Site Updates
*Your unnamed Arreat Summit commander has made some minor changes to the front news page. Because it was getting old!
*Elite Unique Armor (added str to Tyrael“s Might)
*Exceptional Unique Axes (updated Coldkill stats)
*Unique Rings (updated Nature“s Peace stats)
*Barbarian Skills: Concentrate (updated synergies)
*Items: Elite Unique Daggers (added weapon speed to Ghostflame)
*Sorceress Cold Skills: Cold Mastery (updated info)
*Barbarian Skills: Berserk (added synergies)
*F.A.Q.: Items (fixed removing gems answer)
*Items: Basics (bottom list)
*Basics: Character Types (added new question at the bottom)
Solltet Ihr noch mehr Updates finden, oder Anhaltspunkt, die auf einen baldigen Patch schließen lassen, so lasst es uns wissen. Vielen Dank für Hinweis an Nobbie.
*Update:*Das Arreat Summit hat erneut ein Update erfahren. Diesmal sind es die seit langem geforderten Informationen zum Kickschaden der Assassin:
New Info
*Assassin (kick damage formula)
*Items: Elite Boots (added Assassin kick damage)
*Items: Exceptional Boots (added Assassin kick damage)
*Items: Normal Boots (added Assassin kick damage)