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Kiras Biete und Suchliste


5 November 2008
Punkte Reaktionen
huhu :hy:
wie einige wohl gemerkt haben hab ich den shop schon lange nicht mehr geupdated.
Der Grund ist das ich für diese Ladder zumindest mit d2 aufgehört habe.

damit alle diese items nicht verkommen gibt es jetzt eine Verschenkaktion!

Viel Spass euch allen!
Kira :hy:

Hier gibt es eine Preisliste für Rohlinge und Magisches! Diese ist zwar schon etwas älter aber als sehr grobe Richtlinie durchaus brauchbar. Meine Preise sind generel etwas günstiger als in der Liste!

----- Magische Items -----


Volcanic Amulet of the Apprentice - (lvlreq: 45) (+3 to Fire Skills (soso)) (+10% fcr) 3-15

Charms: Grand Charms

Amber Grand Charm of Greed - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 22) (l-res +30%) (16% Extra Gold from Monsters) 2-8
Burning Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Fire Skills (soso)) 1-3
Burning Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Fire Skills (soso)) 3-18
Burning Grand Charm of Balance - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Fire Skills (soso)) (+12% fhr) 1-4
Captain's Grand Charm of Balance - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Offensive Auras (pala)) (+12% fhr) 3-11
Captain's Grand Charm of the Glacier - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Offensive Auras (pala)) (Adds 3-6 cold damage) 1-2
Chilling Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Cold Skills (soso)) 3-11
Chilling Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Cold Skills (soso)) 1-3
Chilling Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Cold Skills (soso)) 1-2
Chilling Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Cold Skills (soso)) 3-16
Emerald Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 22) (p-res +30%) 2-5
Entrapping Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Traps (assa)) 2-9
Entrapping Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Traps (assa)) 1-1
Entrapping Grand Charm of Incineration - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Traps (assa)) (Adds 7-11 fire damage) 1-4
Entrapping Grand Charm of Life - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Traps (assa)) (+13 to Life) 2-6
Entrapping Grand Charm of Maiming - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 63) (+1 to Traps (assa)) (+4 to Maximum Damage) 1-2
Entrapping Grand Charm of Sustenance - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Traps (assa)) (+25 to Life) 3-15
Fungal Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (nec)) 1-2
Fungal Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (nec)) 1-3
Fungal Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (nec)) 3-15
Fungal Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (nec)) 2-9
Fungal Grand Charm of Flame - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (nec)) (Adds 1-2 fire damage) 1-3
Fungal Grand Charm of Life - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (nec)) (+5 to Life) 3-11
Harpoonist's Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama)) 3-15
Harpoonist's Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama)) 1-1
Harpoonist's Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama)) 3-14
Harpoonist's Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama)) 3-11
Harpoonist's Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama)) 3-15
Harpoonist's Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama)) 1-1
Harpoonist's Grand Charm of Incineration - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama)) (Adds 5-10 fire damage) 2-10
Lion Branded Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Combat Skills (pala)) 1-2
Lion Branded Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Combat Skills (pala)) 3-18
Lion Branded Grand Charm of Life - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Combat Skills (pala)) (+13 to Life) 1-4
Mentalist's Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Shadow Disciplines (assa)) 2-10
Mentalist's Grand Charm of Life - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Shadow Disciplines (assa)) (+19 to Life) 3-11
Natural Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Elemental Skills (dudu)) 3-18
Natural Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Elemental Skills (dudu)) 1-2
Natural Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Elemental Skills (dudu)) 3-15
Natural Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Elemental Skills (dudu)) 2-6
Natural Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Elemental Skills (dudu)) 3-14
Natural Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Elemental Skills (dudu)) 3-15
Natural Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Elemental Skills (dudu)) 3-15
Ruby Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 22) (f-res +30%) 1-3
Sapphire Grand Charm of the Icicle - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 22) (Adds 2-3 cold damage) (c-res +30%) 1-2
Sounding Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Warcries (barb)) 3-11
Sounding Grand Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Warcries (barb)) 2-8
Sounding Grand Charm of Dexterity - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Warcries (barb)) (+5 to Dexterity) 3-14
Sounding Grand Charm of Flame - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 42) (+1 to Warcries (barb)) (Adds 1-2 fire damage) 2-10
Steel Grand Charm of Sustenance - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 53) (+129 to Attack Rating) (+34 to Life) 2-5
Steel Grand Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 69) (+130 to Attack Rating) (+39 to Life) 1-1

