heut um 7 uhr abends gibts nochn kleines turnier bei dii.net, sind noch 2 spots frei glaub ich .. eu nl.
wenn einer bock hat sagt mir bescheid bzw meldet euch dort am besten an =]
Euro NL pvp tournament rules and signup
Hi. Yes I blatantly stole parts of the thread title. Sue me.
Date and time: tuesday 18/9, 18.00 GMT
I need no less than 4 and no more than 7 participants. If more people show interest, or if you're busy this particular evening, fear not cause it might be a returning event (and if things work out well maybe even with prizes for the winner/most impressive player).
General information:
All participants will duel each other first to 3 (first to 5 would take too much time, so would >7 participants - I want things to run smooth, it's my first time

For each opponent you beat you will get 1 point. It does not matter if you win 3-0 or 3-2. In special cases points might be deducted or even added (see below). After all duels are finished the two participants with most points will duel first to 5 in a final to decide the winner. Equal score, if relevant when deciding who's going to final, will be solved by reduel first to 3.
One of the goals is to make participants improve by creating stress and forcing them to play more aggressive than usual. Therefore the duels will have a time limit (see below).
I assume that all people signing up agree to play (mostly) for fun, and are mature enough for me not having to deal with whining, abusing, badmouthing etc. other players/rules/whatever.
I also assume that you are mature enough to follow the rules and not cheat.
As the almighty judge I reserve myself the right to make any decisions I see fit. If you have problems with this do not sign up.
The most important thing is that everyone including me should have a good time. Overly defensive playing is not fun for anyone. Therefore I might deduct points if I see that someone is playing unjustifiably defensive. At the same time there is a chance that someone who plays extremely aggressive and does it well might get a bonus point. Yes I know some matchups require certain classes to be more defensive, therefore it's logical to encourage people to overcome that and turn the tables around.
Duels are time limited to 2 minutes. If the duel isn't finished after 2 minutes both will lose. If 5 duels in a row turn out like this I will decide who, if anyone, gets the point from the match.
No disappearing from minimap for more than 3-4 seconds. Breaking locks and making teleports in different directions are ok, after that you should immediately engage again.
Game rules:
NO prebuffing (bo/venom/antidotes/chant/viving/whatever). Equip correct gear, go out of town and fight. Don't cheat. Instead, be creative.
NO laming (everyone with some dueling experience know exactly what I'm talking about here, using amp/lifetap charges and overabsorbing is just two of many sad ways to ruin a duel).
In short, DO NOT negate your opponent in any way so that it becomes impossible or near-impossible for him to win. I decide what's fair and keep in mind that points might go if you push it.
Most importantly: try keeping the duels as fair and fun as possible. We are all mature people who should be able to handle this.
Practical information:
If you want to participate, post your account and character you want to use. About half an hour before the tour starts I will post a list of everyone participating, their characters and which order you will duel each other. This makes it possible for you to plan ahead on what gear and strategy to use in every match so it runs as smooth as possible in-game.
A few minutes (5-10) before start I will pm a gamename to all participants, expecting them to join in time. People who are >5 minutes late will be removed from the tournament and cause delays for everyone else so try being there in time. I will try to make the dueling schedule as varied as possible, to prevent boredom and hopefully give participants a pause between duels. If you have already signed up but for some reason cannot join, post here to let me know as soon as possible.
I'm sure I've forgotten a lot of things but lets see how well we can get this to work. Good luck and see you on tuesday.