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Liste der Passiv Skills + Namen der Aktiv Skills

Hmm irgendwie komisch. Beim Barbar gibts 2 Skills die 10% Fury machen. Und der erste macht sogar noch 20 Punkte dazu. Warum sollte man dann den Lvl 31 Skill nehmen? Ist doch irgendwie das gleiche oder? (Bad Temper und Animosity)

Weil man nur Pro Level Freischaltung, Ein einziges Trait nehmen kann?

Animosity schaut mir nach einem LV 3 aus, Bad Temper ist LV 31

Sagen wir mal du hast auf LV 3 mehrere Traits zur auswahl zb 20% Damage oder 10% Fury Generierung. Ich schätze die mehrzahl nimmt 20% Damage.

Auf LV 31 nimmst dann Bad Temper wenn du merkst du das die Fury generierung hoch muss.

Alternativ wie Realstyla schon sagte für noch mehr Fury bzw die regeneration.


Weil man nur Pro Level Freischaltung, Ein einziges Trait nehmen kann?

Animosity schaut mir nach einem LV 3 aus, Bad Temper ist LV 31

Sagen wir mal du hast auf LV 3 mehrere Traits zur auswahl zb 20% Damage oder 10% Fury Generierung. Ich schätze die mehrzahl nimmt 20% Damage.

Auf LV 31 nimmst dann Bad Temper wenn du merkst du das die Fury generierung hoch muss.

Alternativ wie Realstyla schon sagte für noch mehr Fury bzw die regeneration.



So wies im Moment aussieht wird jeder Trait mit entsprechendem Level automatisch freigeschaltet und du kannst beliebig bis zu drei gleichzeitig aktiv haben.

@ Opi: Nein ich spiel kein Bloodgame, hatte da nur mal kurz unter anderem Namen reingeguckt (Selene war schon vergeben auf S1). Mich hat das fehlende Clantool abgehalten weiter zu machen.
So wies im Moment aussieht wird jeder Trait mit entsprechendem Level automatisch freigeschaltet und du kannst beliebig bis zu drei gleichzeitig aktiv haben.

Für gezielte Optimierung natürlich von Vorteil, aber dann bleibt dennoch die Qual der Wahl. Da für viele Builds sicher 4 oder mehr richtig toll wären.


Ich find den Skill ja ziemlich heftig:
Killing spree (level 24): When an enemy is killed by the Demon Hunter, the next attack dealt within the next 5 seconds has 30% increased critical strike chance.

Da man ja in jedem Kampf zumeist mehr als einem Monster gegenueber steht, besteht die Chance bei jedem weiteren toten Monster die 30% zu bekommen und jeweils anwenden zu koennen.

Als Beispiel: Bei einem Kampf gegen 5 Monster habe ich nach dem Tod des Ersten Gegners 4 mal die Moeglichkeit diese 30% zu bekommen (das letzte Mal bringt mir fuer diese Gruppe nichts). Und die kann ich dann ja mittels AoE oder Klingenfaecher bei allen 4 verbleibenden Monstern anwenden. Gemeinsam mit den 100% erhoehtem kritischen Schaden haut das doch sicher ordentlich rein - sofern sie das nicht eh schon geaendert haben.
Naja, ich bezweifel, dass man sich jetzt schon so über die Fähigkeiten im einzelnen auslassen kann, da LEIDER nichtmals die Beta angefangen hat ;)
Hmm.. ich bin da ein wenig skeptisch ehrlich gesagt.

Ein Beispiel: Für mich steht fest das ich Mönch spielen werde, der auf max damage ausgelegt sein wird, also gibt es faktisch nur die folgenden Möglichkeiten für mich:

Frenzied attack (level 13): When wielding two weapons, the Monk has 20% increased critical strike chance and 30% increased critical strike damage.
Weak spot (level 20): Increases critical strike damage by 100%.
Strength of spirit (level 30): Skills that require Spirit do 30% more damage.

die anderen Traits wirken auf den ersten Blick deutlich schwächer (wenn man auf wenig defense und viel DMG gehen will). Ich hoffe also das da noch einiges an Variationsmöglichkeiten kommt, und nicht jeder mit den 3 Skills die ich grad nannte herumrennen wird.

