From the stronghold of the Arreat Summit, the last hero arises to take his place among the legends of Sanctuary. Congratulations to Patriarch Lanbar as he is the very first registered Diablo II character to reach level 99 on the Asia 1 Realm. For becoming the very first character to reach Level 99 on the Realm, his alter ego will receive the prizes listed here, in our „When Worlds Collide“ contest.
We“d like to thank all the players that participated in the contest and congratulate all the players that won: Tifas-Revenge from US West, ETFonTop-Leader from Europe, TF-TeamworkAtom from Asia 3, Blonds-Revenge from US East, Aroa-Noa from Asia 2 and finally Lanbar from Asia 1. Congratulations again and be sure to look for your prize packs shortly after World of Warcraft ships to stores!
Wir gratulieren den Gewinnern und wünschen viel Spaß mit den Preisen, auch möchten wir denen gratulieren, welche das Level99 erreicht haben und keinen Preis bekommen haben, denn auch ohne dafür einen Preis zu bekommen, ist das Erreichen von Level99 eine große Leistung.