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Median 2008 - Median, but better


Brother Laz schrieb:
Actually, try the above and tell me if it's still underpowered. The amazon was never meant to be able to bulldoze through the game using 1 skill. ;)

I never said Amazones were underpowered, you just stripped her at the wrong end. It cannot be that I put ONE point into Lightswarm doing in the end MORE damage then with maxed Barrage. I dont know if its a bug but crushing blow seems to be having the effect like on melee attacks instead of ranged with lightswarm.

Yeah. Um. I can't read minds. Nobody told me their Lightswarm damage so far.

Amazones just went to have insane damage because of the magical damage conversion. I did some cows with mine and no other char beside my Stormcrow Assa (which is *totally* overpowered btw^^) cleared that level so fast.

The magic damage component won't affect your actual damage much unless you have it at a very high level; the difference is more likely to be due to Nova Shot's multiple hits and Mark of the Wild (+ Killer Instinct/Leader of the Pack).

Well I maxed Novashot so far its like 44% which is really a big pile of magical damage. Im not using Killer Instinct / Leader of the pack because I thought it would be totally overpowered. I wanted a more fun char and I choose Eathfather instead which I like a lot.

I've always known Nova Shot is overpowered, but nobody plays an archer druid, so nerfing it would be counterproductive.

I do and its the most fun char I ever played. :) Ah, please change color of Thunderbear its totally ugly. :flopp:

Try casting a Legion, then using something else than Barrage if the monsters aren't approaching from all sides. Personally, I believe Ricochet is very much underrated, and Scatter Shot is quite nice nowadays due to the 'Lightning Fury effect' on large packs.

Well I mostly play cows at the moment and theres no other usefull skill beside Barrage at all. I use Deathcore very often too, but if you place to much of em you´ll have some nasty lags.

20% damage conversion would only increase your real damage by 10%. ;)

10% more damage are still 10% and it would help a lil bit vs physical immunes. I maxed Magic Missile but I dont like that skill at all, it just does far too low damage compared to its mana consume.
Stormcrow Assa macht pyhsischen + ne menge Elem Schaden und mit gescheitem Equip auch bei den Überquests sehr mächtig. Ist allerdings TOTAL overpowered, solltest Du ne Herausforderung suchen definitiv der falsche Char.

This is another character that used to be ignored until a relatively small boost (Way of the Gryphon) was provided, then it drew people's attention...


kannst du eben für meine ama meppel killen?die schafft das nicht alleine

Do it yourself... if you can't handle Mephisto on Hatred difficulty, forget Destruction difficulty and any of the uberquests, attribute challenges, the Hard Mode Charm, etc. It's good practice (and shows why you should pay attention to defense rating...).



3. When adding 1.47 the damage was poison... and it is increased by the poison druid pets aura
I think you simply have included the wrong skills.txt in 1.46? could that be?

Doubt it, considering I changed about a million things after Snake Stance.

I'am such fast, I could win the formel1 just by walking^^ I think the speed is a bit too much, the half would be enough^^

*is tempted to make a M_Schumacher character, using Wolf Stance + Berserk Fury + Celerity charges*


I never said Amazones were underpowered, you just stripped her at the wrong end. It cannot be that I put ONE point into Lightswarm doing in the end MORE damage then with maxed Barrage. I dont know if its a bug but crushing blow seems to be having the effect like on melee attacks instead of ranged with lightswarm.

The problem is Lightswarm, which nobody seemed to use before this patch. It's always been Enfilade and more Enfilade.

Barrage is now fine compared to every other melee and bow skill in the game. The problem wasn't Barrage, by the way, but people with 100K Ghost Arrow damage.

Amazones just went to have insane damage because of the magical damage conversion. I did some cows with mine and no other char beside my Stormcrow Assa (which is *totally* overpowered btw^^) cleared that level so fast.

The conversion should be at most ~30% extra damage; what you're seeing is Lightswarm with crushing blow, which beats the hell out of any other physical attack besides focus fire from Legion in certain directions and point blank Nova Shot.