Andere Sache: Ist doch (leider) etwas sehr von WoW abgekupfert.. ein paar Beispiele:

Ruthless: increases critical strike chance by 5% and increases critical strike damage by 50%. --> Vergleichbar mit WoW: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=16494
Iron skin (level 10): Increases armor by 100%. --> Vergleichbar mit WoW: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=12762
Animosity: increases Fury generation by 10% and adds 20 points to the maximum amount of Fury. --> Vergleichbar mit http://www.wowhead.com/spell=12296
Toughness (level 23): Increases vitality by 20%. --> Vergleichbar mit http://www.wowhead.com/spell=29144
Shield of iron (level 31): Increases the chance to block attacks with a shield by 10%. --> Vergleichbar mit http://www.wowhead.com/spell=76857

Black ice (level 20): Damage dealt to frozen targets is increased by 20%. --> Gibt es so auch bei WoW: Shatter - Spell - World of Warcraft
Quickening (level 10): Increase casting speed by 10%. --> WoW pendant: Netherwind Presence - Spell - World of Warcraft (gut, daran kommt man sicher nicht vorbei)
Flight before fight (level 13): Increases run speed by 5% when the Wizard is blocked in melee (TL's note: slowed? or actually blocking attacks?) --> In etwa das gleiche wie WoW : Blazing Speed - Spell - World of Warcraft

da gibt es noch einige weitere Beispiele.. ich hatte eigentlich gehofft es kommen viele komplett neue Dinge hinzu - aber ein paar Überschneidungen sind sicherlich ok..

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Jop und LoL hat von HoN geklaut und dabei ist alles von Dota und Sotis hats auch nur geklaut und eigentlich ist doch nichts von Dota, denn die habens von ... geklaut :ugly: *

Wayne interessierts...

Wie sollte man das Rad denn immer neu erfinden wenns schon rund ist ?!? Können auch nen vergleich mit Baldurs Gate oder anderen Genre-Größen machen... Im Sinne der Prinzen: "Es ist alles nur geklaut..."

Grüße Daishi

*Ja die Reihenfolge ist sicherlich falsch, man möge mir verzeihen
Zumidest lädts bei mir nicht? :confused:

So gerade noch aus ner anderen Quelle: Sind ja "nur" die Skillnamen. Danke für den Hinweis


Ground stomp
Hammer of the ancients
Battle rage
Ignore pain
Leap attack
Weapon throw
Threatening shout
War cry
Furious charge
Seismic slam
Ancient spear
Call of the anciens
Wrath of the berserker


Hungering arrow
Entangling shot
Evasive fire
Fan of knives
Bola shot
Marked for death
Smoke screen
Spike trap
Elemental arrow
Shadow power
Cluster arrow
Rapid fire
Rain of arrows


Summon zombie dogs
Plague of toads
Grasp of the dead
Zombie charger
Corpse spiders
Spirit walk
Soul harvest
Locust swarm
Spirit barrage
Acid cloud
Mass confusion
Bibg bad voodoo
Wall of zombies
Fetish army


Blinding flash
Fists of thunder
Breath of heaven
Lashing tail kick
Mantra of healing
Deadly reach
Dashing strike
Lethal decay
Crippling wave
Manta of retribution
Inner sanctuary
Exploding palm
Mantra of evasion
Tempest rush
Sweeping wind
Way of the hundred fists
Mantra of conviction
Seven sided strike
Mystic ally
Wave of light


Frost nova
Magic missile
Ice armor
Shock pulse
Wave of force
Spectral blade
Magic weapon
Arcane orb
Diamond skin
Energy twister
Storm armor
Explosive blast
Mirror image
Slow time
Ray of frost
Energy armor
Arcane torrent
Dann funktioniert dein Internet nicht richtig. Schlechte Vorzeichen für D3.
Kann sein ^^ Jedenfalls Danke für den Hinweis. Habs im Startpost ergänzt :top:
Ach schön, dann kann man ja mal bissi Hirnkino spielen und sich zu jedem Skill mal was richtig geiles einfallen lassen :)
Die Beschreibungen stehen da drunter?!
Die Links funktionieren irgendwie nicht.

Skill Namen schauen aber schon sehr gut aus.


