Diablo 3 – Achievement-Fixes beim Login


Bei dem ein oder anderen Spieler tut sich bei der Jagd nach Achievements Frust auf, da manche Achievements verbugged sind, Achievement-Fixes sollen jetzt aber Abhilfe schaffen.
Zumindest bei einem Teil davon soll jetzt ein Fix Abhilfe schaffen. Dabei geht es hauptsächlich um Achievements, bei denen eine Reihe von Voraussetzungen gegeben sein muss. So z.B. dass man alle Gebiete in einer Gegend bewandert hat oder von jeder Gegnerart einen Gegner vermöbelt hat oder ähnliches.

Um in den Genuss des Fixes zu kommen muss man sich nur normal einloggen. Ggf. kann es vorkommen, dass man die verdienten Achievements nicht gleich beim ersten Login erhält. In dem Fall nicht gleich ins Forum und losjammern, sondern einfach etwas gedulden, ob es vielleicht bei einem der nächsten Logins funktioniert.

Hier noch das Originalzitat von Tsarnis:

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to pop in here and let you all know that we deployed an update to our back end services today that we believe should “heal” a fair amount of the issues that some of you in this thread have been reporting with achievements that have become stuck or “broken” since the game was released.

Without going too deep into the technical details, basically what we did was implement a system that looks at your account upon login to try and identify any achievements for which you have fulfilled all the criteria, but have not been awarded the actual achievement. If the system identifies a broken achievement, the server will attempt to immediately “heal” your broken achievement and grant it to you. I say “try” because each server will only attempt to run a certain number of instances of this healing operation at one time. What this means is it may take several logins to heal any achievements that are broken on your account in this way. This is expected behavior, and just because you haven’t seen any changes to your achievements just yet, doesn’t mean that the fix did not work for you at all.

I know that many of you have been waiting for this for a long time, but it is somewhat likely that this fix may not resolve every single achievement issue that every player has. This particular fix is specifically targeted at achievements with tracked criteria (basically this means requirements that were tracked with checkboxes). Also as I said above, this fix may not take effect for everyone immediately. What this means is that we are going to need to let the dust settle over the next few days to see what other types of issues remain.

So, where do we go from here? At this point, we encourage you to simply play as you normally would for the next several days and see what happens with your achievements. If you are still experiencing erroneous behavior or are missing a particular achievement that you believe is broken, we encourage you to reply to this thread and let us know about it. Include detailed information if you can such as the full achievement name, when you earned it, and what the exact problem with it is with as thorough a description as possible. Steps are good too, if you have them!

I’ll be watching this thread very closely, and will likely be popping in here again in the days and weeks to come. Thank you all again for your patience and all of your reports about this.

Danke an @Bukama für den Hinweis zum Bluepost im Forum!

Als Betroffener werde ich, sobald die Server wieder online sind, gleich mal testen, ob mir die 4 Achievements gutgeschrieben werden, auf die ich bereits seit vielen Monaten warte.
Gibt es noch mehr betroffene? Oder jemanden, der aufgrund der Bugs die Jagd nach Achievements aufgegeben hat?