Well I maxed Novashot so far its like 44% which is really a big pile of magical damage. Im not using Killer Instinct / Leader of the pack because I thought it would be totally overpowered. I wanted a more fun char and I choose Eathfather instead which I like a lot.

Fun fact: nobody used Killer Instinct, Leader of the Pack or bow druids in the past. I make a few small tweaks and suddenly everybody checks them out and realises how overpowered they really are... ;)

I do and its the most fun char I ever played. Ah, please change color of Thunderbear its totally ugly.


Well I mostly play cows at the moment and theres no other usefull skill beside Barrage at all. I use Deathcore very often too, but if you place to much of em you´ll have some nasty lags.

No useful skills? Get Legion, cast it a few times until you know how it works, and own. Or try Scatter Shot, which used to be worthless but is quite strong now.

Also, the fix to 'Deathcore causes lag' is not 'make Barrage better' but 'reduce Deathcore lag'. ;)

10% more damage are still 10% and it would help a lil bit vs physical immunes. I maxed Magic Missile but I dont like that skill at all, it just does far too low damage compared to its mana consume.

Use it against a single target, then all 20 of the bolts turn and whack the same target. Not so bad anymore, eh? ;)
Brother Laz schrieb:
This is another character that used to be ignored until a relatively small boost (Way of the Gryphon) was provided, then it drew people's attention...

I played her before Way of the Gryphon and she was overpowered before. :-)

The problem is Lightswarm, which nobody seemed to use before this patch. It's always been Enfilade and more Enfilade.

I made a pure Java in the past and I rarely used Enfilade. Even before the magic damage boost I found my Java much stronger then my bowzones. I focused on as much crushing blow + deadly strike I could have and she rushed through destruction like no char of mine before.

Barrage is now fine compared to every other melee and bow skill in the game. The problem wasn't Barrage, by the way, but people with 100K Ghost Arrow damage.

Okay, 100k Ghost Arrow is a lot, just remove the pierce effect. Let it still go through walls, but remove pierce and it will still be usefull but not as mighty as before. Ghostarrow is NO mainskill, I used it sometimes but not very often and mostly vs single targets. Btw I´ve been far away from 100k @ Ghostarrow.
Especially with slow crossbows Ghostarrow isnt that mighty at all.

Fun fact: nobody used Killer Instinct, Leader of the Pack or bow druids in the past. I make a few small tweaks and suddenly everybody checks them out and realises how overpowered they really are... ;)

I dont like summoner or caster druids at all so I had no choice beside the Archer. :) I find it a bit strange that an Druid with a bow does all in all more damage then a Amazone, please fix. :-)

Thunderbear is really ugly. :-)

No useful skills? Get Legion, cast it a few times until you know how it works, and own. Or try Scatter Shot, which used to be worthless but is quite strong now.

I´m using Legion @bosses all the time but not vs normal mobs, dont like skills with timer. :-) Cant use scatter btw because I never put a point into it and now I´m outta points and with the damage nerf I wont play a new Bow-Amazone, why should I when my Druid does more Damage anyways and has a tank beside the merc for free. :-)

Btw: Is there any reason Leader of the sun + Amazone uberskills are so much weaker compared to other classes?

Use it against a single target, then all 20 of the bolts turn and whack the same target. Not so bad anymore, eh?

I´m only using Magic Missile vs physical immun bossmobs so all missiles hit the same target but still its low damage compared to the mana consume especially with manaburn bosses who got even high magic resistance most of the time. :-)

Putting few points into Lightswarm for magic damage is far more effective so magic missile became something like useless for me.
I dont like summoner or caster druids at all so I had no choice beside the Archer. :) I find it a bit strange that an Druid with a bow does all in all more damage then a Amazone, please fix. :-)

Dont fix, after my Melee-Nec I will try the Ranger-Ranger Druid :D

Borther Laz mal eine Frage NUR an dich...

Ist so ein Melee-Tower-Nec überhaupt möglich ?
Und dann, was für Skills sollte ich nehmen, und welche Waffe ?

mfg Kon
oTToToTenTanz schrieb:
Dont fix, after my Melee-Nec I will try the Ranger-Ranger

Also wenn schon dann sollten alle Skills gefixed werden, es kann nicht sein das manche massiv vom Damage reduziert werden und machen nicht, bloss weil die Skills keiner nutzt.
Some things that would be nice in 148 or 149...