Die Links funktionieren irgendwie nicht.

Skill Namen schauen aber schon sehr gut aus.



Eigentlich schon.^^ Naja ich kopier sie dir raus:


"I came here to witness the barbarians, those legendary, best, ruthless warrior, crazy waving arms that two of waiting at the top of the sacred Ya Ruite now I stand here watching the TV drama Block has been a mysterious force shreds mountain I must admit, in front of all incredible. All this is so true ... "

■ Bash

Requires Level: 1
Hit the target, giving XX weapon damage, there have X% chance of repelling effect.

■ Ground Stomp

Requires Level: 1
Stomp the ground, stun all the enemies within X feet X seconds.

■ Hammer of the Ancients

Requires Level: 2
In front of the huge hammer out a call to the enemy X% weapon damage, and has X% of fatal cancer.

■ Battle Rage

Requires Level: 3
Into the wild state, within seconds, the X X% X% damage bonus and the chance of a fatal blow to the award.

■ Ignore Pain

Requires Level: 4
X% of all injuries to be reduced, and the gain setting body, the immune effects of traps and dizziness.

■ Cleave

Requires Level: 5
Savage attack multiple targets simultaneously, giving all the goals in front of him X% weapon damage.

■ Leap Attack

Required Level: 6
Savage made a strong jump, landing points given to all enemies within X feet X% weapon damage.

■ Weapon Throw

Requires Level: 7
Savage enemy to throw his weapon, resulting in X% weapon damage and reduction targets in X seconds X% of normal speed.

■ Rend

Requires Level: 8
X feet of the enemy made a violent but brutal attack, to give X% weapon damage and at least X seconds XX additional physical damage.

■ Threatening Shout

Requires Level: 9
Given the terrible roar, the X seconds to reduce the X feet of the enemy X% damage.

■ Frenzy

Requires Level: 11
In X seconds per attack will increase X% X% attack speed and weapon damage. Rage can be a total of X times X% attack speed increase X% weapon damage and the overall award.

■ Revenge

Requires Level: 12
Attack, barbarians have X% chance to attack all enemies within X feet, to give X% weapon damage and attack every enemy can be restored by X% of life.

■ War Cry

Requires Level: 14
Issued a chilling roar, giving the value of savage anger X points to increase their armor defense, and the X-foot all the teammates in the X% within X seconds of the results.

■ Furious Charge

Requires Level: 16
An enemy to the front of the sudden, giving the enemy X% weapon damage, and give way to the enemy onrush X% damage.

■ Seismic Slam

Requires Level: 18
Earthquake hit the ground, produces a shock wave in front of the barbarians, to give X% weapon damage and produce repelling effect.

■ Overpower

Requires Level: 19
No description

■ Ancient Spear

Requires Level: 21
X feet in ancient spear throwing a rod, to pull all enemies within range in front of the barbarians, to reduce their speed and give XX damage.

■ Whirlwind

Requires Level: 22
Barbarian Whirlwind gesture to give all the objects in his path in multiple attacks, each attack has a X% weapon damage.

■ Sprint

Requires Level: 23
Increase in X seconds X% movement speed.

■ Earthquake

Violently shaking the land, the nearby enemies have a large range of damage.

■ Call ofthe Ancients

Requires Level: 27
Three barbarian ancestors called the soul; Talic, Korlic and Madawc, they have X% weapon damage for X seconds.

■ Wrath of the Berserker

Requires Level: 29
Into intense rage, the X seconds to enhance some properties (a fatal blow chance, attack speed, chance to dodge, movement speed). Have hurt the monster will be immune savage X% damage reduction instead of immunity.


"Most people think that umbaru family legend is just horrible witch doctor, but I have witnessed in combat a witch doctor. Though I could not believe my eyes. Fortunately, by that witch doctor and I became his his tribe - Wushan family friend. "

■ Poison Dart

Requires Level: 1
Shot a deadly poison dart, poison damage caused by XX points, and in the next X seconds toxins causing additional damage XX points.

■ Summon Zombie Dog

Requires Level: 1
Call the witch doctor zombie dogs for the X rating. Call up X zombies dogs.

