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Thread für: Fun Pics - Links - Clips etc

Aus meiner Universitäts"zeitung"
Vorsicht: wurde von einem Mädel getippt - nicht, dass ihr auf falsche Gedanken kommt ^^

The art of essay writing (Helen Davies)

Sit down at desk. Immediately get up again to fetch bottle of water from fridge; must remain hydrated to work successfully. Sit down again – open Microsoft Word. Rename 2 files for no real reason and put them in a new folder. Obviously this is the computer equivalent of filing, which counts as organising your work, which is just as good as actually working. Stand up and open window to optimise working conditions (theory being, if I get to comfy, I’m quite likely to wake up at 8.30 with a keyboard shaped dent in my face).

Take all the relevant lecture notes and readings out of my folder and stack neatly next to my laptop. Pick up mirror off my desk and inspect state of skin. Put back down and write out a header, my essay title and then save. Do the same for a reference list. Log onto Hotmail and check mail. Delete useless messages from my inbox and clear out my junk mail. Check university email as well, could be missing important departmental notice, e.g. essay deadline extension. No such luck. Set my MSN messenger status to Busy. Log onto amazon.co.uk to nurture creativity before setting down to devoted study. Browse intellectual book-sections and philosophical-sounding album titles; thus enhancing my literary and musical knowledge. Feel very worthy. Close web page and settle down to start work. First, need cup of tea.

Tea drunk and 121 words written. Word count is only 1500 so already almost a tenth of the way through. Feel quite smug so eat biscuit to celebrate. Move old lecture notes from “current” ring-binder to “storage” ring-binder. Write a nice, colourful new label for said folder. Get up and sit on bed to text an old friend, must ensure I don’t neglect her. Ring Dad (ditto, must sustain parent/child bond. And need money for jeans). Stare out of window to appreciate view.

Shit, what happened there? No worries though – 121 words down (admittedly including the header, title and essay question) and it’s only 5.30, I’ve got at least 7 hours of quality working time ahead of me. I’ll just stay in here; no socialising for me. Flatmate comes in for a general bitch about life (obviously, I can’t tell her to go away as that would be extremely insensitive).

Have been working for an hour so go to kitchen to stretch legs. Investigate fridge and cupboard to decide what I should have for dinner. Had a fried breakfast this morning (well, 4 hours ago) and am working hard so should have something nutritious with slow release energy and lots of vitamins. Plus cooking would be relaxing but worthwhile break from study. Special K it is then.

Oh my god. Looked in mirror mid-work-related-thought and Martin Scorcese looked bak at me. Pause to pluck eyebrows.

Crisis averted, back to work

Read chapter of book and nothing has filtered through to brain. Stare at screen waiting for inspiration. No show so have quick, refreshing game of Bejewelled.

It is impossible to write an intelligent essay without having a thorough understanding of the readings. Write “To Do” list. Sit somewhere comfortable with good lighting and a glass of water and read through text making notes. Plenty of time to finish essay and get early night. Perfect.

Neck’s aching as I’ve been hunched over my desk all day. I’ll just lie down for a bit.

Oh shit.
Falls Du heute mal wieder einen dieser "Ich-hasse-meinen-Job"-Tage hast,
versuche es einmal damit: Geh nach Feierabend in eine Apotheke und geh zu
den Fieberthermometern. Kauf ein Analthermometer der Marke "Johnson &
Johnson" (Versichere Dich, dass es dieser Hersteller ist!).

Wenn Du zu Hause bist, schließe Deine Türen ab, steck Dein Telefon aus und
stell die Klingel ab. Du darfst nicht gestört werden! Zieh Dir bequeme
Kleidung an und mache es Dir in Deinem Bett so richtig gemütlich. Jetzt
öffne die Packung und nimm das Analthermometer zur Hand. Leg es vorsichtig
neben Dich auf das Bett, so dass es nicht beschädigt wird. Nimm nun die
Packungsbeilage heraus und lies sie Dir durch.

Du wirst auf den folgenden Satz stoßen:
"Jedes Analthermometer der Marke "Johnson & Johnson" ist persönlich
getestet." Nun schließ Deine Augen und wiederhole den folgenden Satz fünfmal

laut: "Ich bin so glücklich, dass ich nicht in der Qualitätskontrolle bei
der Firma "Johnson & Johnson" arbeite!!"

Es gibt immer irgendwo jemanden, mit einem schlechteren Job als Deinem!

In diesem Sinne: noch viele schöne Arbeitstage ...
irgendwo in Deutschland:

Wenn ihr schon immer mal wissen wolltet, wie ihr bei den Girls am ehesten Mitleid erregt und mit euch bestimmt unzufriedener werdet:

how to be: emo

Es hilft!