Zukünftige Patches werden vorher nicht angekündigt!

Bashiok äußerte sich auf die Frage, warum man den Patch so früh angekündigt habe, wenn man dann doch ewig darauf warten muss. Schließlich habe dieses Vorgehen das Spielen im Battle.net massiv beeinflusst, da nun ein großer Teil der Nutzer einfach nurnoch auf den Patch wartet. Bashiok antwortet einem aufgebrachten Fan, der dieses Vorgehen kritisierte. Er ist dabei auch der Meinung, dass die verfrühte Ankündigung falsch war und sagt, dass man in Zukunft nichts von einem Patch hören wird, bis der Test Realm bereit ist.


That is fine and all, and we will have to wait as long as we have to wait, but the way this was done was simply not right. We got notification that we would have a patch „as early as April 1,“ which didn’t happen. Months later, we had an update that it would be „soon.“ Months later, we heard about some stash issue. Now, after a huge silence, it appears that we are going to have another indefinite delay.

It’s been a trying release and I’m right there with you, but I think you’re skewing the facts. Here is the timeline as I have it recorded:
March 3rd
Posts made throughout forums requesting from players their most desired patch change (http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=15443288961)

April 17th

Notification posted that ladder could reset as early as the end of April.

Updates on status or information on the delays posted May 1st, May 12th, June 10th, June 30th, July 20th, August 5th, September 1st, September 2nd, September 30th, October 14th.


I try to stay cool with your methods, but you created the expectations, and we changed our play based on it. Now we get to drink a steaming hot cup of STFU, and like it. I think it is time somebody on your side made a few waves and get this game back on the radar. I know you have priorities, and you have strategies, but you can see how much anger and frustration is building here. And this is only a few dudes compared to everyone who doesn’t keep up with the forum.

You’re absolutely right, we created the expectation, and it bit us in the ass. Now all we can do is keep our mouths shut so we don’t increase the expectation, give info that matters, and hope we are able to focus on the patch and get it out there.
Be assured that for any future patches you won’t even know they exist until they’re on the PTR.

Vielleicht hätte man dieses Vorgehen schon früher bedenken sollen. Schließlich hat man mit Patch 1.10 schon einmal die Erfahrung gemacht, wie es ist, wenn ein Patch frühzeitig angekündigt wird und dann lange nichts kommt. Bei 1.13 scheint sich dieser Fehler zu wiederholen. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass Blizzard seine Ankündigung wahr macht und die Community nicht frühzeitig in Aufruhr versetzt um dann keine Taten folgen zu lassen.