Charms: Small Charms

Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 1-1
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 3-16
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 2-7
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 1-4
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 3-11
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 3-12
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 2-5
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 1-4
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 3-14
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 3-16
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 3-15
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 3-11
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 3-16
Amber Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (l-res +11%) 2-8
Amber Small Charm of Inertia - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (+3% frw) (l-res +11%) 1-2
Amber Small Charm of Life - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (+8 to Life) (l-res +11%) 3-15
Amber Small Charm of Shock - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (Adds 1-3 lightning damage) (l-res +11%) 1-1
Amber Small Charm of Strength - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (+2 to Strength) (l-res +11%) 1-2
Azure Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) (c-res +5%) 2-8
Bronze Small Charm of Good Luck - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 33) (+4 to Attack Rating) (7% mf) 3-13
Bronze Small Charm of Good Luck - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 33) (+12 to Attack Rating) (7% mf) 3-13
Bronze Small Charm of Good Luck - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 33) (+8 to Attack Rating) (7% mf) 3-11
Bronze Small Charm of Sustenance - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 17) (+10 to Attack Rating) (+15 to Life) 1-3
Burly Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+17 def) (+20 to Life) 3-15
Emerald Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (p-res +11%) 1-1
Emerald Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (p-res +11%) 3-18
Emerald Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (p-res +11%) 2-5
Emerald Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (p-res +11%) 2-7
Emerald Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (p-res +11%) 2-9
Emerald Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (p-res +11%) 1-2
Emerald Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (p-res +11%) 3-11
Emerald Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (p-res +11%) 2-9
Emerald Small Charm of Dexterity - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (+1 to Dexterity) (p-res +11%) 1-2
Emerald Small Charm of Incineration - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 37) (Adds 7-13 fire damage) (p-res +11%) 2-7
Emerald Small Charm of the Glacier - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (Adds 3-6 cold damage) (p-res +11%) 1-4
Iron Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+22 to Attack Rating) (+20 to Life) 2-8
Lapis Small Charm of Good Luck - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 33) (c-res +7%) (7% mf) 2-5
Lapis Small Charm of Good Luck - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 33) (c-res +6%) (7% mf) 3-18
Ruby Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (f-res +11%) 3-15
Ruby Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (f-res +11%) 3-18
Ruby Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (f-res +11%) 1-1
Ruby Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (f-res +11%) 1-3
Ruby Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (f-res +11%) 1-1
Ruby Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (f-res +11%) 3-15
Ruby Small Charm of Life - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (+10 to Life) (f-res +11%) 1-1
Ruby Small Charm of Thunder - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (Adds 1-11 lightning damage) (f-res +11%) 3-16
Rugged Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) (+4 maxStam) 3-13
Russet Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) (f-res +6%) 3-15
Sapphire Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (c-res +11%) 1-3
Sapphire Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (c-res +11%) 3-16
Sapphire Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (c-res +11%) 2-7
Sapphire Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (c-res +11%) 3-11
Sapphire Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (c-res +11%) 3-15
Sapphire Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (c-res +11%) 2-9
Sapphire Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (c-res +11%) 2-9
Sapphire Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (c-res +11%) 1-1
Sapphire Small Charm of Greed - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (c-res +11%) (8% Extra Gold from Monsters) 2-6
Sapphire Small Charm of Venom - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (+15 poison damage over 4 seconds) (c-res +11%) 1-3
Sapphire Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+16 to Life) (c-res +11%) 3-14
Septic Small Charm of Venom - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 15) (+62 poison damage over 7 seconds) 2-7
Shimmering Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 25) (@res +4) 1-2
Shimmering Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 25) (@res +4) 1-1
Shimmering Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 25) (@res +4) 1-1
Shimmering Small Charm of Blight - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 25) (+6 poison damage over 3 seconds) (@res +4) 3-16
Shivering Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (Adds 3-8 cold damage) (+20 to Life) 3-14
Small Charm of Good Luck - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 33) (7% mf) 1-4
Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) 2-8
Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) 3-14
Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) 1-2
Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) 1-2
Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) 3-15
Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) 2-8
Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) 3-15
Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) 2-9
Snake's Small Charm of Good Luck - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 33) (+12 to Mana) (7% mf) 3-15
Snowy Small Charm of Good Luck - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 33) (Adds 1-4 cold damage) (7% mf) 3-14
Steel Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 49) (+29 to Attack Rating) (+20 to Life) 1-3
Stout Small Charm of Good Luck - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 33) (+1 def) (7% mf) 3-16
Stout Small Charm of Sustenance - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 17) (+8 def) (+15 to Life) 2-6


Arch-Angel's Tiara of the Magus - (def: 42) (dur: 25 of 25) (lvlreq: 67) (+2 to Sorceress Skill Levels) (+20% fcr) 2-8


Spearmaidens Maiden Javelin - (t-dmg: 6 to 22) (1h-dmg: 8 to 14) (Quantity: 56) ((ama)) (dexreq: 47) (strreq: 33) (lvlreq: 45) (Javelin Class - Fast Attack Speed) (+5 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama)) 1-1


Scintillating Jewel of Truth - (Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 36) (+7% fhr) (@res +15) 3-14


Bahamut's Ring of the Apprentice - (lvlreq: 37) (+10% fcr) (+102 to Mana) 3-15
Bahamut's Ring of the Apprentice - (lvlreq: 37) (+10% fcr) (+104 to Mana) 3-15
Bahamut's Ring of the Apprentice - (lvlreq: 37) (+10% fcr) (+102 to Mana) 2-5

----- Rare Items -----

Barbarian Helm

Wraith Horn - Horned Helm (def: 26) (dur: 135 of 135) ((barb)) (strreq: 45) (lvlreq: 30) (10% Chance to cast level 3 Nova when struck) (+2 to Warcries (barb)) (+1 to Grim Ward (barb)) (+3 to Battle Orders (barb)) (+53 to Life) (c-res +19%) (Repairs 1 durability in 20 seconds) 3-13


Demon Circlet - Circlet (def: 58) (dur: 23 of 35) (lvlreq: 67) (+2 to Assassin Skills) (+21 poison damage over 4 seconds) (+90% edef) (+23 to Strength) (+36 to Life) 3-18


Bramble Skewer - Ceremonial Javelin (t-dmg: 24 to 68) (1h-dmg: 24 to 46) (Quantity: 65) ((ama)) (dexreq: 109) (strreq: 25) (lvlreq: 42) (Javelin Class - Very Fast Attack Speed) (+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama)) (+2 to Amazon Skill Levels) (+20% ias) (+18% edmg) (Adds 3-5 damage) (+129 to Attack Rating) 1-3


Storm Cowl - Wolf Head (def: 11) (dur: 20 of 20) ((dudu)) (strreq: 16) (lvlreq: 42) (+2 to Druid Skills) (+3 to Tornado (dudu)) (+1 to Shock Wave (dudu)) (+5 to Energy) (+4 to Mana) (Repairs 1 durability in 33 seconds) 1-2


Corruption Gyre - Ring (lvlreq: 66) (7% Life stolen per hit) (+17 to Strength) (+16 maxStam) (c-res +30%) (l-res +20%) 2-7
Doom Turn - Ring (lvlreq: 66) (+23 to Attack Rating) (6% Life stolen per hit) (+20 to Strength) (+17 to Mana) (f-res +11%) (34% Extra Gold from Monsters) 3-15
Raven Turn - Ring (lvlreq: 66) (+67 to Attack Rating) (5% Life stolen per hit) (+18 to Strength) (f-res +27%) (p-res +29%) (+1 to Light Radius) 3-15

