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Was hört ihr grad für Mukke - Part LXXIX

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moin :hy:

Wayno - We Know The Way (DJ BACC REMIX)
Twenty One Pilots - Heathens (Disto Remix)

Hai :hy:
Katy Perry - Roar - Alex Boye Ft. Mom Bloggers United (Africanized Cover)
Bear McCreary - Wander My Friends
(Das Beste von ihm!^^)
Bear McCreary - Wander My Friends

Gleich mal reinhören :D
Fink - pills in my pocket
Berlinski Beat - Heimweh nach Berlin

hier der text zum lied:
Wander My Friends

Lyrics (in Irish Gaelic):

Siúlaigí a chairde, siúlaidh liom

Mar cheo an tsléibhe uaine ag
imeacht go deo
D'ainneoin ár dtuirse leanfam an tslí
Thar chnoic is thar ghleannta
go deireadh na scríbi

Seo libh a chairde is canaidh liom
Líonaigí'n oíche le greann is le spórt
Seo sláinte na gcarad atá imithe uainn
Mar cheo an tsléibhe uaine,
iad imithe go deo

English translation:
Wander my friends, wander with me

Like the mist on the green mountain, moving eternally
Despite our weariness
we'll follow the road
Over hill and and valleys
to the end of the journey

Come on my friends and sing with me
Fill the night with joy and sport
Here's a toast to the friends who have gone from us
Like the mist of the green mountain,
gone forever
AKA AKA LIVE @ Parookaville 2017 | Live Set @ Aerochrone Stage
moin :hy:

Alphaville - Forever Young (Kosmonova Mix)
Alicia Bridges - I love the Nightlife (Disco 'round)

Guten Morgen und euch allen einen guten Start in die Woche :hy:
antares - bright side of the sun
MOJIITO - INTO THE BLUE • pure* records
Two Steps From Hell - El Dorado (SkyWorld)
Japandroids - heart sweats
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