■ Plague of Toads

Requires Level: 2
The release of a group of toads, toads jumping on the enemies encountered toxins damage caused by XX points.

■ Grasp of the Dead

Requires Level: 3
Out of the clutches, the enemy slow down X%, resulting in damage sustained XX X seconds.

■ Haunt

Requires Level: 4
Ghost lingering around the enemy, causing X Arcane damage for X seconds. If the target dead, ghosts will be automatically wrapped around the other enemies.

■ Raiders

Requires Level: 5
A reckless, ** of the zombie, the enemy of their cause XX points after toxin damage.

■ Hex

Required Level: 6
Call a Shaman, continuous X seconds, he would become the enemy chickens. Distorted the enemy can not attack, and the additional damage by X%.

■ Corpse Spiders

Requires Level: 7
Call the X spider attack nearby enemies.

■ Horrify

Requires Level: 8
Call out the illusion of a mask, the fear of the enemy within the vicinity of X code to run away, continued X seconds.

■ Fire Bats

Requires Level: 9
Released a bunch of bats with fire, burning in front of the enemy, causing X Fire damage per second.

■ Fire Bomb

Requires Level: 11
Threw an explosive skull, causing the enemy to the blast area XX points of fire damage.

■ Walk Soul

Requires Level: 12
Into the spirit of the country can move unhindered, continuous X seconds.

■ Soul Harvest

Requires Level: 14
The vitality of the nearby enemy for food. X code will increase every enemy within X% of your spell damage for X seconds.

■ Sacrifice

Requires Level: 16
To make a zombie dog near the explosion, the X yards of the enemy, causing X damage.

■ Gargantuan

Requires Level: 18
Call out a huge X-rated zombies follow you.

■ Swarm

Requires Level: 19
A plague of locusts attack the enemy, causing X damage per second, continuous X seconds. Locusts will jump to nearby targets.

■ Spirit Barrage

Requires Level: 21
The impact of cluster bombs spiritual power of the enemy target area. Each hair barrage arcane damage caused by XX.

■ Acid Cloud

Requires Level: 22
Acid rain from heaven, the initial toxic damage caused by XX points, followed by the enemy caused the corrosion region XX points per second follow-up toxins damage.

■ Mass Confusion

Requires Level: 24
To incite chaos in the enemy, so that some witch doctor to help fight last X seconds.

■ Voodoo

Requires Level: 25
No Skill Description

■ Wall of Zombies

Requires Level: 27
Zombie drilled from the ground, near the enemy continued to attack X seconds.

■ Fetish Army

Requires Level: 29
Call out the puppet army, fighting continued for X seconds for you.


"She sunset from under the shadow appears, with lightning speed to resolve the rest of the beast, she hands holding a crossbow, firing out the flame of the arc with arrows flying from my head, a monster that heavy The body then fell down in unison. "

■ Caltrops

Requires Level: 1
No Skill Description

■ Hungering Arrow

Requires Level: 1
No Skill Description

■ Entangling Shot

Requires Level: 2
Winding injection sticky things, caught up with X enemies and give X% weapon damage in the X-X% reduction target within seconds of speed.

■ Evasive Fire

Requires Level: 3
No Skill Description

■ Fan of Knives

Requires Level: 4
Demon Hunter in the cast around the spiral to shed many of the blade, all enemies within X feet have XX damage. In X seconds, your blade will reduce the rate of X% of the enemy.

■ Bola Shot

Requires Level: 5
Fired a missile with explosive fireballs around the live target. Fire meteor bomb exploded in the X seconds, giving the target X% weapon damage and give in to all enemies within X feet of additional X% weapon damage.

■ Vault

Required Level: 6
X feet quickly roll forward.

■ Grenades

Requires Level: 7
Threw three hand grenades, fire explosion XX property damage.

■ Marked For Death

Requires Level: 8
No Skill Description

■ Chakram

Requires Level: 9
No Skill Description

■ Impale

Requires Level: 11
No Skill Description

■ Smoke Screen

Requires Level: 12
No Skill Description

■ Spike Trap

Requires Level: 14
Layout of a spike trap, start in X seconds, and when an enemy close to it will be triggered. Triggered after X seconds per second on all enemies within X feet have XX damage.
At the same time you can be arranged up to X number of needle trap.