----- Unique Items -----


The Cat's Eye Amulet - 2-9


Duriel's Shell Cuirass - (def: 607 [(528-650) - (610-732)]) (+199% edef [160-200]) (+1 def (Based on Character Level) [1-123]) (+1 to Life (Based on Character Level) [1-99]) 2-10
Duriel's Shell Cuirass - (def: 599 [(528-650) - (610-732)]) (+195% edef [160-200]) (+1 def (Based on Character Level) [1-123]) (+1 to Life (Based on Character Level) [1-99]) 2-8
Greyform Quilted Armor - (def: 29 [28-31]) 2-6
Leviathan Kraken Shell - (def: 1567 [1514-1722]) (+180% edef [170-200]) (+100 def [100-150]) (+46 to Strength [40-50]) (Damage Reduced by 19% [15-25]) 3-11
Leviathan Kraken Shell - (def: 1633 [1514-1722]) (+190% edef [170-200]) (+114 def [100-150]) (+45 to Strength [40-50]) (Damage Reduced by 24% [15-25]) 3-14
Ormus' Robes Dusk Shroud - (def: 450 [371-487]) (+20 def [10-20]) (+10% to Cold Skill Damage [10-15]) (+12% to Fire Skill Damage [10-15]) (+15% to Lightning Skill Damage [10-15]) (manareg 12% [10-15]) 2-9 3 meteor
Ormus' Robes Dusk Shroud - (def: 417 [371-487]) (+13 def [10-20]) (+14% to Cold Skill Damage [10-15]) (+13% to Fire Skill Damage [10-15]) (+15% to Lightning Skill Damage [10-15]) (manareg 11% [10-15]) 3-11 3 warmth
Skin of the Vipermagi Serpentskin Armor - (m-dmg Reduced by 12 [9-13]) (@res +30 [20-35]) 1-2
Skin of the Vipermagi Serpentskin Armor - (m-dmg Reduced by 13 [9-13]) (@res +33 [20-35]) 2-8
Skin of the Vipermagi Serpentskin Armor - (m-dmg Reduced by 9 [9-13]) (@res +31 [20-35]) 3-17
Skullder's Ire Russet Armor - (def: 683 [634-732]) (+180% edef [160-200]) (1% mf (Based on Character Level) [1-123]) 3-12 1 pt gesockelt
Skullder's Ire Russet Armor - (def: 705 [634-732]) (+189% edef [160-200]) (1% mf (Based on Character Level) [1-123]) 2-9
The Gladiator's Bane Wire Fleece - (def: 1414 [1295-1496]) (+183% edef [150-200]) (Damage Reduced by 16 [15-20]) (m-dmg Reduced by 18 [15-20]) 1-1
The Gladiator's Bane Wire Fleece - (def: 1418 [1295-1496]) (+184% edef [150-200]) (Damage Reduced by 17 [15-20]) (m-dmg Reduced by 16 [15-20]) 3-16
The Gladiator's Bane Wire Fleece - (def: 1385 [1295-1496]) (+177% edef [150-200]) (Damage Reduced by 17 [15-20]) (m-dmg Reduced by 19 [15-20]) 3-13
The Gladiator's Bane Wire Fleece - (def: 1385 [1295-1496]) (+177% edef [150-200]) (Damage Reduced by 20 [15-20]) (m-dmg Reduced by 18 [15-20]) 2-10
The Gladiator's Bane Wire Fleece - (def: 1361 [1295-1496]) (+172% edef [150-200]) (Damage Reduced by 20 [15-20]) (m-dmg Reduced by 16 [15-20]) 3-17


Arachnid Mesh Spiderweb Sash - (def: 129 [119-138]) (+105% edef [90-120]) 3-16
Lenymo Sash - 2-5
Thundergod's Vigor War Belt - (def: 154 [137-159]) (+191% edef [160-200]) 1-3
Thundergod's Vigor War Belt - (def: 146 [137-159]) (+176% edef [160-200]) 2-10
Verdungo's Hearty Cord Mithril Coil - (def: 132 [125-158]) (+100% edef [90-140]) (+38 to Vitality [30-40]) (lifereg +13 [10-13]) (+106 maxStam [100-120]) (Damage Reduced by 13% [10-15]) 3-13
Verdungo's Hearty Cord Mithril Coil - (def: 143 [125-158]) (+117% edef [90-140]) (+30 to Vitality [30-40]) (lifereg +10 [10-13]) (+110 maxStam [100-120]) (Damage Reduced by 15% [10-15]) 2-10
Verdungo's Hearty Cord Mithril Coil - (def: 128 [125-158]) (+94% edef [90-140]) (+30 to Vitality [30-40]) (lifereg +10 [10-13]) (+104 maxStam [100-120]) (Damage Reduced by 14% [10-15]) 1-2
Verdungo's Hearty Cord Mithril Coil - (def: 135 [125-158]) (+106% edef [90-140]) (+30 to Vitality [30-40]) (lifereg +12 [10-13]) (+118 maxStam [100-120]) (Damage Reduced by 14% [10-15]) 1-3


Gore Rider War Boots - (def: 155 [140-162]) (+188% edef [160-200]) 2-8
Gore Rider War Boots - (def: 156 [140-162]) (+189% edef [160-200]) 2-6
Gore Rider War Boots - (def: 160 [140-162]) (+198% edef [160-200]) 3-13
Hotspur Boots - (+14% edef [10-20]) 2-5
Sandstorm Trek Scarabshell Boots - (def: 165 [158-178]) (+151% edef [140-170]) (+1 maxStam (Based on Character Level) [1-99]) (+13 to Strength [10-15]) (+13 to Vitality [10-15]) (p-res +50% [40-70]) 3-15
Silkweave Mesh Boots - (def: 125 [112-130]) (+179% edef [150-190]) 3-15
Silkweave Mesh Boots - (def: 130 [112-130]) (+190% edef [150-190]) 3-18
War Traveler Battle Boots - (def: 137 [120-139]) (+186% edef [150-190]) (dmgret 7 [5-10]) (37% mf [30-50]) 1-2
Waterwalk Sharkskin Boots - (def: 116 [112-124]) (+192% edef [180-210]) (+60 to Life [45-65]) 1-4

Charms: Grand Charms

Gheeds Fortune Grand Charm - (98% Extra Gold from Monsters [80-160]) (Reduces all Vendor Prices 13% [10-15]) (37% mf [20-40]) 1-3
Gheed's Fortune Grand Charm - (89% Extra Gold from Monsters [80-160]) (Reduces all Vendor Prices 13% [10-15]) (39% mf [20-40]) 3-11
Gheed's Fortune Grand Charm - (111% Extra Gold from Monsters [80-160]) (Reduces all Vendor Prices 12% [10-15]) (39% mf [20-40]) 1-1
Gheed's Fortune Grand Charm - (141% Extra Gold from Monsters [80-160]) (Reduces all Vendor Prices 15% [10-15]) (38% mf [20-40]) 3-13

