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Thread für: Fun Pics - Links - Clips etc


@BloodyClone: Und?

E: Der Mann heisst Bloodcyclon!
E2: Obwohl ich Bloodyclone besser find :P
bemerkenswerte Dummheit:


Man beachte den Absatz mit dem "Intelligenztest"

Erstaunlich ist, dass er bei seinem eigenen Test durchfallen dürfte...

Gruß Bloody
Hab auch noch nen geilen E-Bay link:


Jetzt weiß ich was ich mir dieses Jahr zu Weihnachten wünsche :tree:

Die Kundenrezensionen sind der Hammer :lol:

What better way to teach the next generation how to behave in a police state then with a toy such as this? I'm really hoping that they come out with a toy in which the kids can play "interregator". Think of all the fun the little folks can have waterboarding those who "hate our freedom".

This TOY IS GREAT! But there are some things that should be added make it more realistic. I'd like to see some diversity in one of the guards and perhaps the other guard could have some drool dripping from it's lip to reflect the extremely low IQ needed to obtain this type of position. Also, add a 80 year old woman with (remove able clothes so she may be stripped searched) and a 20 something middle eastern looking man. (no need to make his clothes remove able as we are going for realism)