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Die Kneipe - :WD

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kommas dienen zur aufzählung, aber ich kann dich in meiner "liste der superfreunde" gerne eineige stufen raufsetzen^^
hehe super :top:
bin schonwieder müde verdammt
und dann regnets auch noch ganzen tag...

karstens würstchen geht nie ein, das steht wie ne eins egal bei welchem wetter - drei wetter taft.
andy2k666 schrieb:
kommas dienen zur aufzählung, aber ich kann dich in meiner "liste der superfreunde" gerne eineige stufen raufsetzen^^
solange corugen vor mir steht, kann da was nicht stimmen :mad:
andy lutscht schon verdammt viel rum =\

wo ist corugen, mir ist langweilig, lange keine toten kinder mehr gesehen =/

Hab Blähungen vom essen -_-

Pic ist irgendwie unlustig
heut abend trinken + spieleabend
morgen 8.30h inner uni vortrag probehalten t.t
krasses spiel:

The Return of The Brown Bear:

Suggested players: 10+ if you want to survive.

Step 1: This is an outdoor game. First of all, you need to get out on a hike.
Night in the forest and tents would be appropriate,
but if that is impossible, the backyard of your house could probably do.

Step 2: Buy vodka and beer of your choosing. The quality of the beer is less important than quantity,
but the darker it's hue is, the better.

Step 3: Find some large vessel for liquid. A large tourist bowl is a good idea.

Step 4: The game begins with the bowl filled with beer.
Every participant has a cup which he drowns in the bowl to fill with beer. Participants act in turn. Important! : the amount of liquid in the bowl is always preserved!
It must be kept full at all times. For now, for every cup of liquid taken, the corresponding amount of vodka is added into the bowl.

Step 5: When the liquid in the bowl turns entirely transparent, it signifies the arrival of the white bear.
It's a really delighful event and must be celebrated in one way or another.
Since it's highly possible that someone has passed out by this moment, wake them up and celebrate!

Step 6: The brown bear must return. If you don't get what you have to do to get him back, you're not ready to play this game.
When the brown bear returns, the game ends and those who show at least one sign of being awake (speech, ability to move, eyes opened) are declared winners.
Delay the celebration for the next morning and go sleep.

Difficulty: 9/10
Fun factor: 5/10 but it really depends on how well people roleplay. If all the participants roleplay well and generally are nice to each other, it can go as high as 10/10.
Health risk: moderate to high.
mal den pseudofaschismus bei seite, hier kommt richtiger diskrimunierungsshit

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