Charms: Large Charms

Hellfire Torch Large Charm - (+12 to all Attributes [10-20]) (@res +11 [10-20]) 2-6 barb
Hellfire Torch Large Charm - (+20 to all Attributes [10-20]) (@res +13 [10-20]) 2-8 druid
Hellfire Torch Large Charm - (+10 to all Attributes [10-20]) (@res +15 [10-20]) 2-10 sorc
Hellfire Torch Large Charm - (+15 to all Attributes [10-20]) (@res +19 [10-20]) 3-12 sorc
Hellfire Torch Large Charm - (+10 to all Attributes [10-20]) (@res +13 [10-20]) 2-7 sorc
Hellfire Torch Large Charm - (+19 to all Attributes [10-20]) (@res +10 [10-20]) 3-11 pala
Hellfire Torch Large Charm - (+16 to all Attributes [10-20]) (@res +12 [10-20]) 1-1 druid
Hellfire Torch Large Charm - (+10 to all Attributes [10-20]) (@res +10 [10-20]) 1-3 necro
Hellfire Torch Large Charm - (+11 to all Attributes [10-20]) (@res +14 [10-20]) 1-2 assa


Kiras Guardian Tiara - (def: 117 [90-170]) (+75 def [50-120]) (@res +61 [50-70]) 3-14
Kira's Guardian Tiara - (def: 107 [90-170]) (+66 def [50-120]) (@res +70 [50-70]) 3-17
Kira's Guardian Tiara - (def: 137 [90-170]) (+95 def [50-120]) (@res +67 [50-70]) 3-16
Kira's Guardian Tiara - (def: 115 [90-170]) (+67 def [50-120]) (@res +69 [50-70]) 1-2


Fleshripper Fanged Knife - (1h-dmg: 55 to 212 [45-60] to [174-228]) (+272% edmg [200-300]) 3-16
Gull Dagger - 2-9
Gull Dagger - 2-7
Gull Dagger - 2-9


Dracul's Grasp Vampirebone Gloves - (def: 137 [125-145]) (+108% edef [90-120]) (+14 to Strength [10-15]) (+9 Life after each Kill [5-10]) (10% Life stolen per hit [7-10]) 2-10
Dracul's Grasp Vampirebone Gloves - (def: 137 [125-145]) (+108% edef [90-120]) (+13 to Strength [10-15]) (+8 Life after each Kill [5-10]) (10% Life stolen per hit [7-10]) 3-16
Magefist Light Gauntlets - (def: 25 [24-25]) (+25% edef [20-30]) 2-6


Andariel's Visage Demonhead - (def: 351 [310-387]) (+127% edef [100-150]) (9% Life stolen per hit [8-10]) (+28 to Strength [25-30]) 2-8
Andariel's Visage Demonhead - (def: 334 [310-387]) (+116% edef [100-150]) (9% Life stolen per hit [8-10]) (+28 to Strength [25-30]) 3-15
Crown of Thieves Grand Crown - (def: 342 [296-342]) (+200% edef [160-200]) (9% Life stolen per hit [9-12]) (97% Extra Gold from Monsters [80-100]) 1-3
Crown of Thieves Grand Crown - (def: 303 [296-342]) (+166% edef [160-200]) (12% Life stolen per hit [9-12]) (80% Extra Gold from Monsters [80-100]) 3-16
Harlequin Crest Shako - (def: 137 [98-141]) (+1 to Life (Based on Character Level) [1-148]) (+1 to Mana (Based on Character Level) [1-148]) 1-1
Harlequin Crest Shako - (def: 135 [98-141]) (+1 to Life (Based on Character Level) [1-148]) (+1 to Mana (Based on Character Level) [1-148]) 2-10
Harlequin Crest Shako - (def: 113 [98-141]) (+1 to Life (Based on Character Level) [1-148]) (+1 to Mana (Based on Character Level) [1-148]) 2-5
Harlequin Crest Shako - (def: 116 [98-141]) (+1 to Life (Based on Character Level) [1-148]) (+1 to Mana (Based on Character Level) [1-148]) 3-11
Nightwing's Veil Spired Helm - (def: 321 [219-352]) (+101% edef [90-120]) (+8% to Cold Skill Damage [8-15]) (+13 to Dexterity [10-20]) (+8 c-abs [5-9]) 3-16
Nightwing's Veil Spired Helm - (def: 345 [219-352]) (+116% edef [90-120]) (+9% to Cold Skill Damage [8-15]) (+15 to Dexterity [10-20]) (+6 c-abs [5-9]) 3-14
Valkyrie Wing Winged Helm - (def: 258 [247-297]) (+161% edef [150-200]) (+2 to Amazon Skill Levels [1-2]) (+4 to Mana after each Kill [2-4]) 3-12
Vampire Gaze Grim Helm - (7% Life stolen per hit [6-8]) (8% Mana stolen per hit [6-8]) (Damage Reduced by 16% [15-20]) (m-dmg Reduced by 12 [10-15]) 2-9
Vampire Gaze Grim Helm - (8% Life stolen per hit [6-8]) (8% Mana stolen per hit [6-8]) (Damage Reduced by 17% [15-20]) (m-dmg Reduced by 10 [10-15]) 3-16


Thunderstroke Matriarchal Javelin - (t-dmg: 102 to 193 [87-105] to [165-198]) (1h-dmg: 87 to 158 [75-90] to [135-162]) (+193% edmg [150-200]) (+4 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama) [2-4]) 2-6
Thunderstroke Matriarchal Javelin - (t-dmg: 105 to 198 [87-105] to [165-198]) (1h-dmg: 90 to 162 [75-90] to [135-162]) (+200% edmg [150-200]) (+4 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama) [2-4]) 1-4
Thunderstroke Matriarchal Javelin - (t-dmg: 100 to 189 [87-105] to [165-198]) (1h-dmg: 86 to 154 [75-90] to [135-162]) (+187% edmg [150-200]) (+4 to Javelin and Spear Skills (ama) [2-4]) 3-16
Titan's Revenge Ceremonial Javelin - (t-dmg: 76 to 204 [70-79] to [185-212]) (1h-dmg: 76 to 150 [70-79] to [137-155]) (+186% edmg [150-200]) (7% Life stolen per hit [5-9]) (Increased Stack Size [60]) 1-1
Titan's Revenge Ceremonial Javelin - (t-dmg: 75 to 201 [70-79] to [185-212]) (1h-dmg: 75 to 148 [70-79] to [137-155]) (+181% edmg [150-200]) (9% Life stolen per hit [5-9]) (Increased Stack Size [60]) 3-11
Titan's Revenge Ceremonial Javelin - (t-dmg: 78 to 209 [70-79] to [185-212]) (1h-dmg: 78 to 153 [70-79] to [137-155]) (+195% edmg [150-200]) (7% Life stolen per hit [5-9]) (Increased Stack Size [60]) 1-4
Titan's Revenge Ceremonial Javelin - (t-dmg: 78 to 209 [70-79] to [185-212]) (1h-dmg: 78 to 153 [70-79] to [137-155]) (+195% edmg [150-200]) (9% Life stolen per hit [5-9]) (Increased Stack Size [60]) 1-2


