Soeben ist die elfte Episode von Blizzards hauseigenem Podcast Blizzcast erschienen. In dieser unregelmäßig erscheinenden Reihe sprechen Blizzard-Mitarbeiter meistens über die Ankündigungen der letzten Zeit und verraten manchmal auch interessante Neuigkeiten. Diesmal ging es um die vergangene Blizzcon. Die vier Community-Manager Karune (Starcraft 2), Nethaera (World of Warcraft), Rob Simpson (eSports) und natürlich auch Bashiok (Diablo 3) sprechen darüber, wie sie die Blizzcon erlebten und erzählen einige witzige Anekdoten.
Bashiok spricht auch die für Diablo-Fans warscheinlich größte Ankündigung des Jahres an: den Mönch.
Bashiok: We announced the Monk, as you said, it is our fourth playable class. We still have one class we haven’t announced yet. The Monk is sort of this “East-meets-West”, he’s got a lot of kung-fu moves but he also looks very Western. He has this big, red, bushy beard and a shaved head. He’s primarily a hand-to-hand fighter, he does use weapons but a lot of his weapons, it does look like he is using hand-to-hand combat. He’s kind of weak as far as his armor and health goes, but he gets in there fast, kicks the crap out of dudes, and gets out of there.
The reaction from the fans was overwhelming. We had stations where people could fill out feedback on the demos while they were playing them and the Monk was overwhelmingly the favorite at the show, which was just announced, so it wasn’t too surprising, but it is still a very fun class to play.
Leider wird diesmal nichts neues verraten, aber die Berichte über die BlizzCon im neuen Blizzcast sind dennoch sehr lesens- bzw. hörenswert.