Beau Yarbrough verlässt Blizzard

Der beliebte Organisator des Blizzard-Fansite Programms hat soeben angekündigt, daß er Blizzard verlassen will um sich neuen Aufgaben zu widmen. Er schreibt u.a.:

This is going to be the last e-mail you receive from me as part of the Blizzard fansite program. The program“s not going anywhere: I am. It“s been a little under a year and a half since I took over the fansite program, and without question, administering it has been one of the greatest perks of my job here at Blizzard Entertainment. […] As for me, I“ll be going back to being a regular reader of Blizzard fansites. That“s the one thing I never told you guys: I found my Public Relations Coordinator job at Blizzard when the opening was mentioned on one of the fansites (still) in the program. Trust me when I say I“ll keep on reading, and knowing that I can expect great things from you all.

Wir wünschen Beau viel Glück und Erfolg bei seinen neuen Tätigkeiten als freier Journalist und bedanken uns für die hervorragende Zusammenarbeit mit ihm in den letzten Monaten.