Liebe Community,
etliche User hat es sprichwörtlich dahingerafft. Hunderte oder Tausende hier wurden gebannt, weil sie sich angeblich mit der modifizierten d2gfx.dll zum Mehrfachstarten unfaire Vorteile verschafft haben. Ob dies gerecht oder ungerecht war gehört hier nicht her!
Ich habe mir die Mühe gemacht und einen Text entworfen, der eine Grundlage für eine Art Petition für diese Community werden könnte. Ich hoffe wir finden gemeinsam einen Weg uns bei Blizzard Gehör zu verschaffen.
Ich bitte an dieser Stelle auch die Mods um ihre Unterstützung bei dieser Aktion, um das ganze im Namen der Community möglichst offiziell zu gestalten.
Bitte schickt diese Mail nicht sinnbefreit einach ab. Ich möchte, dass wir dies erst beratschlagen und gegebenenfalls koordiniert mit oder ohne PlanetDiablo-support durchziehen.
Dieser Thread soll also nur dazu dienen diese Aktion zu koordinieren und ggf. Mängel in Formulierung und Inhalt der Mail zu Tage fördern.
Hier also nun mein Vorschlag:
Dear Blizzard-Team,
I’m sending this email because I was affected by your aggressive stance against cheating, hacks and bots. My main battle.net accounts have been banned. However, I have to state that I am no hacker, cheater or botter.
The only thing I have to admit is using a modified d2gfx.dll, which enables me to start Diablo 2 several times simultaneously on one computer. Each version runs with original Classic- and original LoD CD-Key. I have used that modified d2gfx.dll for "muling" only, which means transferring items between two characters. This is hard in battle.net without any friend online or without a second computer around.
In my opinion the possibility of starting more than one Diablo version is a means of enhancing the quality of gameplay and therefore the player’s fun and joy of battle.net. It simply enables one to easily transfer items between two characters. I don’t think, that this is an unwanted intrusion into gameplay, as it is also possible in a 100% legal way by using two computers or with Windows just by simply creating several user accounts. Therefore it doesn't even provide any unfair advantages. It neither affects gameplay nor does it change the communication with battle.net in any way. Furthermore I would like to add that I have paid for all of my D2 versions and they all run on original CD Keys.
I would even suggest implementing this multi-start function into further patches.
I have played Diablo 2 LoD from the release on and I have never used any hacks or 3rd party programs. Therefore I totally support your aggressive stance against cheaters, hackers and botters. But I am none of those and I just don’t want to be compared with them. I feel being treated unfairly. I’m quite sure, that you can imagine my deep disappointment.
Is Blizzard able to detect which accounts were banned for using only this one modified file? Is there a possibility of recovering these specific accounts? This file was just a means of easy muleing. And I would feel very grateful if you were able to recover all accounts which were banned solely for using that file.
There is a huge German community on www.PlanetDiablo.eu, where nearly every user used that modified file. It is Europe's biggest D2 community and it is about to break now. This would really be a great loss for D2. Some fans were disappointed so hard, that they wouldn’t consider playing D3. This community is the most honourable and trusted D2 community I have found in 8 years now. Moderators ban people from the website for duping, using any kinds of hacks and scamming in trades. Even in single player mode! But even there the file was tolerated and in common use.
This community even supported Blizzard interests by conjuring up the so called "bot-hunting" trend. Users involved here also got banned. This results in another tragic loss of honourable D2 players.
There have been requests via email whether using this file is legal years before today.
Official Blizzard replies never strictly said "You will be banned for using that file". They always gave inaccurate answers like "We don´t know.... think not... your own risk"
Another argument is, that there has been a mass ban before. At a time, when blizzard already knew about that d2gfx.dll. And this former ban didn't affect those particular d2gfx.dll users. All these aspects made us think, that using this function is absolutely legal and does meet the EULA.
Please try to recover accounts, which were banned only for the reason of using this multi-start function. The possibility of muling securely and alone is inevitable for most people and has become a common and customary solution. I have spent years of legit playing on battle.net. Please don't punish the wrong !
Best regards, XXXX XXXX
hi leute, vielen dank für die vielen anregungen und das gute feedback. ich würde darum bitten, die genannten punkte zu diskutieren.
im moment geht es um folgende verbesserungsvorschläge:
etliche User hat es sprichwörtlich dahingerafft. Hunderte oder Tausende hier wurden gebannt, weil sie sich angeblich mit der modifizierten d2gfx.dll zum Mehrfachstarten unfaire Vorteile verschafft haben. Ob dies gerecht oder ungerecht war gehört hier nicht her!