Rainbow Facet Jewel - --- Unique oder Set wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---(Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 49) (100% Chance to cast level 43 Frost Nova when you Level-Up) (Adds 24-38 cold damage) (+4% to Cold Skill Damage) (-4% to Enemy c-resance) 3-18
Rainbow Facet Jewel - --- Unique oder Set wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---(Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 49) (100% Chance to cast level 51 Poison Nova when you Die) (+37 poison damage over 2 seconds) (+5% to Poison Skill Damage) (-3% to Enemy p-resance) 1-2
Rainbow Facet Jewel - --- Unique oder Set wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---(Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 49) (100% Chance to cast level 51 Poison Nova when you Die) (+37 poison damage over 2 seconds) (+4% to Poison Skill Damage) (-4% to Enemy p-resance) 3-11
Rainbow Facet Jewel - --- Unique oder Set wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---(Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 49) (100% Chance to cast level 31 Meteor when you Die) (Adds 17-45 fire damage) (-5% to Enemy f-resance) (+3% to Fire Skill Damage) 3-16
Rainbow Facet Jewel - --- Unique oder Set wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---(Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 49) (100% Chance to cast level 37 Blizzard when you Die) (Adds 24-38 cold damage) (+4% to Cold Skill Damage) (-5% to Enemy c-resance) 1-4
Rainbow Facet Jewel - --- Unique oder Set wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---(Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 49) (100% Chance to cast level 23 Venom when you Level-Up) (+37 poison damage over 2 seconds) (+4% to Poison Skill Damage) (-4% to Enemy p-resance) 3-17
Rainbow Facet Jewel - --- Unique oder Set wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---(Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 49) (100% Chance to cast level 29 Blaze when you Level-Up) (Adds 17-45 fire damage) (-4% to Enemy f-resance) (+4% to Fire Skill Damage) 3-18
Rainbow Facet Jewel - --- Unique oder Set wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---(Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 49) (100% Chance to cast level 43 Frost Nova when you Level-Up) (Adds 24-38 cold damage) (+4% to Cold Skill Damage) (-4% to Enemy c-resance) 3-15
Rainbow Facet Jewel - --- Unique oder Set wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---(Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 49) (100% Chance to cast level 37 Blizzard when you Die) (Adds 24-38 cold damage) (+3% to Cold Skill Damage) (-5% to Enemy c-resance) 1-1
Rainbow Facet Jewel - --- Unique oder Set wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---(Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 49) (100% Chance to cast level 31 Meteor when you Die) (Adds 17-45 fire damage) (-4% to Enemy f-resance) (+4% to Fire Skill Damage) 3-17
Rainbow Facet Jewel - --- Unique oder Set wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---(Can be Inserted into sox Items) (lvlreq: 49) (100% Chance to cast level 23 Venom when you Level-Up) (+37 poison damage over 2 seconds) (+4% to Poison Skill Damage) (-4% to Enemy p-resance) 3-14

One Handed Axe

Rune Master Ettin Axe - (1h-dmg: 112 to 224 [105-122] to [211-244]) (+240% edmg [220-270]) (sox (5) [3-5]) 2-7

One Handed Mace

Stormlash Scourge - (1h-dmg: 10 to 273 [10-12] to [272-320]) (+242% edmg [240-300]) (+3 l-abs [3-9]) 3-11


Death's Fathom Dimensional Shard - (--- Variabler Stat nicht gefunden!!! (1h-dmg: 30-53) ---) (+22% to Cold Skill Damage [15-30]) (l-res +32% [25-40]) (f-res +37% [25-40]) 1-2
The Oculus Swirling Crystal - 3-15
The Oculus Swirling Crystal - 1-2
The Oculus Swirling Crystal - 3-18
The Oculus Swirling Crystal - 2-10

Paladin Shield

Herald of Zakarum Gilded Shield - (def: 703 [422-507]) (+178% edef [150-200]) 3-16 eth


The Reaper's Toll Thresher - (2h-dmg: 39 to 459 [34-40] to [408-479]) (+226% edmg [190-240]) (12% Life stolen per hit [11-15]) 3-14
The Reaper's Toll Thresher - (2h-dmg: 39 to 465 [34-40] to [408-479]) (+230% edmg [190-240]) (14% Life stolen per hit [11-15]) 3-13
The Reaper's Toll Thresher - (2h-dmg: 40 to 470 [34-40] to [408-479]) (+234% edmg [190-240]) (15% Life stolen per hit [11-15]) 2-7
Tomb Reaver Cryptic Axe - (2h-dmg: 118 to 537 [99-125] to [450-570]) (+258% edmg [200-280]) (+154% Damage to Undead [150-230]) (+251 to Attack Rating against Undead [250-350]) (@res +40 [30-50]) (+14 Life after each Kill [10-14]) (78% mf [50-80]) (sox (3) [1-3]) 3-15
Tomb Reaver Cryptic Axe - (2h-dmg: 109 to 496 [99-125] to [450-570]) (+231% edmg [200-280]) (+223% Damage to Undead [150-230]) (+296 to Attack Rating against Undead [250-350]) (@res +45 [30-50]) (+14 Life after each Kill [10-14]) (73% mf [50-80]) (sox (3) [1-3]) 2-7


