!inbox - no aliases: This command cannot change, it is always !inbox regardless of the bot's trigger. This command is accessible only to people with unread mail.
.find - alias .whois: Displays the requested user's access to the bot.
.about - alias .ver: Displays the bot's version information.
.server - no aliases: Displays the server the bot is connected to.
.whoami : Returns the person who says it's access.
.designated - Displays the user that the bot last designated.
.flip - Flips a coin.
.findflag / .findattr <flag> : Lists all users with the specified flag.
.time - no aliases: Displays the current time and date on the computer.
?trigger - no aliases: Displays the bot's current trigger.
.dns - Runs a DNS lookup on the specified URL/hostname.
.pingme / .getping : Returns the ping of the person who used the command.
.say <message> - no aliases: Repeats the message following the command.
.shout <message> - Repeats the message following the command in all uppercase.
.ignore <username> - no aliases: Squelches the <username>.
.unignore <username> - no aliases: Unsquelches the <username>.
.addquote <quote> - no aliases: Adds the <quote> to the quotes.txt file.
.quote - no aliases: Displays a randomly selected quote from the quotes.txt file.
.away - no aliases: Turns /away mode on.
.back - no aliases: Turns /away mode off.
.ping <username>: Retrieves <username>'s current ping.
.uptime: Displays the computer's uptime and the time since the bot logged on.
.mp3: Displays the MP3 that Winamp [VERSION 2.9 AND BELOW] is playing.
.mail <username> <message>: Adds mail to the mail queue for <username>.
.vote <duration> : Begins a general vote lasting <duration> seconds.
.voteban <username> : Begins a 30-second voteban vote. If the vote passes, the user is banned.
.votekick <username> : Begins a 30-second votekick vote. If the vote passes, the user is kicked.
.tally : Displays the current results of the active vote.
.info <username> : Displays information available on the specified user: time in channel, product, ping, flags.
.scq : Silently clears the queue.
.expand <text> : Adds spaces in between each letter of a specified phrase.
.lastwhisper: Displays the username of the last person who messaged the bot.
.define <term> alias .def : Defines <term>.
.bancount : Returns the number of users banned since the bot joined the channel.
.allseen : Returns the names of the last 15 people the bot has seen.
.levelbans - With access 60+, this will display the current status of Warcraft III level-based banning.
.d2levelbans - With access 60+, this will display the current status of Diablo II level-based banning.
.tagcheck <expression> : Returns any tagbans that the specified expression matches.
ACCESS LEVEL 70 (now it's getting good!)
.safelist all by itself: Lists the users and tags in the safelist.
.mimic <username> : Repeats everything that the person says.
.nomimic : Turns Mimic off.
.check <username> : Checks the user monitor to see if <username> is online.
.online : Lists the users currently "ONLINE" on the User Monitor.
.cmdlist alias .listcmds : Lists the current custom commands and their required access levels.
.banned - Displays a list of users that have been banned.
.notify <username> : Uses the bot's User Monitor to watch for when a user has signed on
.denotify <username> : Deactivates notifications for a specific user.