Ich habe mir die Mühe gemacht und einen Text entworfen, der eine Grundlage für eine Art Petition für diese Community werden könnte. Ich hoffe wir finden gemeinsam einen Weg uns bei Blizzard Gehör zu verschaffen.
Ich bitte an dieser Stelle auch die Mods um ihre Unterstützung bei dieser Aktion, um das ganze im Namen der Community möglichst offiziell zu gestalten.
Bitte schickt diese Mail nicht sinnbefreit einach ab. Ich möchte, dass wir dies erst beratschlagen und gegebenenfalls koordiniert mit oder ohne PlanetDiablo-support durchziehen.
Dieser Thread soll also nur dazu dienen diese Aktion zu koordinieren und ggf. Mängel in Formulierung und Inhalt der Mail zu Tage fördern.
Hier also nun mein Vorschlag:
Dear Blizzard-Team,
I’m sending this email because I was affected by your aggressive stance against cheating, hacks and bots. My main battle.net accounts have been banned. However, I have to state that I am no hacker, cheater or botter.
The only thing I have to admit is using a modified d2gfx.dll, which enables me to start Diablo 2 several times simultaneously on one computer. Each version runs with original Classic- and original LoD CD-Key. I have used that modified d2gfx.dll for "muling" only, which means transferring items between two characters. This is hard in battle.net without any friend online or without a second computer around.
In my opinion the possibility of starting more than one Diablo version is a means of enhancing the quality of gameplay and therefore the player’s fun and joy of battle.net. It simply enables one to easily transfer items between two characters. I don’t think, that this is an unwanted intrusion into gameplay, as it is also possible in a 100% legal way by using two computers or with Windows just by simply creating several user accounts. Therefore it doesn't even provide any unfair advantages. It neither affects gameplay nor does it change the communication with battle.net in any way. Furthermore I would like to add that I have paid for all of my D2 versions and they all run on original CD Keys.
I would even suggest implementing this multi-start function into further patches.
I have played Diablo 2 LoD from the release on and I have never used any hacks or 3rd party programs. Therefore I totally support your aggressive stance against cheaters, hackers and botters. But I am none of those and I just don’t want to be compared with them. I feel being treated unfairly. I’m quite sure, that you can imagine my deep disappointment.
Is Blizzard able to detect which accounts were banned for using only this one modified file? Is there a possibility of recovering these specific accounts? This file was just a means of easy muleing. And I would feel very grateful if you were able to recover all accounts which were banned solely for using that file.
There is a huge German community on www.PlanetDiablo.eu, where nearly every user used that modified file. It is Europe's biggest D2 community and it is about to break now. This would really be a great loss for D2. Some fans were disappointed so hard, that they wouldn’t consider playing D3. This community is the most honourable and trusted D2 community I have found in 8 years now. Moderators ban people from the website for duping, using any kinds of hacks and scamming in trades. Even in single player mode! But even there the file was tolerated and in common use.
This community even supported Blizzard interests by conjuring up the so called "bot-hunting" trend. Users involved here also got banned. This results in another tragic loss of honourable D2 players.
There have been requests via email whether using this file is legal years before today.
Official Blizzard replies never strictly said "You will be banned for using that file". They always gave inaccurate answers like "We don´t know.... think not... your own risk"
Another argument is, that there has been a mass ban before. At a time, when blizzard already knew about that d2gfx.dll. And this former ban didn't affect those particular d2gfx.dll users. All these aspects made us think, that using this function is absolutely legal and does meet the EULA.
Please try to recover accounts, which were banned only for the reason of using this multi-start function. The possibility of muling securely and alone is inevitable for most people and has become a common and customary solution. I have spent years of legit playing on battle.net. Please don't punish the wrong !
Best regards, XXXX XXXX
hi leute, vielen dank für die vielen anregungen und das gute feedback. ich würde darum bitten, die genannten punkte zu diskutieren.
im moment geht es um folgende verbesserungsvorschläge:
- 1. mail verkürzen --> dann bitte konkrete vorschläge, was genau raus soll
- 2. gesichtspunkt 3rd party tool --> ursprünglich ist die dll ja von blizz. es wurden nur ein paar bit verändert
- 3. prozentsatz der india-user, die die mod. dll genutzt haben --> bessere formulierung= "a lot of"?
- 4. vergleich mit anderen möglichkeiten das spiel mehrfach zu starten --> forderung entweder alle oder keiner
- 5. unterschied zu "richtigen" cheats verdeutlichen --> evt. noch mehr darauf eingehen, dass die .dll nicht diret ins spielgeschehen eingreift
- 6. "drohung" rausnehmen --> der abschnitt über die enttäuschten fans, die keine blizzard games mehr kaufen