Carrion Wind Ring - (7% Life stolen per hit [6-9]) (+107 def vs. Missile [100-160]) 1-2
Dwarf Star Ring - (m-dmg Reduced by 14 [12-15]) 1-3
Dwarf Star Ring - (m-dmg Reduced by 14 [12-15]) 3-17
Nagelring Ring - (+52 to Attack Rating [50-75]) (30% mf [15-30]) 2-6
Nagelring Ring - (+72 to Attack Rating [50-75]) (30% mf [15-30]) 3-13
Nagelring Ring - (+65 to Attack Rating [50-75]) (30% mf [15-30]) 3-16
Nagelring Ring - (+75 to Attack Rating [50-75]) (30% mf [15-30]) 1-1
Nagelring Ring - (+69 to Attack Rating [50-75]) (30% mf [15-30]) 2-8
Natures Peace Ring - (p-res +29% [20-30]) (Damage Reduced by 11 [7-11]) 1-1
Nature's Peace Ring - (p-res +29% [20-30]) (Damage Reduced by 7 [7-11]) 1-3
Nature's Peace Ring - (p-res +30% [20-30]) (Damage Reduced by 10 [7-11]) 3-17
Nature's Peace Ring - (p-res +30% [20-30]) (Damage Reduced by 10 [7-11]) 3-18
Raven Frost Ring - (+178 to Attack Rating [150-250]) (+19 to Dexterity [15-20]) 3-16
Raven Frost Ring - (+155 to Attack Rating [150-250]) (+17 to Dexterity [15-20]) 2-8
Raven Frost Ring - (+192 to Attack Rating [150-250]) (+17 to Dexterity [15-20]) 3-12
Raven Frost Ring - (+228 to Attack Rating [150-250]) (+17 to Dexterity [15-20]) 2-10
Raven Frost Ring - (+170 to Attack Rating [150-250]) (+20 to Dexterity [15-20]) 3-17
Wisp Proiector Ring - --- Unique oder Set wurde nicht gefunden, um Variable Stats zu ermitteln ---(lvlreq: 76) (10% Chance to cast level 16 Lightning on striking) (l-abs 19%) (14% mf) (Level 7 Spirit of Barbs (3/11 Charges)) (Level 5 Heart of Wolverine (9/13 Charges)) (Level 2 Oak Sage (3/15 Charges)) 3-15
Wisp Projector Ring - (l-abs 11% [10-20]) (18% mf [10-20]) 1-2
Wisp Projector Ring - (l-abs 14% [10-20]) (20% mf [10-20]) 1-2


Heaven's Light Mighty Scepter - (1h-dmg: 217 to 282 [140-160] to [182-208]) (+262% edmg [250-300]) (+19 Life after each Demon Kill [15-20]) (--- Variabler Stat nicht gefunden!!! (+2-3 To Paladin Skills) ---) (--- Variabler Stat nicht gefunden!!! (sox (1-2)) ---) 3-18 eth 3 skills
Heaven's Light Mighty Scepter - (1h-dmg: 150 to 196 [140-160] to [182-208]) (+277% edmg [250-300]) (+16 Life after each Demon Kill [15-20]) (--- Variabler Stat nicht gefunden!!! (+2-3 To Paladin Skills) ---) (sox (2) [1-2]) 1-1 3 skill


Lidless Wall Grim Shield - (def: 311 [271-347]) (+106% edef [80-130]) (+3 to Mana after each Kill [3-5]) 3-13 1 pd gesockelt
Moser's Blessed Circle Round Shield - (def: 156 [156-179]) (+180% edef [180-220]) 2-9 2 pd gesockelt
Moser's Blessed Circle Round Shield - (def: 176 [156-179]) (+216% edef [180-220]) 2-5
Moser's Blessed Circle Round Shield - (def: 173 [156-179]) (+209% edef [180-220]) 2-10
Moser's Blessed Circle Round Shield - (def: 173 [156-179]) (+210% edef [180-220]) 3-13
Stormshield Monarch - (--- Variabler Stat nicht gefunden!!! (def: [136-504] to [151-519]) ---) (+3 def (Based on Character Level) [3-371]) 2-7
Stormshield Monarch - (--- Variabler Stat nicht gefunden!!! (def: [136-504] to [151-519]) ---) (+3 def (Based on Character Level) [3-371]) 3-14


Hone Sundan Yari - (2h-dmg: 138 to 282 [95-107] to [193-217]) (+176% edmg [160-200]) 1-3 eth


Ondal's Wisdom Elder Staff - (+4 to All Skills [2-4]) (+547 def [450-550]) (+41 to Energy [40-50]) (m-dmg Reduced by 7 [5-8]) 3-18

Two Handed Mace

The Cranium Basher Thunder Maul - (2h-dmg: 123 to 587 [119-132] to [560-632]) (+215% edmg [200-240]) 2-7
The Cranium Basher Thunder Maul - (2h-dmg: 119 to 560 [119-132] to [560-632]) (+200% edmg [200-240]) 3-13


Death's Web Unearthed Wand - (-49% to Enemy p-resance [40-50]) (+11 to Mana after each Kill [7-12]) (+11 Life after each Kill [7-12]) (+1 to Poison and Bone Skills (nec) [1-2]) 1-3

----- Ätherische und/oder Gesockelte Items -----


Dusk Shroud - (def: 426) (dur: 18 of 20) (strreq: 77) (lvlreq: 49) (sox (4)) 2-5
Mage Plate - (def: 244) (dur: 36 of 60) (strreq: 55) (lvlreq: 25) (sox (3)) 3-17
Superior Tigulated Mail - (def: 219) (dur: 30 of 36) (strreq: 86) (lvlreq: 25) (+15% edef) (sox (3)) 3-14

One Handed Mace

Flail - (1h-dmg: 1 to 36) (dur: 16 of 16) (dexreq: 25) (strreq: 31) (Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed) (+50% Damage to Undead) (eth (Cannot be Repaired), sox (4)) 3-12

