Neue Channels

Auch die B-net Chatchannels werden auf 1.10 vorbereitet.

We changed the channels around. We kept only 1, and removed the rest. Then we added a ton. I hope you like them.=]
Besides the common public ones there“s…

  • LOD Trading USWest
  • LOD Ladder USWest
  • Lod Ladder Trading USWest
  • Lod Hardcore USWest
  • Lod Hardcore Trading USWest
  • Lod PvP USWest

7 class channels (for talking about classes, playing, hanging out)
7 new class trading channels (AWESOME)

This list separates people so they aren“t all crammed between the two games. We removed some useless channels. And the Cow Level is anti-cheesed in 1.10 so the Cow channels aren“t needed.
This list is live for me @home so it should be live for you now or soon when every server updates.

Neben neuen Tradechannels, auch speziell für Laddercharaktere, gibt es neue klassenspezifische Channels und keinen Cowchannel mehr.
Vielen Dank an Den Hinweis gehen an Krassios und Adrian. 🙂