A number of additional accounts and CD keys have been tied to the use of a hack or cheat program while playing StarCraft or Warcraft III on Battle.net. In keeping with our aggressive stance against cheating, we have permanently closed 291,000 StarCraft accounts and 16,000 Warcraft III accounts. 6,000 of the Warcraft III CD keys used with the now-closed accounts have been banned from ladder play for one month, and 1,500 more have been banned from ladder play permanently. Repeat offenders risk having their CD keys disabled, which will result in the permanent removal of their copies of StarCraft or Warcraft III from Battle.net.
We will continue to monitor Battle.net for cheating and take action as needed. A false report filed by one player against another will not result in the actions described above.As always, thank you for your continued support; with your help we have been able to keep Battle.net a fun and safe place to play Blizzard games.
Blizzard warnt alle Wiederholungstäter, sie riskieren, dass ihr CD key für immer gesperrt wird und sie somit nicht mehr mit den jeweiligen Versionen von StarCraft, Warcraft III oder Diablo II im Battle.net spielen können. Blizzard bedankt sich bei allen für die Unterstüzung, das Battle.net wird weiterhin scharf überwacht werden und die nötigen Massnahmen ergriffen, falls es notwendig ist, damit man dort fair spielen kann.