Soeben hat Blizzard eine – im Vergleich zu den Patchnotes – eher kurze Liste der bekannten Fehler in Diablo 3 Patch 2.01 veröffentlicht. Dabei handelt es sich nicht um eine vollständige Liste aller bekannten Probleme, sondern nur um die schwersten bzw. wichtigsten. Diese Fehler müsst ihr also nicht mehr melden, wenn ihr ihnen im Spiel begegnen solltet.
- Played time is being improperly truncated one the player profiles page, causing the total time played on some heroes to appear to be inaccurate. The total time is still properly saved and no data was lost, but due to this display issue you will only see hours played rather than days and hours.
- Entering a multiplayer game at the same time that the leader of the party is leaving the game can cause players to become stuck at the home screen with an unresponsive Game Settings menu
Auction House
- Some of the item affixes that are new to 2.0.1 do not appear in the preferred stats drop-down menus in the Auction House interface
- The bonus experience granted by Pools of Reflection is removed if you die while brawling
- The Images summoned by a Wizard’s Mirror Image skill will lose their metallic appearance when transitioning through a portal or waypoint
- Items that roll with the highest rank of the Arcane Power On Crit affix are not currently able to be equipped
- Some level 60 crafting plans require level 61+ crafting reagents
- There is still an experience bar in the follower UI
- The Siegebreaker Assault Beast may occasionally use his other special abilities and attacks during his grab attack animation
- The Blood Star attack used by Succubi variant monsters will apply its debuff even if it is dodged or blocked
- Demonic Tremor variant monsters are properly using their special shield wall ability when reduced to low health
- The Risen outside of New Tristram do not grant experience
- The portal leading from the second Hell Rift to the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier does not currently function
Im Vergleich zum Umfang der Patchnotes sieht diese Liste nicht sonderlich beeindruckend aus, aber es bleibt abzuwarten, welche Fehler die Spieler finden werden, sobald die Server wieder verfügbar sind.