One Handed Sword

Crystal Sword - (1h-dmg: 5 to 15) (dur: 11 of 20) (strreq: 43) (Sword Class - Normal Attack Speed) (sox (5)) 2-8
Superior Cryptic Sword - (1h-dmg: 7 to 120) (dur: 23 of 23) (dexreq: 99) (strreq: 89) (lvlreq: 61) (Sword Class - Fast Attack Speed) (+5% edmg) (eth (Cannot be Repaired), sox (4)) 2-9
Superior Crystal Sword - (1h-dmg: 7 to 23) (dur: 12 of 12) (strreq: 33) (Sword Class - Normal Attack Speed) (+9% edmg) (Increase Maximum Durability 13%) (eth (Cannot be Repaired), sox (5)) 3-18
Superior Phase Blade - (1h-dmg: 31 to 35) (dexreq: 136) (strreq: 25) (lvlreq: 54) (Sword Class - Very Fast Attack Speed) (+2 to Attack Rating) (sox (5)) 3-12
Superior Phase Blade - (1h-dmg: 31 to 35) (dexreq: 136) (strreq: 25) (lvlreq: 54) (Sword Class - Very Fast Attack Speed) (+3 to Attack Rating) (sox (5)) 3-18


Great Poleaxe - (2h-dmg: 69 to 190) (dur: 28 of 28) (dexreq: 89) (strreq: 169) (lvlreq: 63) (Polearm Class - Fast Attack Speed) (eth (Cannot be Repaired), sox (5)) 2-10
Thresher - (2h-dmg: 18 to 211) (dur: 33 of 33) (dexreq: 108) (strreq: 142) (lvlreq: 53) (Polearm Class - Fast Attack Speed) (eth (Cannot be Repaired), sox (5)) 3-18
Thresher - (2h-dmg: 18 to 211) (dur: 33 of 33) (dexreq: 108) (strreq: 142) (lvlreq: 53) (Polearm Class - Fast Attack Speed) (eth (Cannot be Repaired), sox (5)) 1-3


Monarch - (def: 138) (ctb: 42%) (dur: 44 of 86) (strreq: 156) (lvlreq: 54) (sox (4)) 1-4
Monarch - (def: 204) (ctb: 42%) (dur: 44 of 44) (strreq: 146) (lvlreq: 54) (eth (Cannot be Repaired), sox (4)) 1-3

----- Set Items -----

Aldur's Watchtower
Aldur's Advance Battle Boots - (def: 44 [39-47]) (f-res +46% [40-50]) 3-11
Aldur's Advance Battle Boots - (def: 46 [39-47]) (f-res +44% [40-50]) 1-1
Aldur's Advance Battle Boots - (def: 45 [39-47]) (f-res +49% [40-50]) 3-14

Bul-Kathos' Children
Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian Mythical Sword - 3-18
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge Colossus Blade - 2-10

Griswold's Legacy
Griswold's Redemption Caduceus - (1h-dmg: 112 to 130 [111-125] to [129-146]) (+203% edmg [200-240]) (sox (3) [3-4]) 3-17

Immortal King
Immortal King's Soul Cage Sacred Armor - 3-17
Immortal King's Soul Cage Sacred Armor - 1-3

M'avina's Battle Hymn
M'avina's Caster Grand Matron Bow - 1-2
M'avina's True Sight Diadem - (def: 205 [200-210]) 3-12

Natalya's Odium
Natalya's Soul Mesh Boots - (def: 138 [112-169]) (+96 def [75-125]) (staminahealth + +0% (Based on Character Level) [0-24]) (c-res +17% [15-25]) (l-res +18% [15-25]) 2-9
Natalya's Mark Scissors Suwayyah - 1-1
Natalya's Mark Scissors Suwayyah - 3-11

Orphan's Call
Guillaume's Face Winged Helm - 1-4
Whitstan's Guard Round Shield - 2-9 1 pd gesockelt

Tal Rasha's Wrappings
Tal Rasha's Guardianship Lacquered Plate - (def: 914 [833-941]) 1-1
Tal Rasha's Guardianship Lacquered Plate - (def: 892 [833-941]) 3-15
Tal Rasha's Guardianship Lacquered Plate - (def: 907 [833-941]) 3-17
Tal Rasha's Guardianship Lacquered Plate - (def: 844 [833-941]) 1-3
Tal Rasha's Guardianship Lacquered Plate - (def: 907 [833-941]) 3-12
Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth Mesh Belt - (def: 35 [35-40]) (15% mf [10-15]) 1-4
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye Swirling Crystal - (+2 to Lightning Mastery (soso) [1-2]) (+2 to Fire Mastery (soso) [1-2]) (+1 to Cold Mastery (soso) [1-2]) 2-9

----- Runewort Items -----


Insight -Colossus Voulge (2h-dmg: 97 to 874) (dur: 26 of 26) (dexreq: 45) (strreq: 200) (lvlreq: 48) (Polearm Class - Normal Attack Speed) (Level 15 Meditation Aura When Equipped [12-17]) (+254% edmg [200-260]) (+9 to Minimum Damage) (219% Bonus to Attack Rating [180-250]) (Adds 5-30 fire damage [5-30]) (+75 poison damage over 5 seconds) (+3 to Critical Strike [1-6]) (+5 to all Attributes) (+2 to Mana after each Kill) (eth (Cannot be Repaired), sox (4)) 2-9

----- Normale Items -----


Runic Talons - (1h-dmg: 24 to 44) (dur: 43 of 69) ((assa)) (dexreq: 115) (strreq: 115) (lvlreq: 60) (Claw Class - Very Slow Attack Speed) (+3 to Death Sentry (assa)) (+1 to Dragon Flight (assa)) (+1 to Blades of Ice (assa)) 1-3


Superior Monarch - (def: 171) (ctb: 42%) (dur: 76 of 86) (strreq: 156) (lvlreq: 54) (+15% edef) 1-2

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
tal mask / shaft / goldwrap / frosties hätte ich da
Kragen Pest - Amulett [lvl-req: 51] (+2 Kälte Fertigkeiten {Sorc} - 6% abgesaugtes Mana - +19 zu Geschicklichkeit)
Auge der Ordnung - Amulett [lvl-req: 48] (+2 Kälte Fertigkeiten {Sorc} - 10% FCR - +30 Mana - +1 Stärke - Level 2 Twister (6/25 Ladungen))

Kann ich anbieten. Falls Interesse besteht.

