of option #2
* 6% chance of option #3
* 20% chance of option #4
* 30% chance of option #5
* 38% chance of option #6
At option #1 it will do a drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate unique item. However many items, like keys, arrows, gems, runes may only be normal quality. If the game didn't generate at least magic quality item, it will make second drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate unique item. If it didn't generate at least magic item it will go to option #6 process.
At option #2 it will do a drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate set item. If the game didn't generate at least magic quality item, it will make second drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate set item. If it will not generate at least magic item it will go to option #6 process.
At option #3 it will do a drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate rare item. If the game didn't generate at least magic quality item, it will make second drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate rare item. If it will not generate at least magic item it will go to option #6 process.
At option #4 it will do a drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate magic item. It will repeat chest TC drop until 3 magic items will be generated or it will have 10 drop tries.
At option #5 it will do a drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate magic item. It will repeat chest TC drop until 2 magic items will be generated or it will have 10 drop tries.
At option #6 it will do a drop from the respective chest TC trying to generate magic item. It will repeat chest TC drop until 1 magic item will be generated or it will have 10 drop tries. Then it will make up to 4 drops from chest TC with no desired quality, so using normal quality selection algorithm (it means that it uses MF).
That is how sparkling chests generate items. As you see your MF almost not working at all.”
Da haben wirs also. #1 = nur uniques + crap, #2 = nur sets + crap , etc.. #6 = magisch + bis zu vier items wo hier endlich mal MF wirkt und deshalb auch uniques droppen können.
Ich wess zwar nicht ob das sehr aktuell ist aber ich denke nicht dass die dropmechanik von truhen geändert wurde... zumindest nicht seit 1.10