Update im Fall Blizzard gegen Bnetd

Sicher erinnert ihr euch noch an die Klage Blizzards gegen Bnetd, einem Programm welches die Battle.net Umgebung emuliert. Inzwischen gab es wieder ein Update. Die jüngste Einreichung seitens der Angeklagten (Bnetd) will mehere der Anklagepunkte Blizzards widerlegt haben. Wer mehr darüber lesen will, findet hier die Meldung von Planetdiablo.

Boing Boing reported on the current status of the Blizzard versus bnetd project legal battle. The latest filing is a defendant“s brief challenging several of Blizzard“s arguments against the freely distributed software. Thanks to Slashdot.

Bnetd is one of a few projects to create software to emulate the free Battle.net multi-player gaming service Blizzard is so well known for. Blizzard has used the United States“ highly criticized Digital Millennium Copyright Act to shut down these projects, but the bnetd project has challenged this action with the help of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organization renowned for its pro-bono support of freedom on the Internet.