■ Companion

Requires Level: 16
No Skill Description

■ Elemental Arrow

Requires Level: 18
No Skill Description

■ Shadow Power

Requires Level: 19
No Skill Description

■ Multishot

Requires Level: 21
One emits a lot of arrows, causing X% weapon damage.

■ Sentry

Requires Level: 22
No Skill Description

■ Cluster Arrow

Requires Level: 23
No Skill Description

■ Rapid Fire

Requires Level: 24
No Skill Description

■ Preparation

Requires Level: 25
No Skill Description

■ Strafe

Requires Level: 27
No Skill Description

■ Rain of Arrows

Requires Level: 29
No Skill Description


■ Flash-induced blindness

Requires Level: 1
Release the flash blinding nearby enemies. By blinding the enemy before being attacked will not attack. Last XX seconds. Blinding the enemy will be reduced by X% hit rate.

■ Fist of thunder

Requires Level: 1
No Skill Description

■ Breath of Heaven

Requires Level: 2
Monks who remove themselves and any harm to friendly forces effects, including dizziness, slow down, and other debuffs.

■ Lashing Tail Kick

Requires Level: 3
Monks resorted to deadly swing, repulsed the enemy causing physical damage XX.

■ Mantra of Healing

Requires Level: 4
No Skill Description

■ Deadly Reach

Requires Level: 5
Monks use a few meters beyond the fist gas hitting the enemy. Causing X% weapon damage.

■ Dashing Strike

Required Level: 6
Monks quickly against the enemy, causing X% weapon damage plus XX physical damage.

■ Leathal Decoy

Requires Level: 7
Monks create its own illusion. Phantom attract the enemy near the explosion followed, resulting in XX Holy damage.

■ Cripping Wave

Requires Level: 8
While weakening against the enemy like a storm causing X% weapon damage.
First strike: the enemy will be dizziness, movement speed reduced by X%, last X seconds.
The second and third hit: refresh vertigo effect.
- Combos

■ Mantra of Retribution

Requires Level: 9
No Skill Description

■ Inner Santuary

Requires Level: 11
Can not generate a pass through the area last X seconds.

■ Exploding Slam

Requires Level: 12
The impact of a fatal blow to the enemy and cause a chain reaction. X% weapon damage caused by the third hit: the objectives of the bleeding effect, causing X physical damage for X seconds. If the target will be the death explosion of a nearby enemy, causing XX% max life physical damage.
- Combos

■ Mantra of Evasion

Requires Level: 14
No Skill Description

■ Tempest Rush

Requires Level: 16
No Skill Description

■ Sweeping Wind

Requires Level: 17
Monks use of weapons across a circle, forming a barrier on each of the enemy force field caused by X% weapon damage. Be able to hit the enemy several times.
- Combos

■ God Serenity

Requires Level: 18
Monks to create a shield to protect themselves from harm. Last X seconds.

■ Way of hundred Fists

Requires Level: 21
A set of boxing in front of the enemy, causing X% weapon damage.

■ Mantra of Conviciton

Requires Level: 22
No Skill Description

■ Seven Sided Strike

Requires Level: 24
Rage against the enemy attack on the nearby X times, each blow causing X% physical damage.

■ Mystic Ally

Requires Level: 27
No Skill Description

■ Wave of Light

Requires Level: 29
Monks on the release of a light path of the impact of all the enemy, causing X holy damage.


"Because I will not tolerate this easy magic possessed by the devil, a lot of people thought I was practicing magic on the philosophical level, a negative attitude. I witches occurred in these arguments, but only one truth and they betrayed the ancient traditions and lessons --- to respecting thousands of lessons. "

■ Frost Nova

Requires Level: 1
Ice burst will freeze nearby enemies for X sec and causing XX-point cold damage. Frost Nova cold produced by the enemy will attack and movement speed reduced. Then the damage will break the frozen effect, but will not cancel the chill effect.

■ Magic Missile

Requires Level: 1
Emits an energetic magic missile, causing XX arcane damage.

■ Ice Armor

Requires Level: 2
Ice Barrier around around the Master, X% armor increase. Attacker will be frozen for X seconds, and point of cold damage by XX, while reducing movement speed and attack speed. At the same time you only have one armor.

