„LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq:MSFT – news) faces a proposed class-action lawsuit in California based on the claim that its market-dominant software is vulnerable to viruses capable of triggering „massive, cascading failures“ in global computer networks.
The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday in Los Angeles Superior Court, also claims that Microsoft“s security warnings are too complex to be understood by the general public and serve instead to tip off „fast-moving“ hackers on how to exploit flaws in its operating system. …“
Weiter bemängelt die Anklage, dass die Sicherheitshinweise und Warnungen, die Microsoft raus gibt, zu komplex sind um vom Durchschnittsanwender verstanden zu werden. Im Gegenzug sogar dazu führen, dass Hacker die Lücken erst recht aufspüren können.
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