The Summoner Nec is to strong, but in the uberquests he can't do that much. How about a few Melee attacks? There are to less builds for a necromancer, and the people who loves that char have only two possibilitys to play him.
The Sorc: The fire star is too weak. Could you higher the damage of it? The skill looks fine but the damage wouldnt reach for destruction or the uberquests.
Sorry for my bad english.

@ ptreborn
haste auch die syn zu fire-star geskillt?
meiner macht derzeit 7-20k dmg, das reicht für Cows auf Destruction mit /players 2 ist also wie ich finde genug, kommt zwar nicht an Stormtouch (22-38k) ran braucht aber weniger mana und trifft zuverlässiger.
wie sieht denn ne gut geskillte sorc aus? was muss ich da skillen, und wie funktioniert der skill bei dem ich mana bekomme.. kapier das ganze nich so :angel:
@ ptreborn
1 punkt drauf reicht wenn du den skill hauptsächlich zum Mana-holen benutzen willst.

maxen macht Sinn wenn du ordentlich +% mana equipment hast dann nützt auch der dmg was. wobei ich nich sicher bin obs da nich auch ab 80k dmg n Überlauf-Bug gibt.

Auch der Spell-timer geht weiter runter (weiss leider nicht wie weit, bei mir isser derzeit bei 4,5 Sekunden, durch maxen gehts vielleicht noch auf 3,5 Sekunden runter.

ich habs derzeit mit items auf lvl 18 = 0,2-0,4 *18*7,5k mana ~30-60k dmg, wegen globale physischer Resistenz kommen davon so 15-30k an den Monstern an.
und wenn ich das mit Stormtouch lvl 34 mit maxed syn Vergleiche (23-38k dmg) ist das eigentlich ziemlich wenig.
mit +100% mana und maxed mana-sweep ist der Schaden allerdings 4-mal höher(vorrausgesetzt es gibt keinen dmg-overflow)

-> maxen wenn du das passende equipment hast ansonsten ist der dmg vernachlässigbar im Vergleich zu anderen Skills wegen dem Spelltimer.
@ Mais
Mage Armor maxen

Angriffskills aus mindestens zwei Elementen maxen + Synergien falls vorhanden
oder Firestar+ Meteor-Shower(syn)
Vortex(schwer zielbar, aber high-dmg)
Lightning cascade (zum Spammen, mittlerer Schaden)
Flash(high-dmg aber kurzer radius, vielleicht für Melee-sorc)
lightning Wall (nur gegen stationäre Ziele)
Supernova (mässiger dmg, riesiger Manaverbrauch, amcht nur in Kombination mit Manasweep Sinn)
Stormtouch(imho der stärkste, aber auch schwer zielbar manchmal)+ Syn Pagan Heart.

mana-sweep füllt mana schnell auf und macht zumindest in Normal auch guten Schaden.

Attr-Challenge Spells
meine Meinung: die Ice-Elementals bringens nicht, hätte lieber Slow nehmen sollen
der dritte Skill ist nur für Melee-Sosos was und Arcane Fury bringt kaum Verbesserung sobald man etwas fast-Cast Equipment hat
okay, ich dneke, dass ich mich für feuer/kälte entscheide. welche skills würdest du mir da empfehlen?
frozencrown + cataclysm?
@ Mais
beide Skills haben keine Synergie also werden dir noch einige Skills übrig bleiben
bei Frozencrown wird der gegner den du anvisierst nicht geschädigt, sondern nur die Gegener aussenrum, bei einzelnen Gegnern musst du also immer ne Wand in der Nähe haben gegen die du auch schiessen kannst oder brauchst einen zweiten Coldskill was ich dir empfehlen würde, also entweder doom Serpents oder Frozen Soul auch noch maxen.

Ansonsten denke ich, dass im aktuellen Patch Lightning etwas stärker ist als Cold, Cold ist höchstens etwas sicherer.
ja grad gemerkt dass lightning cascade ziemlich reinhaut. auf höherem level hoffentlich auch