Ansonsten noch:
- Seidenweberei mit 186%
- 3 Sox Eth Bugged (>1000 Def) (+Lem)

Kann dafür ein brauchen: Ein Paket aus Tal-Ort-Thul-Amn-Runen bzw. im Notfall PG's
Kragen Pest - Amulett [lvl-req: 51] (+2 Kälte Fertigkeiten {Sorc} - 6% abgesaugtes Mana - +19 zu Geschicklichkeit)
Auge der Ordnung - Amulett [lvl-req: 48] (+2 Kälte Fertigkeiten {Sorc} - 10% FCR - +30 Mana - +1 Stärke - Level 2 Twister (6/25 Ladungen))

Kann ich anbieten. Falls Interesse besteht.

Ansonsten noch:
- Seidenweberei mit 186%
- 3 Sox Eth Bugged (>1000 Def) (+Lem)

Kann dafür ein brauchen: Ein Paket aus Tal-Ort-Thul-Amn-Runen bzw. im Notfall PG's

die rüstung + lem und die schuhe würde ich auf jeden fall nehmen gerne das 2. amu auch noch
ich hab atm 3x tal/thul/ort/amn und kann mit pgems aufrunden... wenn dir das zuwenig ist dann schieb ich nochn paar gräfin runs ein ;)
Hi Kira,

das ist mir genug. Kannst Du mir einen Handel-Account machen?

edit: t4t
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

wertest du einen Ali Baba über 2 PGs ? Falls nein, frage ich mal dreist ob ich einen haben kann ; )

Ansonsten habe ich noch Interesse an:

- Wächtertreu
- Kriegsreisender
- einem Gheed

Leider habe ich von deiner SL z.Z. nichts. Kannst du mit Craftpacks und PGs etwas anfangen ?

habe eine Tal Armor 922 gegen 1 Ist anzubieten

wertest du einen Ali Baba über 2 PGs ? Falls nein, frage ich mal dreist ob ich einen haben kann ; )

Ansonsten habe ich noch Interesse an:

- Wächtertreu
- Kriegsreisender
- einem Gheed

Leider habe ich von deiner SL z.Z. nichts. Kannst du mit Craftpacks und PGs etwas anfangen ?


ali babas kannste gern umsonst haben, der kriegsreisende den du meinstest ist inzwischen in selfuse, ich habe aber einen anderen (mit etwas weniger mf) neu im shop beim wächtertreu und dem gheed bitte für einen entscheiden
(am besten die ganze zeile aus dem shop kopieren. am ende der zeile steht auf welchem charakter das item liegt, dass macht es deutlich einfacher für mich die items rauszusuchen ;))
pgems würde ich nehmen aber nicht zu viele (das soll nicht heißen, dass ich nur eine bestimmte anzahl maximal annehme sondern das ich das meiste günstig unter die leute bringen möche :P)
sag mir also am besten einfach welche items du gerne haben würdest und was deiner meinung nach ein fairer preis dafür wäre!

habe eine Tal Armor 922 gegen 1 Ist anzubieten
eine tal armor hab ich schon selbst gefunden (2 mal gleich :irre:) aber trotzdem danke für das angebot!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

auf das Angebot mit dem Ali Babas komme ich gerne zurück.

Zufälligerweise sind mir gestern in wenigen Minuten Wts (35) und Wächtertreu (25 :hammer:) vor die Füße gefallen. Von daher ist es nicht schlimm, dass deine Wts im Eigengebrauch sind, aber meine selffound Wächtertreu sind doch recht schwach, darum hätte ich gerne:

Gheed's Fortune Grand Charm - (105% Extra Gold from Monsters [80-160]) (Reduces all Vendor Prices 15% [10-15]) (34% mf [20-40]) 2-7

Chance Guards Chain Gloves - (def: 28 [27-28]) (+30% edef [20-30]) (36% mf [25-40]) 2-6

Ich biete dir für beide zusammen 22 PGs + 5 PAs

Kommt das für dich hin ?


auf das Angebot mit dem Ali Babas komme ich gerne zurück.

Zufälligerweise sind mir gestern in wenigen Minuten Wts (35) und Wächtertreu (25 :hammer:) vor die Füße gefallen. Von daher ist es nicht schlimm, dass deine Wts im Eigengebrauch sind, aber meine selffound Wächtertreu sind doch recht schwach, darum hätte ich gerne:

Gheed's Fortune Grand Charm - (105% Extra Gold from Monsters [80-160]) (Reduces all Vendor Prices 15% [10-15]) (34% mf [20-40]) 2-7

Chance Guards Chain Gloves - (def: 28 [27-28]) (+30% edef [20-30]) (36% mf [25-40]) 2-6

Ich biete dir für beide zusammen 22 PGs + 5 PAs

Kommt das für dich hin ?


also 27 pgms insgesammt? würd sagen das das etwas viel ist :D sagen wir einfach 15.
du hast post :hy:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Mein Interesse gilt:
Ruby Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) (f-res +10%) 1-1

Ich biete dafür eine Lo-Rune.
Mein Interesse gilt:
Ruby Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) (f-res +10%) 1-1

Ich biete dafür eine Lo-Rune.

Da muss ich mit machen
Biete ne ber oder 12ist. Je nach belieben
Mein Interesse gilt:
Ruby Small Charm of Vita - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 39) (+20 to Life) (f-res +10%) 1-1

Ich biete dafür eine Lo-Rune.

Da muss ich mit machen
Biete ne ber oder 12ist. Je nach belieben

oha hätte nicht das gedacht das der so viel wert wäre :O

da es zwei interessenten gibt würde ich erstmal noch warten um Bari die möglichkeit zu geben sein angebot anzupassen!
Bisher führt eissid2 mit Ber
Da mir aktuell nur 10 Feuer-Resi fehlen, und die 20 Leben nice to have wären, biete ich einfach eine pul-Rune auf:

Ruby Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (f-res +11%) 3-11

gz, Bari.
Da mir aktuell nur 10 Feuer-Resi fehlen, und die 20 Leben nice to have wären, biete ich einfach eine pul-Rune auf:

Ruby Small Charm - (Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus) (lvlreq: 32) (f-res +11%) 3-11

gz, Bari.

das geht klar bitte einen TA machen!

damit bekommt eissid2 den zuschlag für den anderen zauber! bitte auch du einen TA machen
Ich mach dir morgen den acc fertig. Wenn du magst kannst du euch einen machen und mir per pm schreiben ob du jah oder ber haben willst