■ Shock Pulse

Requires Level: 3
No Skill Description

■ Wave of Force

Requires Level: 4
Launch of the original power of the wave, defeat the enemies nearby, arranged projectiles and cause XX physical damage.

■ Spectral Blade

Requires Level: 5
Resorted to the spirit of the Master in front of the blade can cause the enemy attack X times, each blow causing XX physical damage.

■ Electrocute

Required Level: 6
Master of the arc emitted by fingertips, lightning hit the enemy, causing damage XX points.

■ Magic Weapons

Requires Level: 7
Master of magic energy in order to strengthen the weapons to damage by X points.

■ Arcane Orb

Requires Level: 8
Radiate pure energy Arcane ball, causing the explosion to the enemy XX arcane damage.

■ Diamond Skin

Requires Level: 9
Master the skin into diamond will generally, absorbing X damage last X seconds.

■ Energy Twister

Requires Level: 11
Call the whirlwind of energy, the second after the target, causing X damage.

■ Disintegrate

Requires Level: 12
Emits a light beam, causing X Arcane damage per second.

■ Storm Armor

Requires Level: 13
Lightning energy around you around, the attacker fired the ball lightning damage caused by lightning XX points. At the same time you only have one armor.

■ Explosive Blast

Requires Level: 14
Energy savings around the Master, the X seconds after the explosion, a small area of ​​the XX points of physical damage caused by the enemy.

■ Mirror Image

Requires Level: 15
Manufacturing Master avatar. Phantom continued to X seconds, and has a caster X% of the value of life.

■ Slow Time

Requires Level: 16
Distort space-time, near the enemy and reduce the speed of the projectile, continuous X seconds.

■ Teleport

Requires Level: 18
Sent to the target area.

■ Hydra

Requires Level: 19
Call out the bull snake, spit out a fireball caused by enemy attack XX fire damage last X seconds.

■ Ray of Frost

Requires Level: 21
Issued a second surge of cold air caused by X Frost damage. Frost-rays produced by chill will make the enemy's attack and movement speed reduced.

■ Energy Armor

Requires Level: 22
Defensive barrier around the Master around, absorb the damage while consuming Arcane Power. X% reduction can be hurt.

■ Arcane Torrent

Requires Level: 23
Arcane flow bombardment of the target area, causing X Arcane damage per second.

■ Meteor

Requires Level: 24
Summon a giant meteorite, fell from the sky on the target area causing X Fire damage.
Effect of the ground caused by burning the same time will cause X damage per second, continuous X seconds.

■ Blizzard

Requires Level: 26
Heaven ice lobes, resulting in the target area bombardment of cold damage per second X-point. Produced by cold storm the enemy's attack and make the speed lower.

■ Familiar

Requires Level: 27
Call the Master of the partners, to help you attack the enemy, causing XX points of damage. Magic pet can not be selected or enemy attack.

■ Archon

Requires Level: 29
No Skill Description
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Eigentlich schon.^^ Naja ich kopier sie dir raus:


So, dann mal in Ruhe lesen.

Die Skill beschreibungen sind etwa das was ich erwartet hatte, in Sachen funktionsweise.

Die neuen alten Skills wie Wirbel Wind waren sowieso klar, aber interessant MultiShot hat endlich mal +% und keinen -25% gesammt Damage Malus.

LV 29 hat man also alle Skills, das sollte dann etwa mitte Alp sein. Aber das geht eventual auch früher wenn man zwischen Runs macht. Sofern das überhaupt noch was bringt, und die Monster ab einem gewissen LV überschreiten garnichts mehr geben.

Archon vom Wizzard klingt interessant, könnte ein Feuerzauber sein. Zumindest wenn Blizzard das von Archone ableitet. Da Archone über 2.500 Millionen Jahre alte Gesteinsschichten sind, bzw die ältesten ''Kerne'' der Kontinental Platten. Eventual ist Archon auch ein physischer Damage Spell in Form eines Erdbebens.


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Gibts schon was Genaueres zum "ARCANE POWER"? Außer dass es sich im Gegensatz zu Mana nicht steigern lässt?

Die Wizard-Skills sind auch hier noch einmal in besserem Englisch:

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