Blizzard Entertainment sucht neue Mitarbeiter

Und wieder einmal sucht Blizzard Entertainment nach neuen motivierten Mitarbeitern, die bereit sind nach Frankreich in die Nähe von Paris zu ziehen um von dort aus das Online Team von World of Warcraft tatkräftig als Game Master (GM), oder als Community Representive zu unterstützen.

Die Aufgaben eines Game Master (GM) findet Ihr unter diesem Link und die Aufgaben eines Community Representive sind hier zu finden. Besonders interessant dabei ist sicherlich, dass auch Stellen für den deutschsprachen Raum frei sind, sprich es werden noch deutsche Game Masters und Community Representives gesucht.

Für all´ diejenigen unter Euch, die noch Fragen haben, hat Garry eine FAQ zusammen gestellt, die Ihr über den unten stehenden Link nachlesen könnt. Falls Ihr Euch bewerben wollt, wünschen wir Euch natürlich viel Erfolg.

» Game Master und Community Representative FAQ

Q: How difficult is it to move from your home country to France?
A: Living so far away from home is challenging at first but the team holds together very well and thus you find friends pretty fast. Furthermore, Blizzard helps its Game Masters in the relocation process.

Q: Blizzard is providing 24/7 support. How is it like to work in shifts?
A: There are three different shifts and there is a limit on how long Game Masters are in the nightshift so it’s no big deal.

Q: What is it like to work in a multinational team?
A: As a Blizzard employee, you get the opportunity to interact with people from many different nationalities and with different cultural backgrounds. Switching between languages while talking and maybe learning French can be a rewarding task. You can even dust off some languages you learned in school and never thought you would ever put to use. Please keep in mind that you will not be the only German in the office, many German speaking people work here already.

Q: What is the most important thing one must have to be the perfect candidate?
A: You should have great Teamplay Thinking! And you should not have a problem with working more then the “normal” 8 hours a day. You have also be willing to move to France.

Q: Does previous MMORPG experience grant any benefits?
A: For obvious reasons it is a big advantage to having played at least some MMORPGS before. It will give you personal insight to the most common issues that might occur and thus help understanding your customers to a higher degree.

Game Master

Q: What does a Game Master actually do most of the time?
A: Game Masters have various roles to fulfil. Mostly, a Game Master will offer ingame support and thus have direct contact with the player base and social interaction with the players. They also monitor the boards and keep an eye on the community.

Q: What is the main motivation for people to apply for the position of a Game Master?
A: The chance to become a part of the World of Warcraft and to help people in the game.

Q: What benefits does a position as a Game Master at Blizzard grant?
A: It is a unique experience to have the chance to work with an international team of Game Masters and to gain insight into the gaming industry.

Q: Does the Game Master job offer the opportunity to gain a foothold in the gaming industry?
A: For a passionate player, the job of a Game Master might be the perfect choice in many ways. It allows people to take an inside look at the gaming industry, work with a young and highly motivated team and be directly involved with an awesome game!

Q: What would be one of the most satisfying moments that a Game Master might experience?
A: This really varies and can be different from person to person. For some, it can be something very basic like the sincere thanks of a player whose problem has been solved or… spawning Dreadlords in the midst of players on Judgement Day! J

Q: What is necessary to apply for the job?
A: Just playing the game is not enough. You need abilities like teamwork, a quick grasp, excellent written and verbal skills and a high degree of motivation.

Community Representative

Q: Why should I apply as a Community Representative?
A: If you always wanted to work for Blizzard Entertainment now it is your time! If you have excellent verbal and written skills and if you can deal with communities you are the right one. You know how big the Blizzard Community is so your job is not an easy one.

Q: Do I need experience in the gaming industry, e.g. as a Community Manager?
A: You do not necessarily experience in the gaming industry but it would be a big advantage. Especially the Blizzard community is one of the best and fastest growing Communities worldwide. For that reason you should be able to understand people and what their feelings are. And this needs time…

Q: Do I need journalistic skills?
A: Yes. Very good written and verbal skills are required. You worked as a journalist before? Very good.

Q: What are my main tasks as a Community Representative?
A: As a Community Representative you are the voice of Blizzard within your community. Great commitment and creditability are very important. That being said, you are responsible to represent Blizzard Entertainment in a positive way. Collecting information, giving information and helping the community are your main tasks. You will are work at shows and you will write website news. In addition to that you have to watch what the community is asking for, and you will coordinate with the US Community Team.